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259 lines
8.2 KiB
259 lines
8.2 KiB
package main
import (
consul ""
opentracing2 ""
common ""
// 获取远程服务的客户端
func main() {
const (
//DTM 服务地址
DtmServer = ""
QSBusi = "" //注意
//var CartId int32 = 1
//var Number int32 = 1
resp := &proto.AddTradeOrderResp{}
router := gin.Default()
consulReg := consul.NewRegistry(func(options *registry.Options) {
options.Addrs = []string{""}
t, io, err := common.NewTracer("shop-cart-client", "")
if err != nil {
defer io.Close()
hystrixStreamHandler := hystrix.NewStreamHandler()
go func() {
err := http.ListenAndServe(net.JoinHostPort("", "9097"), hystrixStreamHandler)
if err != nil {
rpcServer := micro.NewService(
micro.Registry(consulReg), //服务发现
//AddCartClient := proto.NewAddCartService("shop-cart", rpcServer.Client())
//UpdateCartClient := proto.NewUpdateCartService("shop-cart", rpcServer.Client())
//ShowProductDetailClient := proto.NewShowProductDetailService("shop-product", rpcServer.Client())
//ShowDetailSkuClient := proto.NewShowDetailSkuService("shop-product", rpcServer.Client())
//GetUserTokenClient := proto.NewGetUserTokenService("shop-user", rpcServer.Client())
//UpdateSkuClient := proto.NewUpdateSkuService("shop-product", rpcServer.Client())
AddTraderClient := proto.NewAddTradeOrderService("trade-order", rpcServer.Client())
//UpdateTraderClient := proto.NewUpdateTradeOrderService("trade-order", rpcServer.Client())
//开始拆分 DTM服务
//router.POST("/updateSku", func(c *gin.Context) {
// req := &proto.UpdateSkuReq{}
// if err := c.BindJSON(req); err != nil {
// log.Fatalln(err)
// }
// _, err := UpdateSkuClient.UpdateSku(context.TODO(), req)
// if err != nil {
// log.Println("/updateSku err ", err)
// c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"dtm_reslut": "FAILURE", "Message": "修改库存失败!"})
// return
// }
// c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"updateSku": "SUCCESS", "Message": "修改库存成功!"})
//router.POST("/updateSku-compensate", func(c *gin.Context) {
// req := &proto.UpdateSkuReq{}
// if err := c.BindJSON(req); err != nil {
// log.Fatalln(err)
// }
// req.ProductSku.Stock += Number
// _, err := UpdateSkuClient.UpdateSku(context.TODO(), req)
// if err != nil {
// log.Println("/updateSku err ", err)
// c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"dtm_reslut": "FAILURE", "Message": "回滚库存失败!"})
// return
// }
// c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"updateSku-compensate": "SUCCESS", "Message": "回滚库存成功!"})
router.POST("/cartAdvanceOrder", func(c *gin.Context) {
req := &proto.AddTradeOrderReq{}
if err := c.BindJSON(req); err != nil {
resp, err = AddTraderClient.AddTradeOrder(context.TODO(), req)
//CartId = resp.ID
//err = errors.New("400", "测试异常", 400)
if err != nil {
log.Println("/addCart err ", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"dtm_reslut": "FAILURE", "Message": "新增购物车失败!"})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"addCart": "SUCCESS", "Message": "新增购物车成功!"})
//router.POST("/addCart-compensate", func(c *gin.Context) {
// req := &proto.AddCartReq{}
// if err := c.BindJSON(req); err != nil {
// log.Fatalln(err)
// }
// req.Id = CartId
// resp, err = UpdateCartClient.UpdateCart(context.TODO(), req)
// CartId = resp.ID
// if err != nil {
// log.Println("/addCart-compensate err ", err)
// c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"dtm_reslut": "FAILURE", "Message": "删除购物车失败!"})
// return
// }
// c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"addCart-compensate": "SUCCESS", "Message": "删除购物车成功!"})
//router.GET("/addShoppingCart", func(c *gin.Context) {
// number, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Request.FormValue("number"))
// productId, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Request.FormValue("productId"))
// productSkuId, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.Request.FormValue("productSkuId"))
// uuid := c.Request.Header["Uuid"][0]
// cc := common.GetInput(uuid)
// out := common.SQ(cc)
// sum := 0
// for o := range out {
// sum += o
// }
// //Token校验
// //拼接请求信息
// tokenReq := &proto.TokenReq{
// Uuid: uuid,
// }
// //响应
// tokenResp, err := GetUserTokenClient.GetUserToken(context.TODO(), tokenReq)
// //拼接请求信息
// respErr := &proto.AddCartResp{}
// if err != nil || tokenResp.IsLogin == false {
// log.Println("GetUserToken err : ", err)
// common.RespFail(c.Writer, respErr, "未登录!")
// return
// }
// log.Println("GetUserToken success : ", tokenResp)
// //拼接请求信息
// req := &proto.AddCartReq{
// Number: int32(number),
// ProductId: int32(productId),
// ProductSkuId: int32(productSkuId),
// UserId: int32(sum),
// }
// resp := &proto.AddCartResp{}
// //商品详情
// reqDetail := &proto.ProductDetailReq{
// Id: int32(productId),
// }
// respDetail, err := ShowProductDetailClient.ShowProductDetail(context.TODO(), reqDetail)
// if err != nil {
// log.Println("ShowProductDetail err : ", err)
// common.RespFail(c.Writer, respErr, "查询商品详情失败!")
// return
// }
// if respDetail != nil {
// req.ProductName = respDetail.ProductDetail[0].Name
// req.ProductMainPicture = respDetail.ProductDetail[0].MainPicture
// }
// //log.Println(" /ShowProductDetail resp :", respDetail)
// //SKU详情
// reqDetail.Id = req.ProductSkuId
// respSkuDetail, err := ShowDetailSkuClient.ShowDetailSku(context.TODO(), reqDetail)
// //log.Println(" /ShowDetailSku resp :", respSkuDetail)
// //添加购物车 远程调用服务
// //log.Println(" /AddCart req :", req)
// if respSkuDetail.ProductSku[0].Stock < req.Number {
// common.RespFail(c.Writer, &proto.AddCartResp{}, "库存不足,添加失败")
// return
// }
// sku := respSkuDetail.ProductSku[0]
// sku.Stock -= req.Number
// Number = req.Number //
// updateSkuReq := &proto.UpdateSkuReq{
// ProductSku: sku,
// }
// resp.ProductSkuSimple = respSkuDetail.ProductSku[0]
// resp.ProductSimple = respDetail.ProductDetail[0]
// //全局事务
// gid := shortuuid.New()
// saga := dtmcli.NewSaga(DtmServer, gid).
// Add(QSBusi+"/updateSku", QSBusi+"/updateSku-compensate", updateSkuReq).
// Add(QSBusi+"/addCart", QSBusi+"/addCart-compensate", req)
// err = saga.Submit()
// if err != nil {
// log.Println("saga submit err :", err)
// common.RespFail(c.Writer, resp, "添加失败")
// }
// log.Println(" /saga submit submit :", gid)
// ////writer data message row total field
// common.RespOK(c.Writer, resp, "请求成功")
service := web.NewService(
type clientWrapper struct {
func (c clientWrapper) Call(ctx context.Context, req client.Request, resp interface{}, opts ...client.CallOption) error {
return hystrix.Do(req.Service()+"."+req.Endpoint(), func() error {
fmt.Println("call success ", req.Service()+"."+req.Endpoint())
return c.Client.Call(ctx, req, resp, opts...)
}, func(err error) error {
fmt.Println("call err :", err)
return err
func NewClientHystrixWrapper() client.Wrapper {
return func(i client.Client) client.Client {
return &clientWrapper{i}