
RENCHAO 5 months ago
parent 4fb66d1e61
commit 8b6a102400

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package com.renchao;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.*;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.util.zip.*;
public class ZipWithNIOExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// String sourceDir = "C:\\Users\\RENCHAO\\Desktop\\aa.pdf";
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\RENCHAO\\Desktop\\aa.pdf");
String zipFile = "C:\\Users\\RENCHAO\\Desktop\\temp-sss\\aa\\output2.zip";
try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(zipFile);
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(fos)) {
// addFilesToZip(sourceDir, "", zos);
addFileToZip(file, "", zos);
System.out.println("Directory successfully compressed.");
} catch (IOException e) {
private static void addFilesToZip(String sourceDir, String basePath, ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException {
Path sourcePath = Paths.get(sourceDir);
try (DirectoryStream<Path> directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(sourcePath)) {
for (Path path : directoryStream) {
if (Files.isDirectory(path)) {
addFilesToZip(path.toString(), basePath + path.getFileName() + "/", zos);
} else {
addFileToZip(path.toFile(), basePath, zos);
private static void addFileToZip(File file, String basePath, ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException {
String entryName = basePath + file.getName();
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(entryName);
// entry.setSize(file.length());
try (FileChannel fileChannel = FileChannel.open(file.toPath(), StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();
while (fileChannel.read(buffer) != -1) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[buffer.remaining()];

@ -0,0 +1 @@
.lab-apply .top-filter[data-v-0d318eb8]{margin-top:24px}.lab-apply .tale-list[data-v-0d318eb8] .el-table th.el-table__cell{color:#333;background:#fafafa;padding:5px 0;font-size:16px}.lab-apply .tale-list[data-v-0d318eb8] .el-table .cell.el-tooltip{font-size:16px}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status[data-v-0d318eb8]{display:flex;align-items:center}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle[data-v-0d318eb8]{width:6px;height:6px;border-radius:3px;margin-right:8px;background:#52c41a}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.grey[data-v-0d318eb8]{background:#d9d9d9}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.orange[data-v-0d318eb8]{background:#ffd859}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.green[data-v-0d318eb8]{background:#52c41a}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.red[data-v-0d318eb8]{background:#ff4d4f}.lab-apply[data-v-0d318eb8] .el-pagination{text-align:right}

@ -0,0 +1 @@
.el-table--scrollable-x .el-table__body-wrapper{height:355px}.lab-apply .top-filter[data-v-34b17d1d]{margin-top:24px}.lab-apply .tale-list[data-v-34b17d1d] .el-table th.el-table__cell{color:#333;background:#fafafa;padding:5px 0;font-size:16px}.lab-apply .tale-list[data-v-34b17d1d] .el-table .cell.el-tooltip{font-size:16px}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status[data-v-34b17d1d]{display:flex;align-items:center}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle[data-v-34b17d1d]{width:6px;height:6px;border-radius:3px;margin-right:8px;background:#52c41a}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.grey[data-v-34b17d1d]{background:#d9d9d9}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.orange[data-v-34b17d1d]{background:#ffd859}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.green[data-v-34b17d1d]{background:#52c41a}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.red[data-v-34b17d1d]{background:#ff4d4f}.lab-apply[data-v-34b17d1d] .el-pagination,[data-v-34b17d1d] .el-pagination{text-align:right}[data-v-34b17d1d] .el-dialog__body{padding:10px}::-webkit-scrollbar{width:7px;height:7px}::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{border-radius:7px;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.25)}::-webkit-scrollbar-track{background-color:#f6f6f6}::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb,::-webkit-scrollbar-track{border:0}

@ -0,0 +1 @@
.personal-info .el-form-item__label{text-align:left!important;font-size:16px!important}.personal-info .el-form-item__content{font-size:16px!important}.personal-info .el-form-item{margin-bottom:0}.personal-info[data-v-54eff09a]{padding-top:20px;font-size:16px}.personal-info .el-icon-success[data-v-54eff09a]{margin-right:6px;color:#6cbd7f}.personal-info .change-pwd-link[data-v-54eff09a]{margin-left:15px;color:#3165db}

@ -0,0 +1 @@
.find-password[data-v-d37bfed6]{width:100%;min-height:500px;background:#fff}.find-password[data-v-d37bfed6] .el-step__title{text-align:center}.find-password .title[data-v-d37bfed6]{padding:40px 20px;text-align:center;font-size:26px;line-height:40px;font-weight:400}.find-password .el-form[data-v-d37bfed6]{width:382px;margin:60px auto 20px auto}.find-password .procees-contaner[data-v-d37bfed6]{width:700px;padding:60px 200px;margin:0 auto 50px auto;background:#fff}.divClass[data-v-d37bfed6]{width:100%;height:10px;margin:5px 0}.divClass span[data-v-d37bfed6]{float:left;background:#ccc;height:10px;width:31%;margin:0 1%}.divClass .weak[data-v-d37bfed6]{background-color:#f56c6c}.divClass .medium[data-v-d37bfed6]{background-color:#e6a23c}.divClass .strong[data-v-d37bfed6]{background-color:#67c23a}

@ -0,0 +1 @@
.inner-container[data-v-d9b82c00]{margin:20px auto;background:#fff}.routerList[data-v-d9b82c00]{background:#ecf5ff;height:100vh;border-radius:10px 10px 0 0}.routerList h2[data-v-d9b82c00]{text-align:center;font-size:24px;background:#e6171e;color:#fff;line-height:45px;border-radius:10px 10px 0 0}.routerList ul[data-v-d9b82c00]{line-height:45px;padding:20px 0}.routerList ul li[data-v-d9b82c00]{font-size:18px;font-weight:600;padding:0 20px}.routerList ul li.on[data-v-d9b82c00]{background:#fff;border-left:5px solid #e6171e}.routerList ul li.on a[data-v-d9b82c00]{color:#e6171e}.api-list-container[data-v-d9b82c00]{background:#f9f9f9}.api-list-container .guide-pic[data-v-d9b82c00]{background:url(../../static/img/data-service.82b45c45.jpg) no-repeat top;background-size:100%}.api-list-container .api-list ul[data-v-d9b82c00]{width:100%;align-items:flex-start;flex-wrap:wrap;justify-content:space-between;padding-top:30px;overflow:hidden}.api-list-container .api-list ul li[data-v-d9b82c00]{padding:15px;margin-bottom:50px;box-sizing:border-box;width:32%;height:296px;background:#fff;box-shadow:0 0 6px 0 rgba(217,225,238,.47);border-radius:2px;transition-property:box-shadow transform;transition-duration:.25s,1s;float:left;margin-left:1%;cursor:pointer;border:2px solid #409eff}.api-list-container .api-list ul li[data-v-d9b82c00]:hover{transform:translateY(-10px);box-shadow:0 0 16px 0 rgba(217,225,238,.47);background:linear-gradient(180deg,#2980b9,#87ceeb);border:2px solid #adb5bd}.api-list-container .api-list ul li:hover .aip-intro[data-v-d9b82c00],.api-list-container .api-list ul li:hover .api-info .others b[data-v-d9b82c00],.api-list-container .api-list ul li:hover .api-info[data-v-d9b82c00],.api-list-container .api-list ul li:hover .api-name[data-v-d9b82c00]{color:#fff}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .api-name[data-v-d9b82c00]{font-size:18px;color:#181818;font-weight:700;line-height:18px;height:18px;margin-bottom:15px;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis;overflow:hidden}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .aip-intro[data-v-d9b82c00]{height:120px;overflow:hidden;display:-webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp:5;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;color:#666;line-height:24px;margin-bottom:20px;font-size:14px}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .api-info[data-v-d9b82c00]{padding:20px 0;color:#ababab;font-size:14px;border-top:1px solid #d8d8d8}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .api-info .others[data-v-d9b82c00]{display:flex;justify-content:space-between}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .api-info .others b[data-v-d9b82c00]{font-weight:400;font-size:12px;color:#5274ca;line-height:1;padding:4px 5px;border-radius:2px;border:1px solid #5274ca}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .api-info .data-from[data-v-d9b82c00]{padding-bottom:15px}.api-list-container .api-list .pagination-container[data-v-d9b82c00]{background:transparent}.api-list-container .api-list[data-v-d9b82c00] .el-pagination{text-align:center}

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1 @@
"use strict";(self["webpackChunkagile_portal_front"]=self["webpackChunkagile_portal_front"]||[]).push([[649],{39649:(t,e,s)=>{s.r(e),s.d(e,{default:()=>c});var a=function(){var t=this,e=t._self._c;return e("div",{staticClass:"personal-info"},[e("el-form",{ref:"form1",attrs:{model:t.form,"label-width":"140px",align:"left"}},[e("el-row",[e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{align:"left",label:"用户名"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.userName))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"手机号"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.phonenumber))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"状态"}},["0"==t.form.status?e("span",{staticStyle:{color:"#6cbd7f"}},[t._v("正常")]):e("span",{staticStyle:{color:"red"}},[t._v("停用")])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"企业名"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.enterpriseName))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"社会统一信用代码"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.socialCreditCode))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"行业类型"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.industryCategory))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"地址"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.enterpriseAddress))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"登录密码"}},[e("i",{staticClass:"icon el-icon-success"}),e("span",[t._v("已设置")]),e("router-link",{staticClass:"change-pwd-link",attrs:{to:"/resetpwd"}},[t._v("更改密码")])],1)],1)],1)],1),e("el-dialog",{attrs:{width:"400px",title:"密码到期提示",visible:t.opens,"append-to-body":"","close-on-click-modal":!1,"close-on-press-escape":!1},on:{"update:visible":function(e){t.opens=e}}},[e("div",{staticStyle:{"text-align":"center","font-size":"18px"}},[t._v(" 登录密码还有"),e("span",{staticStyle:{color:"red","font-size":"25px","font-weight":"bold"}},[t._v(t._s(t.form.pwdRemainderDate))]),t._v("天到期,请尽快修改密码! ")]),e("div",{staticClass:"dialog-footer",staticStyle:{"text-align":"right"},attrs:{slot:"footer"},slot:"footer"},[e("el-button",{on:{click:function(e){t.opens=!1}}},[t._v("关闭")]),e("el-button",{attrs:{type:"primary"},on:{click:t.handlefile}},[t._v("去修改")])],1)])],1)},r=[],o=s(12223);const l={name:"UserInfo",data:function(){return{opens:!1,form:{}}},created:function(){this.getUserInfo()},methods:{getUserInfo:function(){var t=this;(0,o.C5)().then((function(e){t.form=e.data,"0"==t.form.firstFlag&&t.$router.push("/resetpwd")["catch"]((function(){})),t.form.pwdRemainderDate>=0&&null!=t.form.pwdRemainderDate&&(t.opens=!0),t.form.pwdRemainderDate<0&&null!=t.form.pwdRemainderDate&&(t.$message({type:"error",message:"登陆密码到期,请修改密码!"}),t.$router.push("/resetpwd")["catch"]((function(){})))}))},handlefile:function(){this.$router.push("/resetpwd")["catch"]((function(){}))}}},n=l;var i=s(1001),f=(0,i.Z)(n,a,r,!1,null,"54eff09a",null);const c=f.exports}}]);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1 @@
"use strict";(self["webpackChunkagile_portal_front"]=self["webpackChunkagile_portal_front"]||[]).push([[9],{89009:(t,a,s)=>{s.r(a),s.d(a,{default:()=>u});var i=function(){var t=this,a=t._self._c;return a("div",{staticClass:"api-list-container container"},[t._m(0),a("div",{staticClass:"inner-container"},[a("el-row",{attrs:{gutter:20}},[a("el-col",{attrs:{span:4,xs:24}},[a("div",{staticClass:"routerList"},[a("h2",[t._v("数据服务")]),a("ul",[a("li",[a("router-link",{attrs:{to:"/service/introduce"}},[t._v("服务介绍")])],1),a("li",[a("router-link",{attrs:{to:"/service/guide"}},[t._v("服务指南")])],1),a("li",{staticClass:"on"},[a("router-link",{attrs:{to:"/service/api"}},[t._v("API列表")])],1)])])]),a("el-col",{attrs:{span:20,xs:24}},[a("div",{staticClass:"api-list",staticStyle:{overflow:"auto"}},[a("ul",{staticClass:"list"},t._l(t.apiList,(function(s){return a("li",{key:s.id},[a("div",{staticClass:"api-name"},[t._v(t._s(s.apiName))]),a("div",{staticClass:"aip-intro"},[t._v(" "+t._s(s.remark)+" ")]),a("div",{staticClass:"api-info"},[a("div",{staticClass:"data-from"},[t._v("数据提供方:上海公共交通卡有限公司")]),a("div",{staticClass:"others"},[a("span",[t._v("更新时间:"+t._s(s.createTime))])])])])})),0),a("pagination",{directives:[{name:"show",rawName:"v-show",value:t.total>0,expression:"total > 0"}],attrs:{total:t.total,page:t.queryParams.pageNum,limit:t.queryParams.pageSize},on:{"update:page":function(a){return t.$set(t.queryParams,"pageNum",a)},"update:limit":function(a){return t.$set(t.queryParams,"pageSize",a)},pagination:t.getList}})],1)])],1)],1)])},e=[function(){var t=this,a=t._self._c;return a("div",{staticClass:"top-banner guide-pic"},[a("div",{staticClass:"slogan"},[a("h3",{staticClass:"title"},[t._v("API列表 ")]),a("div",{staticClass:"summary"},[t._v("旨在优化数据对外服务方式,提高开发效率,为用户提供规范化数据服务")])])])}],r=s(47121);const n={name:"ApiList",data:function(){return{total:0,apiList:[],queryParams:{pageNum:1,pageSize:9}}},computed:{},mounted:function(){this.backToTop(),this.$parent.$parent.$parent.$refs.topnav.topbg=""},created:function(){this.getList()},methods:{backToTop:function(){window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},getList:function(){var t=this;(0,r.ZF)(this.queryParams).then((function(a){t.apiList=a.rows,t.total=a.total}))}}},o=n;var l=s(1001),c=(0,l.Z)(o,i,e,!1,null,"d9b82c00",null);const u=c.exports}}]);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1 @@
.lab-apply .top-filter[data-v-0d318eb8]{margin-top:24px}.lab-apply .tale-list[data-v-0d318eb8] .el-table th.el-table__cell{color:#333;background:#fafafa;padding:5px 0;font-size:16px}.lab-apply .tale-list[data-v-0d318eb8] .el-table .cell.el-tooltip{font-size:16px}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status[data-v-0d318eb8]{display:flex;align-items:center}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle[data-v-0d318eb8]{width:6px;height:6px;border-radius:3px;margin-right:8px;background:#52c41a}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.grey[data-v-0d318eb8]{background:#d9d9d9}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.orange[data-v-0d318eb8]{background:#ffd859}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.green[data-v-0d318eb8]{background:#52c41a}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.red[data-v-0d318eb8]{background:#ff4d4f}.lab-apply[data-v-0d318eb8] .el-pagination{text-align:right}

@ -0,0 +1 @@
.el-table--scrollable-x .el-table__body-wrapper{height:355px}.lab-apply .top-filter[data-v-34b17d1d]{margin-top:24px}.lab-apply .tale-list[data-v-34b17d1d] .el-table th.el-table__cell{color:#333;background:#fafafa;padding:5px 0;font-size:16px}.lab-apply .tale-list[data-v-34b17d1d] .el-table .cell.el-tooltip{font-size:16px}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status[data-v-34b17d1d]{display:flex;align-items:center}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle[data-v-34b17d1d]{width:6px;height:6px;border-radius:3px;margin-right:8px;background:#52c41a}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.grey[data-v-34b17d1d]{background:#d9d9d9}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.orange[data-v-34b17d1d]{background:#ffd859}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.green[data-v-34b17d1d]{background:#52c41a}.lab-apply .tale-list .review-status .icon-circle.red[data-v-34b17d1d]{background:#ff4d4f}.lab-apply[data-v-34b17d1d] .el-pagination,[data-v-34b17d1d] .el-pagination{text-align:right}[data-v-34b17d1d] .el-dialog__body{padding:10px}::-webkit-scrollbar{width:7px;height:7px}::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{border-radius:7px;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.25)}::-webkit-scrollbar-track{background-color:#f6f6f6}::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb,::-webkit-scrollbar-track{border:0}

@ -0,0 +1 @@
.personal-info .el-form-item__label{text-align:left!important;font-size:16px!important}.personal-info .el-form-item__content{font-size:16px!important}.personal-info .el-form-item{margin-bottom:0}.personal-info[data-v-54eff09a]{padding-top:20px;font-size:16px}.personal-info .el-icon-success[data-v-54eff09a]{margin-right:6px;color:#6cbd7f}.personal-info .change-pwd-link[data-v-54eff09a]{margin-left:15px;color:#3165db}

@ -0,0 +1 @@
.find-password[data-v-d37bfed6]{width:100%;min-height:500px;background:#fff}.find-password[data-v-d37bfed6] .el-step__title{text-align:center}.find-password .title[data-v-d37bfed6]{padding:40px 20px;text-align:center;font-size:26px;line-height:40px;font-weight:400}.find-password .el-form[data-v-d37bfed6]{width:382px;margin:60px auto 20px auto}.find-password .procees-contaner[data-v-d37bfed6]{width:700px;padding:60px 200px;margin:0 auto 50px auto;background:#fff}.divClass[data-v-d37bfed6]{width:100%;height:10px;margin:5px 0}.divClass span[data-v-d37bfed6]{float:left;background:#ccc;height:10px;width:31%;margin:0 1%}.divClass .weak[data-v-d37bfed6]{background-color:#f56c6c}.divClass .medium[data-v-d37bfed6]{background-color:#e6a23c}.divClass .strong[data-v-d37bfed6]{background-color:#67c23a}

@ -0,0 +1 @@
.inner-container[data-v-d9b82c00]{margin:20px auto;background:#fff}.routerList[data-v-d9b82c00]{background:#ecf5ff;height:100vh;border-radius:10px 10px 0 0}.routerList h2[data-v-d9b82c00]{text-align:center;font-size:24px;background:#e6171e;color:#fff;line-height:45px;border-radius:10px 10px 0 0}.routerList ul[data-v-d9b82c00]{line-height:45px;padding:20px 0}.routerList ul li[data-v-d9b82c00]{font-size:18px;font-weight:600;padding:0 20px}.routerList ul li.on[data-v-d9b82c00]{background:#fff;border-left:5px solid #e6171e}.routerList ul li.on a[data-v-d9b82c00]{color:#e6171e}.api-list-container[data-v-d9b82c00]{background:#f9f9f9}.api-list-container .guide-pic[data-v-d9b82c00]{background:url(../../static/img/data-service.82b45c45.jpg) no-repeat top;background-size:100%}.api-list-container .api-list ul[data-v-d9b82c00]{width:100%;align-items:flex-start;flex-wrap:wrap;justify-content:space-between;padding-top:30px;overflow:hidden}.api-list-container .api-list ul li[data-v-d9b82c00]{padding:15px;margin-bottom:50px;box-sizing:border-box;width:32%;height:296px;background:#fff;box-shadow:0 0 6px 0 rgba(217,225,238,.47);border-radius:2px;transition-property:box-shadow transform;transition-duration:.25s,1s;float:left;margin-left:1%;cursor:pointer;border:2px solid #409eff}.api-list-container .api-list ul li[data-v-d9b82c00]:hover{transform:translateY(-10px);box-shadow:0 0 16px 0 rgba(217,225,238,.47);background:linear-gradient(180deg,#2980b9,#87ceeb);border:2px solid #adb5bd}.api-list-container .api-list ul li:hover .aip-intro[data-v-d9b82c00],.api-list-container .api-list ul li:hover .api-info .others b[data-v-d9b82c00],.api-list-container .api-list ul li:hover .api-info[data-v-d9b82c00],.api-list-container .api-list ul li:hover .api-name[data-v-d9b82c00]{color:#fff}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .api-name[data-v-d9b82c00]{font-size:18px;color:#181818;font-weight:700;line-height:18px;height:18px;margin-bottom:15px;white-space:nowrap;text-overflow:ellipsis;overflow:hidden}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .aip-intro[data-v-d9b82c00]{height:120px;overflow:hidden;display:-webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp:5;-webkit-box-orient:vertical;color:#666;line-height:24px;margin-bottom:20px;font-size:14px}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .api-info[data-v-d9b82c00]{padding:20px 0;color:#ababab;font-size:14px;border-top:1px solid #d8d8d8}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .api-info .others[data-v-d9b82c00]{display:flex;justify-content:space-between}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .api-info .others b[data-v-d9b82c00]{font-weight:400;font-size:12px;color:#5274ca;line-height:1;padding:4px 5px;border-radius:2px;border:1px solid #5274ca}.api-list-container .api-list ul li .api-info .data-from[data-v-d9b82c00]{padding-bottom:15px}.api-list-container .api-list .pagination-container[data-v-d9b82c00]{background:transparent}.api-list-container .api-list[data-v-d9b82c00] .el-pagination{text-align:center}

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1 @@
"use strict";(self["webpackChunkagile_portal_front"]=self["webpackChunkagile_portal_front"]||[]).push([[649],{39649:(t,e,s)=>{s.r(e),s.d(e,{default:()=>c});var a=function(){var t=this,e=t._self._c;return e("div",{staticClass:"personal-info"},[e("el-form",{ref:"form1",attrs:{model:t.form,"label-width":"140px",align:"left"}},[e("el-row",[e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{align:"left",label:"用户名"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.userName))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"手机号"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.phonenumber))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"状态"}},["0"==t.form.status?e("span",{staticStyle:{color:"#6cbd7f"}},[t._v("正常")]):e("span",{staticStyle:{color:"red"}},[t._v("停用")])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"企业名"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.enterpriseName))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"社会统一信用代码"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.socialCreditCode))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"行业类型"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.industryCategory))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"地址"}},[e("span",[t._v(t._s(t.form.enterpriseAddress))])])],1),e("el-col",{attrs:{span:24}},[e("el-form-item",{attrs:{label:"登录密码"}},[e("i",{staticClass:"icon el-icon-success"}),e("span",[t._v("已设置")]),e("router-link",{staticClass:"change-pwd-link",attrs:{to:"/resetpwd"}},[t._v("更改密码")])],1)],1)],1)],1),e("el-dialog",{attrs:{width:"400px",title:"密码到期提示",visible:t.opens,"append-to-body":"","close-on-click-modal":!1,"close-on-press-escape":!1},on:{"update:visible":function(e){t.opens=e}}},[e("div",{staticStyle:{"text-align":"center","font-size":"18px"}},[t._v(" 登录密码还有"),e("span",{staticStyle:{color:"red","font-size":"25px","font-weight":"bold"}},[t._v(t._s(t.form.pwdRemainderDate))]),t._v("天到期,请尽快修改密码! ")]),e("div",{staticClass:"dialog-footer",staticStyle:{"text-align":"right"},attrs:{slot:"footer"},slot:"footer"},[e("el-button",{on:{click:function(e){t.opens=!1}}},[t._v("关闭")]),e("el-button",{attrs:{type:"primary"},on:{click:t.handlefile}},[t._v("去修改")])],1)])],1)},r=[],o=s(12223);const l={name:"UserInfo",data:function(){return{opens:!1,form:{}}},created:function(){this.getUserInfo()},methods:{getUserInfo:function(){var t=this;(0,o.C5)().then((function(e){t.form=e.data,"0"==t.form.firstFlag&&t.$router.push("/resetpwd")["catch"]((function(){})),t.form.pwdRemainderDate>=0&&null!=t.form.pwdRemainderDate&&(t.opens=!0),t.form.pwdRemainderDate<0&&null!=t.form.pwdRemainderDate&&(t.$message({type:"error",message:"登陆密码到期,请修改密码!"}),t.$router.push("/resetpwd")["catch"]((function(){})))}))},handlefile:function(){this.$router.push("/resetpwd")["catch"]((function(){}))}}},n=l;var i=s(1001),f=(0,i.Z)(n,a,r,!1,null,"54eff09a",null);const c=f.exports}}]);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1 @@
"use strict";(self["webpackChunkagile_portal_front"]=self["webpackChunkagile_portal_front"]||[]).push([[9],{89009:(t,a,s)=>{s.r(a),s.d(a,{default:()=>u});var i=function(){var t=this,a=t._self._c;return a("div",{staticClass:"api-list-container container"},[t._m(0),a("div",{staticClass:"inner-container"},[a("el-row",{attrs:{gutter:20}},[a("el-col",{attrs:{span:4,xs:24}},[a("div",{staticClass:"routerList"},[a("h2",[t._v("数据服务")]),a("ul",[a("li",[a("router-link",{attrs:{to:"/service/introduce"}},[t._v("服务介绍")])],1),a("li",[a("router-link",{attrs:{to:"/service/guide"}},[t._v("服务指南")])],1),a("li",{staticClass:"on"},[a("router-link",{attrs:{to:"/service/api"}},[t._v("API列表")])],1)])])]),a("el-col",{attrs:{span:20,xs:24}},[a("div",{staticClass:"api-list",staticStyle:{overflow:"auto"}},[a("ul",{staticClass:"list"},t._l(t.apiList,(function(s){return a("li",{key:s.id},[a("div",{staticClass:"api-name"},[t._v(t._s(s.apiName))]),a("div",{staticClass:"aip-intro"},[t._v(" "+t._s(s.remark)+" ")]),a("div",{staticClass:"api-info"},[a("div",{staticClass:"data-from"},[t._v("数据提供方:上海公共交通卡有限公司")]),a("div",{staticClass:"others"},[a("span",[t._v("更新时间:"+t._s(s.createTime))])])])])})),0),a("pagination",{directives:[{name:"show",rawName:"v-show",value:t.total>0,expression:"total > 0"}],attrs:{total:t.total,page:t.queryParams.pageNum,limit:t.queryParams.pageSize},on:{"update:page":function(a){return t.$set(t.queryParams,"pageNum",a)},"update:limit":function(a){return t.$set(t.queryParams,"pageSize",a)},pagination:t.getList}})],1)])],1)],1)])},e=[function(){var t=this,a=t._self._c;return a("div",{staticClass:"top-banner guide-pic"},[a("div",{staticClass:"slogan"},[a("h3",{staticClass:"title"},[t._v("API列表 ")]),a("div",{staticClass:"summary"},[t._v("旨在优化数据对外服务方式,提高开发效率,为用户提供规范化数据服务")])])])}],r=s(47121);const n={name:"ApiList",data:function(){return{total:0,apiList:[],queryParams:{pageNum:1,pageSize:9}}},computed:{},mounted:function(){this.backToTop(),this.$parent.$parent.$parent.$refs.topnav.topbg=""},created:function(){this.getList()},methods:{backToTop:function(){window.scrollTo({top:0,behavior:"smooth"})},getList:function(){var t=this;(0,r.ZF)(this.queryParams).then((function(a){t.apiList=a.rows,t.total=a.total}))}}},o=n;var l=s(1001),c=(0,l.Z)(o,i,e,!1,null,"d9b82c00",null);const u=c.exports}}]);

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<!--是true时release时不在升级防止jar包不变更时也自动升级 -->

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.api;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console.*;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
public interface IDataProcessBatchConsoleApi {
* @param req
* @return
@RequestMapping(value = "/marketing-dataProcess-batch/console/nfcTravelNoticePage", method = RequestMethod.POST)
BcTravelNoticePageRespVo bcTravelNoticePage(@RequestBody BcTravelNoticePageReqVo req);
* @param req
* @return
@RequestMapping(value = "/marketing-dataProcess-batch/console/noticeErrorPage", method = RequestMethod.POST)
NoticeErrorPageRespVo noticeErrorPage(@RequestBody NoticeErrorPageReqVo req);
* @param req
* @return
@RequestMapping(value = "/marketing-dataProcess-batch/console/nfcTravelNoticeReprocess", method = RequestMethod.POST)
BcTravelNoticeReprocessRespVo bcTravelNoticeReprocess(@RequestBody BcTravelNoticeReprocessReqVo req);
* @param req
* @return
@RequestMapping(value = "/marketing-dataProcess-batch/console/noticeErrorReprocess", method = RequestMethod.POST)
NoticeErrorReprocessRespVo noticeErrorReprocess(@RequestBody NoticeErrorReprocessReqVo req);

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.api;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
public interface IPingApi {
* @return boolean
@RequestMapping(value = "/ping/pingTest", method = RequestMethod.GET)
boolean pingTest();

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto;
* @author jiuyv
public class BaseReqVo implements java.io.Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1853113471412084273L;
/** 请求流水号 */
private String reqId;
* @return the reqId
public String getReqId() {
return reqId;
* @param reqId the reqId to set
public void setReqId(String reqId) {
this.reqId = reqId;

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto;
* @author jiuyv
public class BaseRespVo implements java.io.Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3501869099032176570L;
/** 请求流水号 */
private String reqId;
/** 返回码*/
private String respCode;
/** 返回说明 */
private String respDesc;
* @return the respCode
public String getRespCode() {
return respCode;
* @param respCode the respCode to set
public void setRespCode(String respCode) {
this.respCode = respCode;
* @return the respDesc
public String getRespDesc() {
return respDesc;
* @param respDesc the respDesc to set
public void setRespDesc(String respDesc) {
this.respDesc = respDesc;
* @return the reqId
public String getReqId() {
return reqId;
* @param reqId the reqId to set
public void setReqId(String reqId) {
this.reqId = reqId;

@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
import java.util.Map;
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class NfcTravelNoticeVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** seqNo : 推送序号. SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String seqNo ;
/** travelNo : 业务流水号. TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String travelNo ;
/** transType : 交易类型. TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String transType ;
/** inTransTime : 进站时间. IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String inTransTime ;
/** outTransTime : 出站时间. OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String outTransTime ;
/** cardNo : 卡号. CARD_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String cardNo ;
/** userId : 用户号. USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String userId ;
/** inStationId : 进站点ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String inStationId ;
/** outStationId : 出站点ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String outStationId ;
/** mileage : 里程数. MILEAGE: NUMBER(10) */
private Long mileage ;
* userToken
* key:
* value: userToken
Map<String, String> channels;
/** stlmDate : 清算日期. STLM_DATE : CHAR(8) */
private String stlmDate;
/** orderCompleteTime : 订单完成时间. ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String orderCompleteTime ;
/** failedCount : 已失败次数. FAILED_COUNT: NUMBER(10) */
private Long failedCount ;
/** maxCount : 最大次数. MAX_COUNT: NUMBER(10) */
private Long maxCount ;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public NfcTravelNoticeVo() {
// Default Construtor
public NfcTravelNoticeVo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo){
this.seqNo = seqNo;
* Get seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getSeqNo(){
return this.seqNo;
* Set travelNo : . TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setTravelNo(String travelNo){
this.travelNo = travelNo;
* Get travelNo : . TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getTravelNo(){
return this.travelNo;
* Set transType : . TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setTransType(String transType){
this.transType = transType;
* Get transType : . TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getTransType(){
return this.transType;
* Set inTransTime : . IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setInTransTime(String inTransTime){
this.inTransTime = inTransTime;
* Get inTransTime : . IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getInTransTime(){
return this.inTransTime;
* Set outTransTime : . OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setOutTransTime(String outTransTime){
this.outTransTime = outTransTime;
* Get outTransTime : . OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getOutTransTime(){
return this.outTransTime;
* Set cardNo : . CARD_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCardNo(String cardNo){
this.cardNo = cardNo;
* Get cardNo : . CARD_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCardNo(){
return this.cardNo;
* Set userId : . USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setUserId(String userId){
this.userId = userId;
* Get userId : . USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getUserId(){
return this.userId;
* Set inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setInStationId(String inStationId){
this.inStationId = inStationId;
* Get inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getInStationId(){
return this.inStationId;
* Set outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setOutStationId(String outStationId){
this.outStationId = outStationId;
* Get outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getOutStationId(){
return this.outStationId;
* Set mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public void setMileage(Long mileage){
this.mileage = mileage;
* Get mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public Long getMileage(){
return this.mileage;
* Set orderCompleteTime : . ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setOrderCompleteTime(String orderCompleteTime){
this.orderCompleteTime = orderCompleteTime;
* Get orderCompleteTime : . ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getOrderCompleteTime(){
return this.orderCompleteTime;
public String getStlmDate() {
return stlmDate;
public void setStlmDate(String stlmDate) {
this.stlmDate = stlmDate;
public Map<String, String> getChannels() {
return channels;
public void setChannels(Map<String, String> channels) {
this.channels = channels;
public Long getFailedCount() {
return failedCount;
public void setFailedCount(Long failedCount) {
this.failedCount = failedCount;
public Long getMaxCount() {
return maxCount;
public void setMaxCount(Long maxCount) {
this.maxCount = maxCount;

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
public class BcTravelNoticeFilter {
/** seqNo : 序号 */
private String seqNo;
/** orgCode : 机构号 */
private String orgCode;
/** transType : 交易类型. TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String transType ;
/** travelNo : 行程单号. TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String travelNo ;
/** userId : 用户号. USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String userId ;
/** sendStatus : 发送状态. SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String sendStatus ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTimeStart ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTimeEnd ;
/** startTime : 开始时间 */
private String stlmStartTime;
/** endTime : 结束时间 */
private String stlmEndTime;
/** status : 状态 */
private String status;
private String[] statusList;
public String getOrgCode() {
return orgCode;
public void setOrgCode(String orgCode) {
this.orgCode = orgCode;
public String getStlmStartTime() {
return stlmStartTime;
public void setStlmStartTime(String stlmStartTime) {
this.stlmStartTime = stlmStartTime;
public String getStlmEndTime() {
return stlmEndTime;
public void setStlmEndTime(String stlmEndTime) {
this.stlmEndTime = stlmEndTime;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public String[] getStatusList() {
return statusList;
public void setStatusList(String[] statusList) {
this.statusList = statusList;
public String getTransType() {
return transType;
public void setTransType(String transType) {
this.transType = transType;
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public String getSendStatus() {
return sendStatus;
public void setSendStatus(String sendStatus) {
this.sendStatus = sendStatus;
public String getCreateTimeStart() {
return createTimeStart;
public void setCreateTimeStart(String createTimeStart) {
this.createTimeStart = createTimeStart;
public String getCreateTimeEnd() {
return createTimeEnd;
public void setCreateTimeEnd(String createTimeEnd) {
this.createTimeEnd = createTimeEnd;
public String getSeqNo() {
return seqNo;
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;
public String getTravelNo() {
return travelNo;
public void setTravelNo(String travelNo) {
this.travelNo = travelNo;

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.BaseReqVo;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class BcTravelNoticePageReqVo extends BaseReqVo implements Serializable {
/** filter : 查询参数 */
private BcTravelNoticeFilter filter;
/** pageVo : 分页参数 */
private PageVo pageVo;
public BcTravelNoticeFilter getFilter() {
return filter;
public void setFilter(BcTravelNoticeFilter filter) {
this.filter = filter;
public PageVo getPageVo() {
return pageVo;
public void setPageVo(PageVo pageVo) {
this.pageVo = pageVo;

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.BaseRespVo;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
public class BcTravelNoticePageRespVo extends BaseRespVo implements Serializable {
/** totalCount : 总条数 */
private Long totalCount ;
/** orderList : 订单列表 */
private List<DcBcTravelNoticeVo> orderList;
public Long getTotalCount() {
return totalCount;
public void setTotalCount(Long totalCount) {
this.totalCount = totalCount;
public List<DcBcTravelNoticeVo> getOrderList() {
return orderList;
public void setOrderList(List<DcBcTravelNoticeVo> orderList) {
this.orderList = orderList;

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.BaseReqVo;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class BcTravelNoticeReprocessReqVo extends BaseReqVo implements Serializable {
/** seqNo : 序号 */
private String seqNo;
public String getSeqNo() {
return seqNo;
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.BaseRespVo;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class BcTravelNoticeReprocessRespVo extends BaseRespVo implements Serializable {

@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcBcTravelNoticeVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** seqNo : 推送序号. SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String seqNo ;
/** txnLock : 锁标志. TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1) */
private String txnLock ;
/** txnTime : 锁时间. TXN_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String txnTime ;
/** travelNo : 业务流水号. TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String travelNo ;
/** transType : 交易类型. TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String transType ;
/** bcChannel : 拉码渠道. BC_CHANNEL: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String bcChannel ;
/** inTransTime : 进站时间. IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String inTransTime ;
/** outTransTime : 出站时间. OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String outTransTime ;
/** userId : 用户号. USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String userId ;
/** inStationId : 进站点ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String inStationId ;
/** outStationId : 出站点ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String outStationId ;
/** mileage : 里程数. MILEAGE: NUMBER(10) */
private Long mileage ;
/** carMileage : 驾车里程数. CAR_MILEAGE: NUMBER(10) */
private Long carMileage;
/** carbonFootprint : 碳排放量. CARBON_FOOTPRINT: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String carbonFootprint ;
/** calcFactorVersion : 碳排放量因子版本号. CALC_FACTOR_VERSION: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String calcFactorVersion ;
/** firstChannels : 推送一级机构号. FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String firstChannels ;
/** secondChannels : 推送二级机构号. SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String secondChannels ;
/** userTokens : 机构用户令牌. USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String userTokens ;
/** stlmDate : 清算日期. STLM_DATE: CHAR(8) */
private String stlmDate ;
/** travelHash : 行程特征值. TRAVEL_HASH: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String travelHash ;
/** status : 状态. STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String status ;
/** remark : 备注. REMARK: VARCHAR(255 CHAR) */
private String remark ;
/** orderCompleteTime : 订单完成时间. ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String orderCompleteTime ;
/** nextSendTime : 下次发送时间. NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String nextSendTime ;
/** sendCount : 发送次数. SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10) */
private Long sendCount ;
/** sendStatus : 发送状态. SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String sendStatus ;
/** createUser : 创建用户. CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String createUser ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTime ;
/** lstUpdUser : 最后更新用户. LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String lstUpdUser ;
/** lstUpdTime : 最后更新时间. LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String lstUpdTime ;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcBcTravelNoticeVo() {
// Default Construtor
public DcBcTravelNoticeVo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo){
this.seqNo = seqNo;
* Get seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getSeqNo(){
return this.seqNo;
* Set txnLock : . TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1)
public void setTxnLock(String txnLock){
this.txnLock = txnLock;
* Get txnLock : . TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1)
public String getTxnLock(){
return this.txnLock;
* Set txnTime : . TXN_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setTxnTime(String txnTime){
this.txnTime = txnTime;
* Get txnTime : . TXN_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getTxnTime(){
return this.txnTime;
* Set travelNo : . TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setTravelNo(String travelNo){
this.travelNo = travelNo;
* Get travelNo : . TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getTravelNo(){
return this.travelNo;
* Set transType : . TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setTransType(String transType){
this.transType = transType;
* Get transType : . TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getTransType(){
return this.transType;
* Set bcChannel : . BC_CHANNEL: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setBcChannel(String bcChannel){
this.bcChannel = bcChannel;
* Get bcChannel : . BC_CHANNEL: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getBcChannel(){
return this.bcChannel;
* Set inTransTime : . IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setInTransTime(String inTransTime){
this.inTransTime = inTransTime;
* Get inTransTime : . IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getInTransTime(){
return this.inTransTime;
* Set outTransTime : . OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setOutTransTime(String outTransTime){
this.outTransTime = outTransTime;
* Get outTransTime : . OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getOutTransTime(){
return this.outTransTime;
* Set userId : . USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setUserId(String userId){
this.userId = userId;
* Get userId : . USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getUserId(){
return this.userId;
* Set inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setInStationId(String inStationId){
this.inStationId = inStationId;
* Get inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getInStationId(){
return this.inStationId;
* Set outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setOutStationId(String outStationId){
this.outStationId = outStationId;
* Get outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getOutStationId(){
return this.outStationId;
* Set mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public void setMileage(Long mileage){
this.mileage = mileage;
* Get mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public Long getMileage(){
return this.mileage;
* Set carbonFootprint : . CARBON_FOOTPRINT: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCarbonFootprint(String carbonFootprint){
this.carbonFootprint = carbonFootprint;
* Get carbonFootprint : . CARBON_FOOTPRINT: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCarbonFootprint(){
return this.carbonFootprint;
* Set calcFactorVersion : . CALC_FACTOR_VERSION: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCalcFactorVersion(String calcFactorVersion){
this.calcFactorVersion = calcFactorVersion;
* Get calcFactorVersion : . CALC_FACTOR_VERSION: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCalcFactorVersion(){
return this.calcFactorVersion;
* Set firstChannels : . FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setFirstChannels(String firstChannels){
this.firstChannels = firstChannels;
* Get firstChannels : . FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getFirstChannels(){
return this.firstChannels;
* Set secondChannels : . SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setSecondChannels(String secondChannels){
this.secondChannels = secondChannels;
* Get secondChannels : . SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getSecondChannels(){
return this.secondChannels;
* Set userTokens : . USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setUserTokens(String userTokens){
this.userTokens = userTokens;
* Get userTokens : . USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getUserTokens(){
return this.userTokens;
* Set stlmDate : . STLM_DATE: CHAR(8)
public void setStlmDate(String stlmDate){
this.stlmDate = stlmDate;
* Get stlmDate : . STLM_DATE: CHAR(8)
public String getStlmDate(){
return this.stlmDate;
* Set travelHash : . TRAVEL_HASH: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setTravelHash(String travelHash){
this.travelHash = travelHash;
* Get travelHash : . TRAVEL_HASH: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getTravelHash(){
return this.travelHash;
* Set status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setStatus(String status){
this.status = status;
* Get status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getStatus(){
return this.status;
* Set remark : . REMARK: VARCHAR(255 CHAR)
public void setRemark(String remark){
this.remark = remark;
* Get remark : . REMARK: VARCHAR(255 CHAR)
public String getRemark(){
return this.remark;
* Set orderCompleteTime : . ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setOrderCompleteTime(String orderCompleteTime){
this.orderCompleteTime = orderCompleteTime;
* Get orderCompleteTime : . ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getOrderCompleteTime(){
return this.orderCompleteTime;
* Set nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setNextSendTime(String nextSendTime){
this.nextSendTime = nextSendTime;
* Get nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getNextSendTime(){
return this.nextSendTime;
* Set sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public void setSendCount(Long sendCount){
this.sendCount = sendCount;
* Get sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public Long getSendCount(){
return this.sendCount;
* Set sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setSendStatus(String sendStatus){
this.sendStatus = sendStatus;
* Get sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getSendStatus(){
return this.sendStatus;
* Set createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCreateUser(String createUser){
this.createUser = createUser;
* Get createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCreateUser(){
return this.createUser;
* Set createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public void setCreateTime(String createTime){
this.createTime = createTime;
* Get createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public String getCreateTime(){
return this.createTime;
* Set lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setLstUpdUser(String lstUpdUser){
this.lstUpdUser = lstUpdUser;
* Get lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getLstUpdUser(){
return this.lstUpdUser;
* Set lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setLstUpdTime(String lstUpdTime){
this.lstUpdTime = lstUpdTime;
* Get lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getLstUpdTime(){
return this.lstUpdTime;
public Long getCarMileage() {
return carMileage;
public void setCarMileage(Long carMileage) {
this.carMileage = carMileage;

@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcNfcTravelNoticeVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** seqNo : 推送序号. SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String seqNo ;
/** txnLock : 锁标志. TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1) */
private String txnLock ;
/** txnTime : 锁时间. TXN_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String txnTime ;
/** travelNo : 业务流水号. TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String travelNo ;
/** transType : 交易类型. TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String transType ;
/** inTransTime : 进站时间. IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String inTransTime ;
/** outTransTime : 出站时间. OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String outTransTime ;
/** cardNo : 卡号. CARD_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String cardNo ;
/** userId : 用户号. USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String userId ;
/** inStationId : 进站点ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String inStationId ;
/** outStationId : 出站点ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String outStationId ;
/** mileage : 里程数. MILEAGE: NUMBER(10) */
private Long mileage ;
/** firstChannels : 推送一级机构号. FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String firstChannels ;
/** secondChannels : 推送二级机构号. SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String secondChannels ;
/** userTokens : 机构用户令牌. USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String userTokens ;
/** stlmDate : 清算日期. STLM_DATE : CHAR(8) */
private String stlmDate;
/** status : 状态. STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String status ;
/** orderCompleteTime : 订单完成时间. ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String orderCompleteTime ;
/** nextSendTime : 下次发送时间. NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String nextSendTime ;
/** sendCount : 发送次数. SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10) */
private Long sendCount ;
/** sendStatus : 发送状态. SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String sendStatus ;
/** createUser : 创建用户. CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String createUser ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTime ;
/** lstUpdUser : 最后更新用户. LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String lstUpdUser ;
/** lstUpdTime : 最后更新时间. LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String lstUpdTime ;
/** remark : 备注. REMARK: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) */
private String remark;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcNfcTravelNoticeVo() {
// Default Construtor
public DcNfcTravelNoticeVo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo){
this.seqNo = seqNo;
* Get seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getSeqNo(){
return this.seqNo;
* Set txnLock : . TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1)
public void setTxnLock(String txnLock){
this.txnLock = txnLock;
* Get txnLock : . TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1)
public String getTxnLock(){
return this.txnLock;
* Set txnTime : . TXN_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setTxnTime(String txnTime){
this.txnTime = txnTime;
* Get txnTime : . TXN_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getTxnTime(){
return this.txnTime;
* Set travelNo : . TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setTravelNo(String travelNo){
this.travelNo = travelNo;
* Get travelNo : . TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getTravelNo(){
return this.travelNo;
* Set transType : . TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setTransType(String transType){
this.transType = transType;
* Get transType : . TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getTransType(){
return this.transType;
* Set inTransTime : . IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setInTransTime(String inTransTime){
this.inTransTime = inTransTime;
* Get inTransTime : . IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getInTransTime(){
return this.inTransTime;
* Set outTransTime : . OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setOutTransTime(String outTransTime){
this.outTransTime = outTransTime;
* Get outTransTime : . OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getOutTransTime(){
return this.outTransTime;
* Set cardNo : . CARD_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCardNo(String cardNo){
this.cardNo = cardNo;
* Get cardNo : . CARD_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCardNo(){
return this.cardNo;
* Set userId : . USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setUserId(String userId){
this.userId = userId;
* Get userId : . USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getUserId(){
return this.userId;
* Set inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setInStationId(String inStationId){
this.inStationId = inStationId;
* Get inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getInStationId(){
return this.inStationId;
* Set outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setOutStationId(String outStationId){
this.outStationId = outStationId;
* Get outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getOutStationId(){
return this.outStationId;
* Set mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public void setMileage(Long mileage){
this.mileage = mileage;
* Get mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public Long getMileage(){
return this.mileage;
* Set firstChannels : . FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setFirstChannels(String firstChannels){
this.firstChannels = firstChannels;
* Get firstChannels : . FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getFirstChannels(){
return this.firstChannels;
* Set secondChannels : . SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setSecondChannels(String secondChannels){
this.secondChannels = secondChannels;
* Get secondChannels : . SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getSecondChannels(){
return this.secondChannels;
* Set userTokens : . USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setUserTokens(String userTokens){
this.userTokens = userTokens;
* Get userTokens : . USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getUserTokens(){
return this.userTokens;
* Set status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setStatus(String status){
this.status = status;
* Get status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getStatus(){
return this.status;
* Set orderCompleteTime : . ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setOrderCompleteTime(String orderCompleteTime){
this.orderCompleteTime = orderCompleteTime;
* Get orderCompleteTime : . ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getOrderCompleteTime(){
return this.orderCompleteTime;
* Set nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setNextSendTime(String nextSendTime){
this.nextSendTime = nextSendTime;
* Get nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getNextSendTime(){
return this.nextSendTime;
* Set sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public void setSendCount(Long sendCount){
this.sendCount = sendCount;
* Get sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public Long getSendCount(){
return this.sendCount;
* Set sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setSendStatus(String sendStatus){
this.sendStatus = sendStatus;
* Get sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getSendStatus(){
return this.sendStatus;
* Set createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCreateUser(String createUser){
this.createUser = createUser;
* Get createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCreateUser(){
return this.createUser;
* Set createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public void setCreateTime(String createTime){
this.createTime = createTime;
* Get createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public String getCreateTime(){
return this.createTime;
* Set lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setLstUpdUser(String lstUpdUser){
this.lstUpdUser = lstUpdUser;
* Get lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getLstUpdUser(){
return this.lstUpdUser;
* Set lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setLstUpdTime(String lstUpdTime){
this.lstUpdTime = lstUpdTime;
* Get lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getLstUpdTime(){
return this.lstUpdTime;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public String getStlmDate() {
return stlmDate;
public void setStlmDate(String stlmDate) {
this.stlmDate = stlmDate;

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcNoticeErrorVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** seqNo : 序号. SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String seqNo ;
/** noticeSeqNo : 推送序号. NOTICE_SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String noticeSeqNo ;
/** msgContent : 消息内容. MSG_CONTENT: CLOB */
private String msgContent ;
/** noticeType : 推送类型. NOTICE_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String noticeType ;
/** reason : 失败原因. REASON: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) */
private String reason ;
/** status : 状态. STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String status ;
/** nextSendTime : 下次发送时间. NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String nextSendTime ;
/** sendCount : 发送次数. SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10) */
private Long sendCount ;
/** sendStatus : 发送状态. SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String sendStatus ;
/** createUser : 创建用户. CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String createUser ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTime ;
/** lstUpdUser : 最后更新用户. LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String lstUpdUser ;
/** lstUpdTime : 最后更新时间. LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String lstUpdTime ;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcNoticeErrorVo() {
// Default Construtor
public DcNoticeErrorVo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo){
this.seqNo = seqNo;
* Get seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getSeqNo(){
return this.seqNo;
* Set noticeSeqNo : . NOTICE_SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setNoticeSeqNo(String noticeSeqNo){
this.noticeSeqNo = noticeSeqNo;
* Get noticeSeqNo : . NOTICE_SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getNoticeSeqNo(){
return this.noticeSeqNo;
* Set noticeType : . NOTICE_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setNoticeType(String noticeType){
this.noticeType = noticeType;
* Get noticeType : . NOTICE_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getNoticeType(){
return this.noticeType;
* Set reason : . REASON: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)
public void setReason(String reason){
this.reason = reason;
* Get reason : . REASON: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)
public String getReason(){
return this.reason;
* Set status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setStatus(String status){
this.status = status;
* Get status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getStatus(){
return this.status;
* Set nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setNextSendTime(String nextSendTime){
this.nextSendTime = nextSendTime;
* Get nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getNextSendTime(){
return this.nextSendTime;
* Set sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public void setSendCount(Long sendCount){
this.sendCount = sendCount;
* Get sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public Long getSendCount(){
return this.sendCount;
* Set sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setSendStatus(String sendStatus){
this.sendStatus = sendStatus;
* Get sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getSendStatus(){
return this.sendStatus;
* Set createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCreateUser(String createUser){
this.createUser = createUser;
* Get createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCreateUser(){
return this.createUser;
* Set createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public void setCreateTime(String createTime){
this.createTime = createTime;
* Get createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public String getCreateTime(){
return this.createTime;
* Set lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setLstUpdUser(String lstUpdUser){
this.lstUpdUser = lstUpdUser;
* Get lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getLstUpdUser(){
return this.lstUpdUser;
* Set lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setLstUpdTime(String lstUpdTime){
this.lstUpdTime = lstUpdTime;
* Get lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getLstUpdTime(){
return this.lstUpdTime;
public String getMsgContent() {
return msgContent;
public void setMsgContent(String msgContent) {
this.msgContent = msgContent;

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
public class NfcTravelNoticeFilter {
/** seqNo : 序号 */
private String seqNo;
/** orgCode : 机构号 */
private String orgCode;
/** transType : 交易类型. TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String transType ;
/** cardNo : 卡号. CARD_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String cardNo ;
/** userId : 用户号. USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String userId ;
/** sendStatus : 发送状态. SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String sendStatus ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTimeStart ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTimeEnd ;
/** startTime : 开始时间 */
private String stlmStartTime;
/** endTime : 结束时间 */
private String stlmEndTime;
/** status : 状态 */
private String status;
private String[] statusList;
public String getOrgCode() {
return orgCode;
public void setOrgCode(String orgCode) {
this.orgCode = orgCode;
public String getStlmStartTime() {
return stlmStartTime;
public void setStlmStartTime(String stlmStartTime) {
this.stlmStartTime = stlmStartTime;
public String getStlmEndTime() {
return stlmEndTime;
public void setStlmEndTime(String stlmEndTime) {
this.stlmEndTime = stlmEndTime;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public String[] getStatusList() {
return statusList;
public void setStatusList(String[] statusList) {
this.statusList = statusList;
public String getTransType() {
return transType;
public void setTransType(String transType) {
this.transType = transType;
public String getCardNo() {
return cardNo;
public void setCardNo(String cardNo) {
this.cardNo = cardNo;
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public String getSendStatus() {
return sendStatus;
public void setSendStatus(String sendStatus) {
this.sendStatus = sendStatus;
public String getCreateTimeStart() {
return createTimeStart;
public void setCreateTimeStart(String createTimeStart) {
this.createTimeStart = createTimeStart;
public String getCreateTimeEnd() {
return createTimeEnd;
public void setCreateTimeEnd(String createTimeEnd) {
this.createTimeEnd = createTimeEnd;
public String getSeqNo() {
return seqNo;
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
public class NoticeErrorFilter {
/** seqNo : 序号. SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String seqNo ;
/** noticeSeqNo : 推送序号. NOTICE_SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String noticeSeqNo ;
/** noticeType : 推送类型. NOTICE_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String noticeType ;
/** reason : 失败原因. REASON: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) */
private String reason ;
/** status : 状态. STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String status ;
/** sendStatus : 发送状态. SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String sendStatus ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTimeStart ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTimeEnd ;
/** statusList : 状态列表 */
private String[] statusList;
public String getSeqNo() {
return seqNo;
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;
public String getNoticeSeqNo() {
return noticeSeqNo;
public void setNoticeSeqNo(String noticeSeqNo) {
this.noticeSeqNo = noticeSeqNo;
public String getNoticeType() {
return noticeType;
public void setNoticeType(String noticeType) {
this.noticeType = noticeType;
public String getReason() {
return reason;
public void setReason(String reason) {
this.reason = reason;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public String getSendStatus() {
return sendStatus;
public void setSendStatus(String sendStatus) {
this.sendStatus = sendStatus;
public String getCreateTimeStart() {
return createTimeStart;
public void setCreateTimeStart(String createTimeStart) {
this.createTimeStart = createTimeStart;
public String getCreateTimeEnd() {
return createTimeEnd;
public void setCreateTimeEnd(String createTimeEnd) {
this.createTimeEnd = createTimeEnd;
public String[] getStatusList() {
return statusList;
public void setStatusList(String[] statusList) {
this.statusList = statusList;

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.BaseReqVo;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class NoticeErrorPageReqVo extends BaseReqVo implements Serializable {
/** filter : 查询参数 */
private NoticeErrorFilter filter;
/** pageVo : 分页参数 */
private PageVo pageVo;
public NoticeErrorFilter getFilter() {
return filter;
public void setFilter(NoticeErrorFilter filter) {
this.filter = filter;
public PageVo getPageVo() {
return pageVo;
public void setPageVo(PageVo pageVo) {
this.pageVo = pageVo;

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.BaseRespVo;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
public class NoticeErrorPageRespVo extends BaseRespVo implements Serializable {
/** totalCount : 总条数 */
private Long totalCount ;
/** orderList : 订单列表 */
private List<DcNoticeErrorVo> orderList;
public Long getTotalCount() {
return totalCount;
public void setTotalCount(Long totalCount) {
this.totalCount = totalCount;
public List<DcNoticeErrorVo> getOrderList() {
return orderList;
public void setOrderList(List<DcNoticeErrorVo> orderList) {
this.orderList = orderList;

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.BaseReqVo;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class NoticeErrorReprocessReqVo extends BaseReqVo implements Serializable {
/** seqNo : 序号 */
private String seqNo;
public String getSeqNo() {
return seqNo;
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.BaseRespVo;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class NoticeErrorReprocessRespVo extends BaseRespVo implements Serializable {

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class PageVo implements Serializable {
/** sortType : 排序方式. */
private String sortType;
/** sortField : 排序字段 */
private String sortField;
/** startPage : 开始页码 */
private Integer startPage;
/** pageSize : 每页条数 */
private Integer pageSize;
// -- Extends --
/** offset : 偏移量 */
private Integer offset;
/** endline : 末尾行数 */
private Integer endline;
public Integer getStartPage() {
return startPage;
public void setStartPage(Integer startPage) {
this.startPage = startPage;
public Integer getPageSize() {
return pageSize;
public void setPageSize(Integer pageSize) {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
public String getSortType() {
return sortType;
public void setSortType(String sortType) {
this.sortType = sortType;
public String getSortField() {
return sortField;
public void setSortField(String sortField) {
this.sortField = sortField;
public Integer getOffset() {
return offset;
public void setOffset(Integer offset) {
this.offset = offset;
public Integer getEndline() {
return endline;
public void setEndline(Integer endline) {
this.endline = endline;

@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
<project xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<optional>true</optional> <!-- 表示依赖不会传递 -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.postgresql/postgresql -->
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->
<!-- The mina-integration-beans has a bundle dependency which does not
work for me -->
<!-- tomcat -->
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->
<!--dozer -->
<!-- xxl-job-core -->
<!-- sftp -->
<!-- 测试类 -->
<!-- ProGuard混淆插件 -->
<!-- <plugin>
spring 自动生成代理类的话一定要保留目录否则报找不到生成的bean
<option>-optimizations !class/marking/final</option>
<option>-keepparameternames </option>
<option>-keepnames class * { &lt;fields&gt; ; public
&lt;methods&gt;; } </option>
</plugin> -->
<!--支持私有jar包 -->
<!-- <plugin>-->
<!-- <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId>-->
<!-- <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!-- <executions>-->
<!-- <execution>-->
<!-- <goals>-->
<!-- <goal>repackage</goal>-->
<!-- </goals>-->
<!-- <configuration>-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash;<start-class>org.springframework.boot.loader.JarLauncher</start-class>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- </configuration>-->
<!-- </execution>-->
<!-- </executions>-->
<!-- <configuration>-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash;<fork>true</fork> &lt;!&ndash; 如果没有该配置devtools不会生效 &ndash;&gt;&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- <mainClass>com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.Application</mainClass>-->
<!-- <compilerArguments>-->
<!-- <extdirs>${project.basedir}/lib</extdirs>-->
<!-- </compilerArguments>-->
<!-- </configuration>-->
<!-- </plugin>-->
<!-- <plugin>
</plugin> -->

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess;
import feign.Retryer;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.cloud.client.discovery.EnableDiscoveryClient;
import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.EnableFeignClients;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ImportResource;
@ImportResource({ "classpath:applicationContext.xml" })
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
public Retryer feignRetryer() {
return Retryer.NEVER_RETRY;

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.api;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.tanph.auth.api.IAuthTanphApi;
import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.FeignClient;
public interface IAuthTanphFeign extends IAuthTanphApi {

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common;
* The public final class WebDict.
* @author jiuyv
* @version 1.0.0
* @since 2016-1-27
public final class Constant {
* The public final class OrgCode.
* @author zsd
* @version 1.0.0
* @since 2017-10-26
public final class OrgCode {
/** MARKET : 营销系统. */
public static final String TANPH = "TANPH";
* The public final class RespCode.
* @author zsd
* @version 1.0.0
* @since 2017-10-26
public final class RespCode {
/** success : 成功. */
public static final String SUCCESS = "success";
/** input_not_valid : 输入不合法. */
public static final String INPUT_NOT_VALID = "input_not_valid";
/** user_not_found : 用户查询失败. */
public static final String USER_NOT_FOUND = "user_not_found";
/** order_not_found : 订单未找到. */
public static final String ORDER_NOT_FOUND = "order_not_found";
/** bussiness_porcessing : 交易处理中. */
public static final String BUSSINESS_PROCESSING = "bussiness_porcessing";
/** bussiness_error : 业务失败. */
public static final String BUSSINESS_ERROR = "bussiness_error";
/** post_faild : 通信失败. */
public static final String POST_FAILED = "post_faild";
/** business_error : 业务错误. */
public static final String BUSINESS_ERROR = "business_error";
/** token_sys_error : 系统异常. */
public static final String SYS_ERROR = "sys_error";
* The public final class RespMsg.
* @author zsd
* @version 1.0.0
* @since 2017-10-26
public final class RespMsg {
/** success : 成功. */
public static final String SUCCESS = "成功";
/** input_not_valid : 请求流水号不能为空 */
public static final String REQ_ID_IS_NULL = "请求流水号不能为空";
/** input_not_valid : 卡号不能为空*/
public static final String CARD_IS_NULL = "卡号不能为空";
/** input_not_valid : 用户号不能为空 */
public static final String USER_IS_NULL = "用户号不能为空";
/** input_not_valid : 上车时间不能为空 */
public static final String INTIME_IS_NULL = "上车时间不能为空";
/** input_not_valid : 交易类型不够为空 */
public static final String TRANSTYPE_IS_NULL = "交易类型不能为空";
/** input_not_valid : 交易类型不支持 */
public static final String TRANSTYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "交易类型不支持";
/** input_not_valid : 未授权 */
public static final String NOT_AUTH = "未授权";
/** input_not_valid : 序号不能为空 */
public static final String SEQ_NO_NULL = "序号不能为空";
/** input_not_valid : 里程计算失败 */
public static final String MILEAGE_NOT_FOUND = "里程计算失败";
/** order_not_found : 订单未找到. */
public static final String ORDER_NOT_FOUND = "订单未找到";
/** input_not_valid : 同站进出 */
public static final String SAME_STATION = "同站进出";
/** input_not_valid : 查询条件不能为空 */
public static final String FILTER_IS_NULL = "查询条件不能为空";
/** input_not_valid : 订单日期不能为空 */
public static final String TIME_IS_NULL_1 = "订单日期不能为空";
/** bussiness_porcessing : 交易处理中. */
public static final String BUSSINESS_PROCESSING = "交易处理中";
/** bussiness_error : 配置未找到. */
public static final String CONFIG_NOT_FOUND = "配置未找到";
/** business_error : 未知错误. */
public static final String UNKWON_ERROR = "未知错误";
/** post_faild : 通信失败. */
public static final String POST_FAILED = "通信失败";
/** rule_sys_error : 系统异常. */
public static final String SYS_ERROR = "系统异常";
/** business_error : 因子未找到. */
public static final String FACTOR_NOT_FOUND = "因子未找到";
* The public final class nfcTravelTransType. NFC
* @author zsd
* @version 1.0.0
* @since 2017-10-26
* @company Shanghai JiuYv Software Systems CO.,LTD.
public final class BcTravelTransType {
/** BUS公交 */
public static final String BUS = "BUS";
/** SUBWAY 地铁 */
public static final String SUBWAY = "SUBWAY";
/** RAILWAY 铁路 */
public static final String RAILWAY = "RAILWAY";
/** MAGLEV 磁悬浮 */
public static final String MAGLEV = "MAGLEV";
* The public final class QrCodeTravelTransType. NFC
* @author zsd
* @version 1.0.0
* @since 2017-10-26
* @company Shanghai JiuYv Software Systems CO.,LTD.
public final class QrCodeTravelTransType {
/** 77公交 */
public static final String BUS = "77";
/** 21 地铁 */
public static final String SUBWAY = "21";
/** 22 铁路 */
public static final String RAILWAY = "22";
/** 74 磁悬浮 */
public static final String MAGLEV = "74";
* The public final class nfcTravelTransType. NFC
* @author zsd
* @version 1.0.0
* @since 2017-10-26
* @company Shanghai JiuYv Software Systems CO.,LTD.
public final class NfcTravelStatus {
/** INIT初始化 */
public static final String INIT = "INIT";
/** PROCESSING处理中 */
public static final String PROCESSING = "PROCESSING";
/** WAIT_FOR_SEND待发送 */
public static final String WAIT_FOR_SEND = "WAIT_FOR_SEND";
/** SUCCESS成功 */
public static final String SUCCESS = "SUCCESS";
/** FAILED失败 */
public static final String FAILED = "FAILED";
public final class TxnLock {
/** Y : 锁定 */
public static final String Y = "Y";
/** N : 未锁定 */
public static final String N = "N";
public final class SendStatus {
/** NO : 无需处理 */
public static final String NO = "NO";
/** INIT : 初始 */
public static final String INIT = "INIT";
/** PROCESSING : 处理中 */
public static final String PROCESSING = "PROCESSING";
/** SUCCESS : 成功 */
public static final String SUCCESS = "SUCCESS";
/** FAILED : 失败 */
public static final String FAILED = "FAILED";
public final class AsynApp {
/** BC_TRAVEL_SEND : 二维码行程推送重放 */
public static final String BC_TRAVEL_SEND = "BC_TRAVEL_SEND";
/** ERROR_LOG_PROCESS : 错误数据重试 */
public static final String ERROR_LOG_PROCESS = "ERROR_LOG_PROCESS";
public final class NoticeType {
/** BC_TRAVEL_NOTICE : 二维码行程推送推送 */
public static final String BC_TRAVEL_NOTICE = "BC_TRAVEL_NOTICE";
public final class ResourceId {
/** BC_TRAVEL : 二维码行程 */
public static final String BC_TRAVEL = "QR_CODE";
public final class SortType {
/** asc : 正序 */
public static final String ASC = "asc";
/** desc : 倒序 */
public static final String DESC = "desc";

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common;
import feign.Feign;
import okhttp3.Dispatcher;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfigureBefore;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnClass;
import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.FeignAutoConfiguration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
* spring boothttp
* @author it_Zhongpeng
public class FeignOkHttpConfig {
public okhttp3.OkHttpClient okHttpClient() {
Dispatcher pooledispatcher = new Dispatcher();
return new okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder().dispatcher(pooledispatcher).build();

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.database;
import java.util.List;
public class ExtData<T> {
private boolean success;
private Long totalCount;
private List<T> dataList;
public ExtData(boolean success, Long totalCount, List<T> dataList) {
this.success = success;
this.totalCount = totalCount;
this.dataList = dataList;
* @return the success
public boolean isSuccess() {
return success;
* @param success the success to set
public void setSuccess(boolean success) {
this.success = success;
* @return the totalCount
public Long getTotalCount() {
return totalCount;
* @param totalCount the totalCount to set
public void setTotalCount(Long totalCount) {
this.totalCount = totalCount;
* @return the dataList
public List<T> getDataList() {
return dataList;
* @param dataList the dataList to set
public void setDataList(List<T> dataList) {
this.dataList = dataList;

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
* Created on 2008-11-4
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.database.exception;
* .
* @author jiuyv
* @since 2013-12-19 15:36:26
* @version 1.0.0
public class BaseException extends Exception {
/** The Constant serialVersionUID. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2856575469726587413L;
/** 错误结果代码. */
private String errorCode;
/** 错误信息. */
private String errorMessage;
* .
* @param errorCode
* @param throwable Throwable
public BaseException(String errorCode, Throwable throwable) {
this.errorCode = errorCode;
this.errorMessage = throwable.getMessage();
* .
* @param errorCode
* @param errorMessage
public BaseException(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
this.errorCode = errorCode;
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
* .
* @param errorCode
* @param errorMessage
* @param throwable the throwable
public BaseException(String errorCode, String errorMessage,
Throwable throwable) {
super(errorMessage, throwable);
this.errorCode = errorCode;
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
* @return the errorCode
Get .
public String getErrorCode() {
return errorCode;
* @param errorCode the errorCode to set
Set .
public void setErrorCode(String errorCode) {
this.errorCode = errorCode;
* @return the errorMessage
Get .
public String getErrorMessage() {
return errorMessage;
* @param errorMessage the errorMessage to set
Set .
public void setErrorMessage(String errorMessage) {
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;

@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
public class DateUtil {
* 8-format
public static final String DATE_8 = "yyyyMMdd";
* 14-format
public static final String DATE_14 = "yyyyMMddHHmmss";
* -format
public static final String DATE_MMdd = "MMdd";
* -format
public static final String DATE_HHmmss = "HHmmss";
* yyyyMMddHHmmss
* @return
public static String getTime() {
LocalDateTime time = LocalDateTime.now();
DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(DATE_14);
return format.format(time);
* yyyyMMdd
* @return
public static String getDate() {
long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Date date = new Date(currTime);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_8);
return format.format(date);
* yyyyMM
* @return
public static String getMonth() {
return getMonth(0);
* yyyyMM
* @param i
* @return
public static String getMonth(int i) {
Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, i);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM");
return format.format(cal.getTime());
* @param date
* @param pattern
* yyyyMMddhhmmss
* @return
public static String getFormatDate(Date date, String pattern) {
return new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).format(date);
public static String getDateTime() {
long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Date date = new Date(currTime);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_14);
return format.format(date);
public static int compareDate(String startDay, String endDay) {
int n = 0;
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM");
Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar c2 = Calendar.getInstance();
endDay = endDay == null ? df.format(new Date()) : endDay;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
while (!c1.after(c2)) { // 循环对比直到相等n 就是所要的结果
c1.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1); // 比较月份,月份+1
return n;
* ( yyyyMMddHHmmss )
* @param startTm
* @param endTm
* @return
public static int compareTime(String startTm, String endTm) {
LocalDateTime sdt = LocalDateTime.parse(startTm, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(DATE_14));
LocalDateTime edt = LocalDateTime.parse(endTm, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(DATE_14));
if (sdt.isBefore(edt)) {
return -1;
} else if (sdt.isEqual(edt)) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
* ( yyyyMMdd )
* @param dateStr
* @return int 1dateStr-1dateStr0
public static int compareDateWithNow(String dateStr) {
SimpleDateFormat timeFormator = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_8);
try {
Date date = timeFormator.parse(dateStr);
Date current = new Date();
if (current.before(date)) {
return -1;
if (current.after(date)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("解析日期时间格式出错,期望的字符串格式为[yyyyMMdd]");
public static int compareDate1WithNow(String dateStr) {
SimpleDateFormat timeFormator = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM");
try {
Date date = timeFormator.parse(dateStr);
Date current = new Date();
if (current.before(date)) {
return -1;
if (current.after(date)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("解析日期时间格式出错,期望的字符串格式为[yyyyMM]");
public static String getDateByFormat(String format) {
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
return formatter.format(new Date());
* 使Date
public static Date parse(String strDate) throws ParseException {
return StringUtils.isBlank(strDate) ? null : parse(strDate, DATE_8);
* 使FormatDate
public static Date parse(String strDate, String pattern)
throws ParseException {
return StringUtils.isBlank(strDate) ? null : new SimpleDateFormat(
public static int getDiffDate(Date date, Date date1) {
return (int) ((date.getTime() - date1.getTime()) / (24 * 3600 * 1000));
public static String getMonthsFromDate(String begin, String end) {
int b = Integer.parseInt(begin.substring(0, 4));
int e = Integer.parseInt(end.substring(0, 4));
if (e < b) {
return "0";
} else if (e == b) {
b = Integer.parseInt(begin.substring(4, 6));
e = Integer.parseInt(end.substring(4, 6));
if (e < b) {
return "0";
} else {
return String.valueOf(e - b + 1);
} else {
int h = (e - b) * 12;
b = Integer.parseInt(begin.substring(4, 6));
e = Integer.parseInt(end.substring(4, 6));
return String.valueOf(h + e - b + 1);
public static String getDateAdd(String oldtime, long secs) {
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_14);
Date date1;
try {
date1 = format.parse(oldtime);
long Time = (date1.getTime() / 1000) + secs;
date1.setTime(Time * 1000);
String mydate1 = format.format(date1);
return mydate1;
} catch (ParseException e) {
return null;
public static long getdiffsecs(String time1, String time2) {
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_14);
Date date1;
Date date2;
try {
date1 = format.parse(time1);
long Timediff = (date1.getTime()-date2.getTime()) / 1000;
return Timediff;
} catch (ParseException e) {
return 0;
public static String getForwardTime(String srcTime, ChronoUnit timeUnit, Long interval){
return getForwardTime(srcTime, timeUnit, interval, DATE_14);
public static String getForwardTime(String srcTime, ChronoUnit timeUnit, Long interval, String format){
DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(format);
return LocalDateTime.parse(srcTime, dateTimeFormatter).minus(interval, timeUnit).format(dateTimeFormatter);

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* The Class JsonUtil.
* @author jiuyv
* @version 1.0.0
* @since 2016-12-6
public abstract class JsonUtil {
private static String[] hiddenField = {"idNo", "bindCard", "tAcNo", "bankCardNo", "TAcNo", "BankCardNo", "BindCard", "IdNo", "idPaSideNo", "idPbSideNo", "photoFrontNo", "photoBackNo", "photoHoldNo"};
/** The Constant LOGGER. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonUtil.class);
/** The object mapper. */
private static ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
static {
* Convert to json.
* @param object the object
* @return the string
public static String convertToJson( Object object ) {
try {
return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(object);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("convert failed", e);
return "";
public static <T> T json2Bean(String json, Class<T> T) {
try {
T obj = objectMapper.readValue(json, T);
return obj;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("convert failed", e);
return null;
public static <T> List<T> json2List(String json, Class<T> T) {
JavaType javaType = getCollectionType(ArrayList.class, T);
List<T> lst;
try {
lst = objectMapper.readValue(json, javaType);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("convert failed", e);
return null;
return lst;
* Collection Type
* @param collectionClass Collection
* @param elementClasses
* @return JavaType Java
* @since 1.0
public static JavaType getCollectionType(Class<?> collectionClass, Class<?>... elementClasses) {
return objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(collectionClass, elementClasses);
* json
* @param obj the object
* @param hiddenField
* @return the string
public static String convertToLogJson(Object obj, String[] hiddenField) {
try {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(convertToJson(obj));
for(String hd:hiddenField){
return json.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("convert failed", e);
return null;
* json
* @param obj the object
* @return the string
public static String convertToLogJson(Object obj) {
return convertToLogJson(obj, hiddenField);

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.Constant;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
* @author jiuyv
public class LockUtil {
private static final String YYYYMMDDHHMMSSNOMARK = "yyyyMMddHHmmss";
* @param lock
* @param lockTime
* @param sysTime
* @param lockLoser
* @return
public static boolean lockTimeLoser(String lock, String lockTime, String sysTime, long lockLoser) {
// 没上锁就返回false
if (Constant.TxnLock.N.equals(lock)) {
return false;
// 或者锁已经过期了也返回false
return !LocalDateTime.parse(sysTime,
* @param lock
* @param lockTime
* @param threadLockTime 线
* @return
public static boolean isOwnedLock(String lock, String lockTime, String threadLockTime) {
// 如果没上锁或者锁时间变了,代表有其他线程在锁过期后进行了处理,本线程返回结果未知
if (!Constant.TxnLock.Y.equals(lock) || !lockTime.equals(threadLockTime)) {
return false;
return true;

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util;
import com.jcraft.jsch.*;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.config.SFtpConfig;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
* @Description: sftp
* @author shu_k
* @date 202231 4:18:35
public class SFtpUtil {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SFtpUtil.class);
* @param fileDir
* @param fileName
* @param inputStream
* @param sftpConfig
* @return
* @throws SftpException
* @throws JSchException
* @throws Exception
public static void uploadFile(String fileDir, String fileName, InputStream inputStream, SFtpConfig sftpConfig)
throws JSchException, SftpException {
ChannelSftp sftp = getSftp(sftpConfig);
LOGGER.info("上传地址地址 {},文件名{}", fileDir, fileName);
try {
if (sftp.ls(fileDir) == null) {
sftp.put(inputStream, fileName, ChannelSftp.OVERWRITE);
} catch (SftpException e) {
// 创建不存在的文件夹,并切换到文件夹
createDirs(fileDir, sftp);
sftp.put(inputStream, fileName, ChannelSftp.OVERWRITE);
} finally {
public static void downLoadFile(String directory, String fileName, File downLoadFile, SFtpConfig sftpConfig)
throws JSchException {
ChannelSftp sftp = getSftp(sftpConfig);
try (FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream(downLoadFile)) {
directory = directory.concat("/").concat(fileName);
LOGGER.info("下载完成,下载地址地址 {},文件名{}", directory, fileName);
sftp.get(directory, fs);
LOGGER.info("下载完成,下载地址地址 {}", downLoadFile.getAbsolutePath());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
* sftphttp
* @param directory
* @param fileName
* @param response response
* @param sftpConfig sftp
* @throws JSchException
public static void downSftp2Http(String directory, String fileName, HttpServletResponse response, SFtpConfig sftpConfig) throws JSchException {
ChannelSftp sftp = getSftp(sftpConfig);
try (OutputStream fs = response.getOutputStream()) {
directory = directory.concat("/").concat(fileName);
LOGGER.info("下载开始,下载地址地址 {},文件名{}", directory, fileName);
sftp.get(directory, fs);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JSchException(e.getLocalizedMessage());
} finally {
* sftp
* @param sftpConfig sftp
* @return sftp
* @throws Exception
private static ChannelSftp getSftp(SFtpConfig sftpConfig) throws JSchException {
JSch jsch = new JSch();
Session session = getSession(jsch, sftpConfig.getHost(), sftpConfig.getUserName(), sftpConfig.getPort());
Channel channel = session.openChannel(sftpConfig.getProtocol());
return (ChannelSftp) channel;
* session
* @param jsch jsch
* @param host sftpIP
* @param username sftp
* @param port sftp
* @return session
* @throws Exception
private static Session getSession(JSch jsch, String host, String username, Integer port) throws JSchException {
Session session;
if (port <= 0) {
session = jsch.getSession(username, host);
} else {
session = jsch.getSession(username, host, port);
session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
return session;
* @param sftp sftp
private static void disconnect(ChannelSftp sftp) {
try {
if (sftp != null) {
if (sftp.isConnected()) {
} else if (sftp.isClosed()) {
if (null != sftp.getSession()) {
} catch (JSchException e) {
* @param dirPath
* @param sftp sftp
* @return
private static boolean createDirs(String dirPath, ChannelSftp sftp) {
if (dirPath != null && !dirPath.isEmpty() && sftp != null) {
String[] dirs = Arrays.stream(dirPath.split("/")).filter(a -> a != null && !a.equals(""))
String tempPath = "";
for (String dir : dirs) {
try {
LOGGER.info("进入的目录是 {}", dir);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
LOGGER.info("创建的目录是 {}", dir);
LOGGER.info("进入的目录是 {}", dir);
} catch (SftpException e1) {
LOGGER.error("创建失败的目录是:{}", dir, e1);
return true;
return false;
* @param dirs /
* @param tempPath
* @param length
* @param index
* @return
public void mkdirDir(String[] dirs, String tempPath, int length, int index, ChannelSftp sftp) {
// 以"/a/b/c/d"为例按"/"分隔后,第0位是"";顾下标从1开始
if (index < length) {
// 目录不存在,则创建文件夹
tempPath += "/" + dirs[index];
try {
LOGGER.info("检测目录[" + tempPath + "]");
if (index < length) {
mkdirDir(dirs, tempPath, length, index,sftp);
} catch (SftpException ex) {
LOGGER.warn("创建目录[" + tempPath + "]");
try {
} catch (SftpException e) {
LOGGER.error("创建目录[" + tempPath + "]失败,异常信息[" + e.getMessage() + "]");
LOGGER.info("进入目录[" + tempPath + "]");
mkdirDir(dirs, tempPath, length, index,sftp);

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SM3Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs.HMac;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.linearalgebra.ByteUtils;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.security.Security;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* @author Shawffer
* @description:
* @date: 2022-07-19
* @time: 17:35
public class Sm3Util {
static {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
private static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8";
* @param text
* @return
public static String encrypt(String text) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
String resultHexStr = "";
byte[] srcData = text.getBytes(ENCODING);
byte[] resultHash = hash(srcData);
resultHexStr = ByteUtils.toHexString(resultHash);
return resultHexStr;
public static byte[] hash(byte[] srcData){
SM3Digest digest = new SM3Digest();
digest.update(srcData, 0, srcData.length);
byte[] hash = new byte[digest.getDigestSize()];
digest.doFinal(hash, 0);
return hash;
* @param key
* @param srcData
* @return
public static byte[] hmac(byte[] key, byte[] srcData){
KeyParameter keyParameter = new KeyParameter(key);
SM3Digest digest = new SM3Digest();
HMac mac = new HMac(digest);
mac.update(srcData, 0, srcData.length);
byte[] result = new byte[mac.getMacSize()];
mac.doFinal(result, 0);
return result;
* @param srcStr
* @param sm3HexString
* @return
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
public static boolean verify(String srcStr, String sm3HexString) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
boolean flag;
byte[] srcData = srcStr.getBytes(ENCODING);
byte[] sm3Hash = ByteUtils.fromHexString(sm3HexString);
byte[] newHash = hash(srcData);
flag = Arrays.equals(sm3Hash, newHash);
return flag;

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.EthernetAddress;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.Generators;
import com.fasterxml.uuid.impl.TimeBasedGenerator;
import java.util.UUID;
public class UUIDUtil {
//修改成constructMulticastAddress ,防止jmv多个实例在一台服务器上
private static TimeBasedGenerator uuidGenerator = Generators.timeBasedGenerator(EthernetAddress.constructMulticastAddress());
// need to pass Ethernet address; can either use real one (shown here)
public static UUID getTimebaseUUID(){
// or bogus which would be gotten with: EthernetAddress.constructMulticastAddress()
// also: we don't specify synchronizer, getting an intra-JVM syncer; there is
// also external file-locking-based synchronizer if multiple JVMs run JUG
return uuidGenerator.generate();

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.validate;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.database.exception.BaseException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import java.util.Collection;
* The Class BizCheck.
* @author cowyk
* @since 2014-2-17 15:41:44
* @version 1.0.0
public abstract class BizCheck {
* .
* @param toChk the to chk
* @param errorCode
* @param errorMsg
* @throws BaseException the base exception
public static void notNull(Object toChk, String errorCode, String errorMsg) throws BaseException {
if ( toChk == null ) {
throw new BaseException(errorCode, errorMsg);
* .
* @param toChk the to chk
* @param errorCode
* @param errorMsg
* @throws BaseException the base exception
public static void notEmpty(Collection toChk, String errorCode, String errorMsg) throws BaseException {
if ( toChk == null || toChk.isEmpty() ) {
throw new BaseException(errorCode, errorMsg);
* .
* @param toChk the to chk
* @param errorCode
* @param errorMsg
* @throws BaseException the base exception
public static void notBlank(String toChk, String errorCode, String errorMsg) throws BaseException {
if ( StringUtils.isBlank(toChk) ) {
throw new BaseException(errorCode, errorMsg);
* equalsnull.
* @param toChk the to chk
* @param target the target
* @param errorCode
* @param errorMsg
* @throws BaseException the base exception
public static void same(Object toChk, Object target, String errorCode, String errorMsg) throws BaseException {
if ( toChk == null || target == null ) {
throw new BaseException(errorCode, errorMsg);
if ( !toChk.equals(target) ) {
throw new BaseException(errorCode, errorMsg);
* equals,
* null.
* @param toChk the to chk
* @param target the target
* @param errorCode the error code
* @param errorMsg the error msg
* @throws BaseException the base exception
public static void notSame(Object toChk, Object target, String errorCode, String errorMsg) throws BaseException {
if ( toChk == null || target == null ) {
throw new BaseException(errorCode, errorMsg);
if ( toChk.equals(target) ) {
throw new BaseException(errorCode, errorMsg);
* True, false.
* @param toChk the to chk
* @param errorCode the error code
* @param errorMsg the error msg
* @throws BaseException the base exception
public static void isTrue(boolean toChk, String errorCode,
String errorMsg) throws BaseException {
if ( !toChk ) {
throw new BaseException(errorCode, errorMsg);
* .
* @param toChk the to chk
* @param min min num
* @param max max num
* @param errorCode the error code
* @param errorMsg the error msg
* @throws BaseException the base exception
public static void lengthValidate(String toChk, int min, int max, String errorCode,
String errorMsg) throws BaseException {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(toChk) || toChk.length() < min ||toChk.length() > max ) {
throw new BaseException(errorCode, errorMsg);

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.config;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
* @Description: ftp
* @author shu_k
* @date 202193 2:45:46
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "bc-travel.acct.sftp")
public class AcctSftpConfig extends SFtpConfig {

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.config;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.builders.HttpSecurity;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.EnableWebSecurity;
import org.springframework.security.config.annotation.web.configuration.WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter;
public class ActuatorSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
Environment env;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity security) throws Exception {
String contextPath = env.getProperty("management.endpoints.web.base-path");
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(contextPath)) {
contextPath = "/actuator";

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.config;
import com.google.common.base.Charsets;
import com.google.common.hash.BloomFilter;
import com.google.common.hash.Funnels;
import com.jiuyv.spring.starter.bloomfilter.v2.filter.FilterInstance;
import com.jiuyv.spring.starter.bloomfilter.v2.filter.IFilterConfig;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.tanph.auth.entity.CommonRequestVO;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.tanph.auth.entity.auth.api.tanph.AuthSearchForQRFilterRequestVo;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.tanph.auth.entity.auth.api.tanph.AuthSearchForQRFilterResponseVo;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.api.IAuthTanphFeign;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.Constant;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util.DateUtil;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util.JsonUtil;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util.UUIDUtil;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.AuthInfo;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.service.ISysCommonService;
import feign.Response;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.List;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* @author zsd
* @description:
* @date: 2022-09-09
* @time: 15:46
public class BcTravelAuthFilterConfig implements IFilterConfig {
public static final String FILTER_NAME = "BC_TRAVEL_AUTH";
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BcTravelAuthFilterConfig.class);
private static final Long DEFAULT_EXPECTED = 100000000L;
private Long expectedInsertions = DEFAULT_EXPECTED;
private IAuthTanphFeign authService;
private ISysCommonService sysCommonService;
public BcTravelAuthFilterConfig() {
public BcTravelAuthFilterConfig(Long expectedInsertions) {
if (expectedInsertions != null) {
this.expectedInsertions = expectedInsertions;
} else {
this.expectedInsertions = DEFAULT_EXPECTED;
// /**
// * 每日00:01 a.m. 触发
// * 每日重建filter用 重建频率
// *
// * @return
// */
// @Override
// public String cronForRebuild() {
// return "*/30 * * * * ?";
// }
public Long expectedInsertions() {
return this.expectedInsertions;
public String filterName() {
public void fetchAllDate(FilterInstance instance) {
try {
CommonRequestVO commonRequestVO = new CommonRequestVO();
LOGGER.info("bloomfilter 全量更新调用接口");
Response response = authService.syncListSearchForFullQRFilter(commonRequestVO);
if (response.status() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
instance.putAll(FilterInstance.buildInstanceWithData(this, BloomFilter.readFrom(response.body().asInputStream(), Funnels.stringFunnel(Charsets.UTF_8))));
} else {
LOGGER.error("get response status error, status:{}", response.status());
throw new Exception("bloomfilter 获取远端调用返回失败");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.info("获取全量更新数据失败", e);
public void fetchIncrementData(FilterInstance instance, ChronoUnit timeUnit, Long interval) {
String nowTime = sysCommonService.selectSysCurrentTime();
String startTime = DateUtil.getForwardTime(nowTime, timeUnit, interval);
AuthSearchForQRFilterRequestVo authSearchForQRFilterRequestVo = new AuthSearchForQRFilterRequestVo();
LOGGER.info("bloomfilter 增量更新调用接口");
AuthSearchForQRFilterResponseVo respVo = authService.authListSearchForQRFilter(authSearchForQRFilterRequestVo);
List<String> list = respVo.getUserIdList();
LOGGER.info("bloomfilter 增量数据获取成功"+ JsonUtil.convertToJson(respVo));
for (String s : list) {
public Object filterNotPassDefaultReturn(Object firstReqParams) {
return new AuthInfo();
// @Override
// public String cronForRefresh() {
// return "*/10 * * * * ?";
// }
public String cronForRefresh() {
return "0 0/5 * * * *";
public ChronoUnit fetchIncrementIntervalTimeUnit() {
return ChronoUnit.MINUTES;
public long fetchIncrementIntervalInterval() {
return 20;

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.config;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
* @Description: ftp
* @author shu_k
* @date 202193 2:45:46
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "bc-travel.data-center.sftp")
public class DataCenterSftpConfig extends SFtpConfig {

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.config;
* @Description: sftp
* @author shu_k
* @date 202193 2:45:46
public class SFtpConfig {
* IP
private String host;
private Integer port;
private String userName;
private String password;
private String remoteDir;
private String localDir;
private String protocol;
* session
private Integer sessionConnectTimeout;
* channel
private Integer channelConnectedTimeout;
public String getHost() {
return host;
public void setHost(String host) {
this.host = host;
public Integer getPort() {
return port;
public void setPort(Integer port) {
this.port = port;
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
public void setUserName(String userName) {
this.userName = userName;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
public String getProtocol() {
return protocol;
public void setProtocol(String protocol) {
this.protocol = protocol;
public Integer getSessionConnectTimeout() {
return sessionConnectTimeout;
public void setSessionConnectTimeout(Integer sessionConnectTimeout) {
this.sessionConnectTimeout = sessionConnectTimeout;
public Integer getChannelConnectedTimeout() {
return channelConnectedTimeout;
public void setChannelConnectedTimeout(Integer channelConnectedTimeout) {
this.channelConnectedTimeout = channelConnectedTimeout;
public String getRemoteDir() {
return remoteDir;
public void setRemoteDir(String remoteDir) {
this.remoteDir = remoteDir;
public String getLocalDir() {
return localDir;
public void setLocalDir(String localDir) {
this.localDir = localDir;

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.config;
import com.xxl.job.core.executor.impl.XxlJobSpringExecutor;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnProperty;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
* xxl-job config
@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix="xxl", name="enable", havingValue = "true")
public class XxlJobConfig {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XxlJobConfig.class);
private String adminAddresses;
private String appName;
private String ip;
private int port;
private String accessToken;
private String logPath;
private int logRetentionDays;
@Bean(initMethod = "start", destroyMethod = "destroy")
public XxlJobSpringExecutor xxlJobExecutor() {
logger.info(">>>>>>>>>>> xxl-job config init.");
XxlJobSpringExecutor xxlJobSpringExecutor = new XxlJobSpringExecutor();
return xxlJobSpringExecutor;

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.controller;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.api.IDataProcessBatchConsoleApi;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util.JsonUtil;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console.*;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.plugin.IProcess;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class DataProcessBatchConsoleController implements IDataProcessBatchConsoleApi {
/** The Constant LOGGER. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory
/** 二维码行程通知分页查询process */
private IProcess<BcTravelNoticePageReqVo, BcTravelNoticePageRespVo> bcTravelNoticePageProcess;
/** 失败消息分页查询process */
private IProcess<NoticeErrorPageReqVo, NoticeErrorPageRespVo> noticeErrorPageProcess;
/** 二维码行程推送重新处理process */
private IProcess<BcTravelNoticeReprocessReqVo, BcTravelNoticeReprocessRespVo> bcTravelNoticeReprocess;
/** 失败消息重新处理process */
private IProcess<NoticeErrorReprocessReqVo, NoticeErrorReprocessRespVo> noticeErrorReprocess;
* @param req
* @return
public BcTravelNoticePageRespVo bcTravelNoticePage(@RequestBody BcTravelNoticePageReqVo req) {
LOGGER.info("BcTravelNoticePage start...");
LOGGER.info("BcTravelNoticePage req:[{}]" , JsonUtil.convertToLogJson(req));
BcTravelNoticePageRespVo resp = bcTravelNoticePageProcess.process(req);
LOGGER.info("BcTravelNoticePage resp code:[{}], totalCount [{}]" , resp.getRespCode(), resp.getTotalCount());
LOGGER.info("BcTravelNoticePage end...");
return resp;
* @param req
* @return
public NoticeErrorPageRespVo noticeErrorPage(@RequestBody NoticeErrorPageReqVo req) {
LOGGER.info("noticeErrorPage start...");
LOGGER.info("noticeErrorPage req:[{}]" , JsonUtil.convertToLogJson(req));
NoticeErrorPageRespVo resp = noticeErrorPageProcess.process(req);
LOGGER.info("noticeErrorPage resp code:[{}], totalCount [{}]" , resp.getRespCode(), resp.getTotalCount());
LOGGER.info("noticeErrorPage end...");
return resp;
* @param req
* @return
public BcTravelNoticeReprocessRespVo bcTravelNoticeReprocess(@RequestBody BcTravelNoticeReprocessReqVo req) {
LOGGER.info("BcTravelNoticeReprocess start...");
LOGGER.info("BcTravelNoticeReprocess req:[{}]" , JsonUtil.convertToLogJson(req));
BcTravelNoticeReprocessRespVo resp = bcTravelNoticeReprocess.process(req);
LOGGER.info("BcTravelNoticeReprocess resp:[{}]" ,JsonUtil.convertToLogJson(resp));
LOGGER.info("BcTravelNoticeReprocess end...");
return resp;
* @param req
* @return
public NoticeErrorReprocessRespVo noticeErrorReprocess(@RequestBody NoticeErrorReprocessReqVo req) {
LOGGER.info("noticeErrorReprocess start...");
LOGGER.info("noticeErrorReprocess req:[{}]" , JsonUtil.convertToLogJson(req));
NoticeErrorReprocessRespVo resp = noticeErrorReprocess.process(req);
LOGGER.info("noticeErrorReprocess resp:[{}]" ,JsonUtil.convertToLogJson(resp));
LOGGER.info("noticeErrorReprocess end...");
return resp;

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.controller;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.Constant;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.database.exception.BaseException;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.util.DateUtil;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.common.validate.BizCheck;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.AuthInfo;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.DcBcTravelNoticeVo;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.service.IBloomFilterService;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.service.IDcBcTravelNoticeService;
import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class DataProcessController {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataProcessController.class);
private static final Map<String, String> BUSINESS_CODE_MAP = new HashMap<>();
static {
BUSINESS_CODE_MAP.put(Constant.QrCodeTravelTransType.BUS, Constant.BcTravelTransType.BUS);
BUSINESS_CODE_MAP.put(Constant.QrCodeTravelTransType.SUBWAY, Constant.BcTravelTransType.SUBWAY);
BUSINESS_CODE_MAP.put(Constant.QrCodeTravelTransType.RAILWAY, Constant.BcTravelTransType.RAILWAY);
BUSINESS_CODE_MAP.put(Constant.QrCodeTravelTransType.MAGLEV, Constant.BcTravelTransType.MAGLEV);
private static final DateTimeFormatter sdf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(DateUtil.DATE_14);
private static final DateTimeFormatter sdf_c = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
/** 错误数据service */
private IDcBcTravelNoticeService service;
private IBloomFilterService bloomFilterService;
* @param oriMsg
* @throws BaseException
public void processMsg(String oriMsg) throws BaseException {
// LOGGER.info("recevie msg: [{}]", oriMsg);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(oriMsg)) {
// 消息转推送对象
DcBcTravelNoticeVo travel = convert2Notice(oriMsg);
try {
// 数据完整性校验
} catch (BaseException e) {
LOGGER.info("bcTravel checkData error: [{}], [{}]", e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMessage());
// 获取授权机构号userToken
AuthInfo authInfo = bloomFilterService.getBcAuthByUser(travel.getUserId(), travel.getInTransTime());
// 未授权
if (authInfo == null || MapUtils.isEmpty(authInfo.getUserTokens())) {
// LOGGER.info("not authed...");
// 无需重试,记录日志即可,不记录失败表
travel = setUserTokens(travel, authInfo);
// 新增记录
// 处理数据
// ResultBean<DcBcTravelNoticeVo> rb = bcTravelNoticeProcess.process(travel);
// LOGGER.info("travel process result: [{}], respCode:[{}], respMessage:[{}]", rb.isSuccess(), rb.getRespCode(), rb.getRespMessage());
* @param msg
* @return
private DcBcTravelNoticeVo convert2Notice(String msg) {
String[] dataFields = msg.split(",");
DcBcTravelNoticeVo notice = new DcBcTravelNoticeVo();
// 行程单号,中台自己生成的
// 行业类型转换
notice.setTransType(BUSINESS_CODE_MAP.getOrDefault(getFieldValue(dataFields[1]), getFieldValue(dataFields[1])));
// 交通卡用户号
// 进战站点号
// 出战站点号
// 拉码渠道
// 交易时间 格式转换 数据中台是
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getFieldValue(dataFields[6]))) {
notice.setInTransTime(LocalDateTime.parse(getFieldValue(dataFields[6]), sdf_c).format(sdf));
return notice;
* @param req
private void checkData(DcBcTravelNoticeVo req) throws BaseException {
// 卡号、时间、交易类型
BizCheck.notBlank(req.getUserId(), Constant.RespCode.INPUT_NOT_VALID, Constant.RespMsg.USER_IS_NULL);
BizCheck.notBlank(req.getInTransTime(), Constant.RespCode.INPUT_NOT_VALID, Constant.RespMsg.INTIME_IS_NULL);
BizCheck.notBlank(req.getTransType(), Constant.RespCode.INPUT_NOT_VALID, Constant.RespMsg.TRANSTYPE_IS_NULL);
// 业务类型过滤
if (!Constant.BcTravelTransType.BUS.equals(req.getTransType())
&& !Constant.BcTravelTransType.SUBWAY.equals(req.getTransType())) {
throw new BaseException(Constant.RespCode.INPUT_NOT_VALID, Constant.RespMsg.TRANSTYPE_NOT_SUPPORT);
// 地铁需要判断出入站信息是否完整
if (Constant.BcTravelTransType.SUBWAY.equals(req.getTransType())) {
BizCheck.notBlank(req.getInStationId(), Constant.RespCode.INPUT_NOT_VALID, Constant.RespMsg.CARD_IS_NULL);
BizCheck.notBlank(req.getOutStationId(), Constant.RespCode.INPUT_NOT_VALID, Constant.RespMsg.INTIME_IS_NULL);
if (req.getInStationId().equals(req.getOutStationId())) {
throw new BaseException(Constant.RespCode.INPUT_NOT_VALID, Constant.RespMsg.SAME_STATION);
* @param vo
* @param auth
* @return
private DcBcTravelNoticeVo setUserTokens(DcBcTravelNoticeVo vo, AuthInfo auth) {
Map<String, String> userTokenMap = auth.getUserTokens();
StringBuffer firstChannels = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer secondChannels = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer userTokens = new StringBuffer();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : userTokenMap.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String[] channels = key.split("_");
String value = entry.getValue();
vo.setFirstChannels(firstChannels.substring(0, firstChannels.length() - 1));
vo.setSecondChannels(secondChannels.substring(0, secondChannels.length() - 1));
vo.setUserTokens(userTokens.substring(0, userTokens.length() - 1));
return vo;
* \N
* @param value
* @return
private String getFieldValue(String value) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(value) || "\\N".equals(value)) {
return "";
return value.trim();

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.controller;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.api.IPingApi;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.service.ICalculateReductionService;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.service.IPingTestService;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.service.IReadFileService;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class PingController implements IPingApi {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PingController.class);
private IPingTestService pingTestService;
private IReadFileService readFileService;
private ICalculateReductionService calculateReductionService;
public boolean pingTest() {
LOGGER.info("receive ping");
boolean pingresult = pingTestService.ping();
LOGGER.info("ping result [{}]", pingresult);
return pingresult;
public void test00() {
public void test11() {

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.domain;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class BcSubwayMileage implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String inStationId;
private String outStationId;
private Integer mileage;
private String inStationName;
private String outStationName;
public String getInStationId() {
return inStationId;
public void setInStationId(String inStationId) {
this.inStationId = inStationId;
public String getOutStationId() {
return outStationId;
public void setOutStationId(String outStationId) {
this.outStationId = outStationId;
public Integer getMileage() {
return mileage;
public void setMileage(Integer mileage) {
this.mileage = mileage;
public String getInStationName() {
return inStationName;
public void setInStationName(String inStationName) {
this.inStationName = inStationName;
public String getOutStationName() {
return outStationName;
public void setOutStationName(String outStationName) {
this.outStationName = outStationName;

@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.domain;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Date;
public class BcTravelNotice implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String seqNo;
private String txnLock;
private String txnTime;
private String travelNo;
private String industryCode;
private String openChannel;
private Date intoTransTime;
private Date outTransTime;
private String userId;
private String ccid;
private String inStationId;
private String outStationId;
private Integer mileage;
private Integer carMileage;
private String carbonFootprint;
private String calcFactorVersion;
private String firstChannels;
private String secondChannels;
private String userTokens;
private String stlmDate;
private String travelHash;
private String status;
private String remark;
private String orderCompleteTime;
private String nextSendTime;
private Integer sendCount;
private String sendStatus;
private String createUser;
private Date createTime;
private String lstUpdUser;
private Date lstUpdTime;
public String getSeqNo() {
return seqNo;
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;
public String getTxnLock() {
return txnLock;
public void setTxnLock(String txnLock) {
this.txnLock = txnLock;
public String getTxnTime() {
return txnTime;
public void setTxnTime(String txnTime) {
this.txnTime = txnTime;
public String getTravelNo() {
return travelNo;
public void setTravelNo(String travelNo) {
this.travelNo = travelNo;
public String getIndustryCode() {
return industryCode;
public void setIndustryCode(String industryCode) {
this.industryCode = industryCode;
public String getOpenChannel() {
return openChannel;
public void setOpenChannel(String openChannel) {
this.openChannel = openChannel;
public Date getIntoTransTime() {
return intoTransTime;
public void setIntoTransTime(Date intoTransTime) {
this.intoTransTime = intoTransTime;
public Date getOutTransTime() {
return outTransTime;
public void setOutTransTime(Date outTransTime) {
this.outTransTime = outTransTime;
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public String getCcid() {
return ccid;
public void setCcid(String ccid) {
this.ccid = ccid;
public String getInStationId() {
return inStationId;
public void setInStationId(String inStationId) {
this.inStationId = inStationId;
public String getOutStationId() {
return outStationId;
public void setOutStationId(String outStationId) {
this.outStationId = outStationId;
public Integer getMileage() {
return mileage;
public void setMileage(Integer mileage) {
this.mileage = mileage;
public Integer getCarMileage() {
return carMileage;
public void setCarMileage(Integer carMileage) {
this.carMileage = carMileage;
public String getCarbonFootprint() {
return carbonFootprint;
public void setCarbonFootprint(String carbonFootprint) {
this.carbonFootprint = carbonFootprint;
public String getCalcFactorVersion() {
return calcFactorVersion;
public void setCalcFactorVersion(String calcFactorVersion) {
this.calcFactorVersion = calcFactorVersion;
public String getFirstChannels() {
return firstChannels;
public void setFirstChannels(String firstChannels) {
this.firstChannels = firstChannels;
public String getSecondChannels() {
return secondChannels;
public void setSecondChannels(String secondChannels) {
this.secondChannels = secondChannels;
public String getUserTokens() {
return userTokens;
public void setUserTokens(String userTokens) {
this.userTokens = userTokens;
public String getStlmDate() {
return stlmDate;
public void setStlmDate(String stlmDate) {
this.stlmDate = stlmDate;
public String getTravelHash() {
return travelHash;
public void setTravelHash(String travelHash) {
this.travelHash = travelHash;
public String getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public String getOrderCompleteTime() {
return orderCompleteTime;
public void setOrderCompleteTime(String orderCompleteTime) {
this.orderCompleteTime = orderCompleteTime;
public String getNextSendTime() {
return nextSendTime;
public void setNextSendTime(String nextSendTime) {
this.nextSendTime = nextSendTime;
public Integer getSendCount() {
return sendCount;
public void setSendCount(Integer sendCount) {
this.sendCount = sendCount;
public String getSendStatus() {
return sendStatus;
public void setSendStatus(String sendStatus) {
this.sendStatus = sendStatus;
public String getCreateUser() {
return createUser;
public void setCreateUser(String createUser) {
this.createUser = createUser;
public Date getCreateTime() {
return createTime;
public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) {
this.createTime = createTime;
public String getLstUpdUser() {
return lstUpdUser;
public void setLstUpdUser(String lstUpdUser) {
this.lstUpdUser = lstUpdUser;
public Date getLstUpdTime() {
return lstUpdTime;
public void setLstUpdTime(Date lstUpdTime) {
this.lstUpdTime = lstUpdTime;

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;
* @author ren_chao
public class ReqCarbonBatchComputationDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int count;
private String methodId;
private List<ReqCarbonComputeDataDTO> rawDatas;
public int getCount() {
return count;
public void setCount(int count) {
this.count = count;
public String getMethodId() {
return methodId;
public void setMethodId(String methodId) {
this.methodId = methodId;
public List<ReqCarbonComputeDataDTO> getRawDatas() {
return rawDatas;
public void setRawDatas(List<ReqCarbonComputeDataDTO> rawDatas) {
this.rawDatas = rawDatas;

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto;
import java.io.Serializable;
* @author ren_chao
public class ReqCarbonComputeDataDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String dataId;
private String baseFactor;
private String factor;
private String tripDistance;
public String getDataId() {
return dataId;
public void setDataId(String dataId) {
this.dataId = dataId;
public String getBaseFactor() {
return baseFactor;
public void setBaseFactor(String baseFactor) {
this.baseFactor = baseFactor;
public String getFactor() {
return factor;
public void setFactor(String factor) {
this.factor = factor;
public String getTripDistance() {
return tripDistance;
public void setTripDistance(String tripDistance) {
this.tripDistance = tripDistance;

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto;
import java.io.Serializable;
* @author ren_chao
public class ResEmissionReductionDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String dataId;
private String emissionReduction;
public String getDataId() {
return dataId;
public void setDataId(String dataId) {
this.dataId = dataId;
public String getEmissionReduction() {
return emissionReduction;
public void setEmissionReduction(String emissionReduction) {
this.emissionReduction = emissionReduction;

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto;
import java.io.Serializable;
* @author ren_chao
public class ResultDTO<T> implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int code;
private String msg;
private T content;
public int getCode() {
return code;
public void setCode(int code) {
this.code = code;
public String getMsg() {
return msg;
public void setMsg(String msg) {
this.msg = msg;
public T getContent() {
return content;
public void setContent(T content) {
this.content = content;

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.exception;
public final class ServiceException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Integer code;
public ServiceException() {
public ServiceException(String message) {
public ServiceException(String message, Integer code) {
this.code = code;
public Integer getCode() {
return code;

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.feign;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.ReqCarbonBatchComputationDTO;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.ResEmissionReductionDTO;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.ResultDTO;
import org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.FeignClient;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author ren_chao
@FeignClient(name = "carbonDataProcessFeign", url = "http://carbon-dev.natappvip.cc")
public interface CarbonDataProcessFeign {
ResultDTO<Map<String, List<ResEmissionReductionDTO>>> batchComputation(@RequestBody ReqCarbonBatchComputationDTO carbonBatchComputation);

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.mapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
* @author RENCHAO
* @description TBL_BC_SUBWAY_MILEAGEMapper
* @createDate 2024-04-19 10:36:32
* @Entity com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.domain.BcSubwayMileage
public interface BcSubwayMileageMapper {
Integer selectMileage(@Param("inStationId") String inStationId, @Param("outStationId") String outStationId);

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.mapper;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.domain.BcTravelNotice;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import java.util.List;
* 2024-04-17 15:51:32
public interface BcTravelNoticeMapper {
int insertSelective(BcTravelNotice record);
BcTravelNotice selectByPrimaryKey(Long id);
int updateByPrimaryKeySelective(BcTravelNotice record);
List<BcTravelNotice> selectByPage(Integer start, Integer count);

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model;
* @author jiuyv
public class MsgInfo {
/** title : 短信标题 */
private String title;
/** content : 短信内容 */
private String content;
/** receiver : 短信收件人 */
private String receiver;
public MsgInfo() {
* @param title
* @param content
public MsgInfo(String title, String content) {
this.title = title;
this.content = content;
* @param title
* @param content
* @param receiver
public MsgInfo(String title, String content, String receiver) {
this.title = title;
this.content = content;
this.receiver = receiver;
* @return the title
public String getTitle() {
return title;
* @param title the title to set
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
* @return the content
public String getContent() {
return content;
* @param content the content to set
public void setContent(String content) {
this.content = content;
* @return the receiver
public String getReceiver() {
return receiver;
* @param receiver the receiver to set
public void setReceiver(String receiver) {
this.receiver = receiver;

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model;
* @author jiuyv
public class ResultBean<T> {
private boolean success = false;
/** 返回码 */
private String respCode;
/** 返回信息 */
private String respMessage;
/** 数据对象 */
private T data;
* @param respCode
* @param respMessage
public ResultBean(boolean success, T obj, String respCode, String respMessage) {
this.respCode = respCode;
this.respMessage = respMessage;
this.success = success;
this.data = obj;
* @param respCode
* @param respMessage
public ResultBean(String respCode, String respMessage) {
this.respCode = respCode;
this.respMessage = respMessage;
* @param respCode
* @param respMessage
public ResultBean(T obj, String respCode, String respMessage) {
this.data = obj;
this.respCode = respCode;
this.respMessage = respMessage;
* @return the respCode
public String getRespCode() {
return respCode;
* @param respCode the respCode to set
public void setRespCode(String respCode) {
this.respCode = respCode;
* @return the respMessage
public String getRespMessage() {
return respMessage;
* @param respMessage the respMessage to set
public void setRespMessage(String respMessage) {
this.respMessage = respMessage;
* @return the data
public T getData() {
return data;
* @param data the data to set
public void setData(T data) {
this.data = data;
* @return the success
public boolean isSuccess() {
return success;
* @param success the success to set
public void setSuccess(boolean success) {
this.success = success;

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.common;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class PageDomin implements Serializable {
/** sortType : 排序方式. */
private String sortType;
/** sortField : 排序字段 */
private String sortField;
/** startPage : 开始页码 */
private Integer startPage;
/** pageSize : 每页条数 */
private Integer pageSize;
// -- Extends --
/** offset : 偏移量 */
private Integer offset;
/** endline : 末尾行数 */
private Integer endline;
/** sortReg : 排序表达式 */
private String sortReg;
public Integer getStartPage() {
return startPage;
public void setStartPage(Integer startPage) {
this.startPage = startPage;
public Integer getPageSize() {
return pageSize;
public void setPageSize(Integer pageSize) {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
public String getSortType() {
return sortType;
public void setSortType(String sortType) {
this.sortType = sortType;
public String getSortField() {
return sortField;
public void setSortField(String sortField) {
this.sortField = sortField;
public Integer getOffset() {
return offset;
public void setOffset(Integer offset) {
this.offset = offset;
public Integer getEndline() {
return endline;
public void setEndline(Integer endline) {
this.endline = endline;
public String getSortReg() {
return sortReg;
public void setSortReg(String sortReg) {
this.sortReg = sortReg;

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.common;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class SysParamVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** paramCode : 参数名称. PARAM_CODE: VARCHAR2(40) */
private String paramCode ;
/** version : VERSION. VERSION: NUMBER(10) */
private Long version ;
/** paramValue : 参数值. PARAM_VALUE: VARCHAR2(100) */
private String paramValue ;
/** paramCheck : 检查方式. PARAM_CHECK: CHAR(1) */
private String paramCheck ;
/** paramRule : 检查规则. PARAM_RULE: VARCHAR2(100) */
private String paramRule ;
/** paramModifyFlag : 可修改标志. PARAM_MODIFY_FLAG: CHAR(1) */
private String paramModifyFlag ;
/** paramDesc : 描述. PARAM_DESC: VARCHAR2(120) */
private String paramDesc ;
/** paramRemark : 注释. PARAM_REMARK: VARCHAR2(100) */
private String paramRemark ;
/** lstUpdUser : 最后更新用户. LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String lstUpdUser ;
/** lstUpdTime : 最后更新时间. LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String lstUpdTime ;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public SysParamVo() {
// Default Construtor
public SysParamVo(String paramCode) {
this.paramCode = paramCode;
* @return the paramCode
public String getParamCode() {
return paramCode;
* @param paramCode the paramCode to set
public void setParamCode(String paramCode) {
this.paramCode = paramCode;
* @return the version
public Long getVersion() {
return version;
* @param version the version to set
public void setVersion(Long version) {
this.version = version;
* @return the paramValue
public String getParamValue() {
return paramValue;
* @param paramValue the paramValue to set
public void setParamValue(String paramValue) {
this.paramValue = paramValue;
* @return the paramCheck
public String getParamCheck() {
return paramCheck;
* @param paramCheck the paramCheck to set
public void setParamCheck(String paramCheck) {
this.paramCheck = paramCheck;
* @return the paramRule
public String getParamRule() {
return paramRule;
* @param paramRule the paramRule to set
public void setParamRule(String paramRule) {
this.paramRule = paramRule;
* @return the paramModifyFlag
public String getParamModifyFlag() {
return paramModifyFlag;
* @param paramModifyFlag the paramModifyFlag to set
public void setParamModifyFlag(String paramModifyFlag) {
this.paramModifyFlag = paramModifyFlag;
* @return the paramDesc
public String getParamDesc() {
return paramDesc;
* @param paramDesc the paramDesc to set
public void setParamDesc(String paramDesc) {
this.paramDesc = paramDesc;
* @return the paramRemark
public String getParamRemark() {
return paramRemark;
* @param paramRemark the paramRemark to set
public void setParamRemark(String paramRemark) {
this.paramRemark = paramRemark;
* @return the lstUpdUser
public String getLstUpdUser() {
return lstUpdUser;
* @param lstUpdUser the lstUpdUser to set
public void setLstUpdUser(String lstUpdUser) {
this.lstUpdUser = lstUpdUser;
* @return the lstUpdTime
public String getLstUpdTime() {
return lstUpdTime;
* @param lstUpdTime the lstUpdTime to set
public void setLstUpdTime(String lstUpdTime) {
this.lstUpdTime = lstUpdTime;

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.common.dao;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
public interface SysBaseInfoDao {
* -yyyyMMddHHmmss
* @return
String selectSysCurrentTime();

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
import java.util.Map;
public class AuthInfo {
/** 用户号 */
private String userId;
/** 资源ID */
private String resourceId;
/** 用户令牌 */
private Map<String, String> userTokens;
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public Map<String, String> getUserTokens() {
return userTokens;
public void setUserTokens(Map<String, String> userTokens) {
this.userTokens = userTokens;
public String getResourceId() {
return resourceId;
public void setResourceId(String resourceId) {
this.resourceId = resourceId;

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
public class BcTravelAcctSumVo {
/** stlmDate : 清算日期 */
private String stlmDate;
/** totalCount : 总行数 */
private Long totalCount;
public BcTravelAcctSumVo(String stlmDate) {
this.stlmDate = stlmDate;
this.totalCount = 0L;
public String getStlmDate() {
return stlmDate;
public void setStlmDate(String stlmDate) {
this.stlmDate = stlmDate;
public Long getTotalCount() {
return totalCount;
public void setTotalCount(Long totalCount) {
this.totalCount = totalCount;

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
public class BcTravelAcctVo {
/** travelNo : 行程单号 */
private String travelNo;
/** transType : 交易类型 */
private String transType;
/** userId : 用户号 */
private String userId;
/** firstChannels : 推送一级机构号. FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String firstChannels ;
/** secondChannels : 推送二级机构号. SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String secondChannels ;
/** userToken : 用户令牌 */
private String userToken;
/** bcChannel : 拉码渠道 */
private String bcChannel ;
/** intoTransTime : 进站时间 */
private String intoTransTime;
/** travelHash : 行程特征值. */
private String travelHash ;
/** carbonFootprint : 碳排放量. */
private String carbonFootprint ;
public String getTravelNo() {
return travelNo;
public void setTravelNo(String travelNo) {
this.travelNo = travelNo;
public String getTransType() {
return transType;
public void setTransType(String transType) {
this.transType = transType;
public String getIntoTransTime() {
return intoTransTime;
public void setIntoTransTime(String intoTransTime) {
this.intoTransTime = intoTransTime;
public String getUserToken() {
return userToken;
public void setUserToken(String userToken) {
this.userToken = userToken;
public String getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public String getFirstChannels() {
return firstChannels;
public void setFirstChannels(String firstChannels) {
this.firstChannels = firstChannels;
public String getSecondChannels() {
return secondChannels;
public void setSecondChannels(String secondChannels) {
this.secondChannels = secondChannels;
public String getBcChannel() {
return bcChannel;
public void setBcChannel(String bcChannel) {
this.bcChannel = bcChannel;
public String getTravelHash() {
return travelHash;
public void setTravelHash(String travelHash) {
this.travelHash = travelHash;
public String getCarbonFootprint() {
return carbonFootprint;
public void setCarbonFootprint(String carbonFootprint) {
this.carbonFootprint = carbonFootprint;

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcAsynCtrlVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** appId : 应用id. APP_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String appId ;
/** cycleStat : 轮循状态. CYCLE_STAT: NUMBER(1) */
private Long cycleStat ;
/** currDateTime : 当前处理时间. CURR_DATE_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String currDateTime ;
/** updatetime : 最后更新时间. UPDATETIME: VARCHAR2(14) */
private String updatetime ;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcAsynCtrlVo() {
// Default Construtor
public DcAsynCtrlVo(String appId) {
this.appId = appId;
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set appId : id. APP_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setAppId(String appId){
this.appId = appId;
* Get appId : id. APP_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getAppId(){
return this.appId;
* Set cycleStat : . CYCLE_STAT: NUMBER(1)
public void setCycleStat(Long cycleStat){
this.cycleStat = cycleStat;
* Get cycleStat : . CYCLE_STAT: NUMBER(1)
public Long getCycleStat(){
return this.cycleStat;
* Set currDateTime : . CURR_DATE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setCurrDateTime(String currDateTime){
this.currDateTime = currDateTime;
* Get currDateTime : . CURR_DATE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getCurrDateTime(){
return this.currDateTime;
* Set updatetime : . UPDATETIME: VARCHAR2(14)
public void setUpdatetime(String updatetime){
this.updatetime = updatetime;
* Get updatetime : . UPDATETIME: VARCHAR2(14)
public String getUpdatetime(){
return this.updatetime;

@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcBcTravelNoticeVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** seqNo : 推送序号. SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String seqNo ;
/** txnLock : 锁标志. TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1) */
private String txnLock ;
/** txnTime : 锁时间. TXN_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String txnTime ;
/** travelNo : 业务流水号. TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String travelNo ;
/** transType : 交易类型. TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String transType ;
/** bcChannel : 拉码渠道. BC_CHANNEL: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String bcChannel ;
/** inTransTime : 进站时间. IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String inTransTime ;
/** outTransTime : 出站时间. OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String outTransTime ;
/** userId : 用户号. USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String userId ;
/** inStationId : 进站点ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String inStationId ;
/** outStationId : 出站点ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String outStationId ;
/** mileage : 里程数. MILEAGE: NUMBER(10) */
private Long mileage ;
/** carMileage : 驾车里程数. CAR_MILEAGE: NUMBER(10) */
private Long carMileage;
/** carbonFootprint : 碳排放量. CARBON_FOOTPRINT: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String carbonFootprint ;
/** calcFactorVersion : 碳排放量因子版本号. CALC_FACTOR_VERSION: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String calcFactorVersion ;
/** firstChannels : 推送一级机构号. FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String firstChannels ;
/** secondChannels : 推送二级机构号. SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String secondChannels ;
/** userTokens : 机构用户令牌. USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String userTokens ;
/** stlmDate : 清算日期. STLM_DATE: CHAR(8) */
private String stlmDate ;
/** travelHash : 行程特征值. TRAVEL_HASH: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String travelHash ;
/** status : 状态. STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String status ;
/** remark : 备注. REMARK: VARCHAR(255 CHAR) */
private String remark ;
/** orderCompleteTime : 订单完成时间. ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String orderCompleteTime ;
/** nextSendTime : 下次发送时间. NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String nextSendTime ;
/** sendCount : 发送次数. SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10) */
private Long sendCount ;
/** sendStatus : 发送状态. SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String sendStatus ;
/** createUser : 创建用户. CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String createUser ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTime ;
/** lstUpdUser : 最后更新用户. LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String lstUpdUser ;
/** lstUpdTime : 最后更新时间. LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String lstUpdTime ;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcBcTravelNoticeVo() {
// Default Construtor
public DcBcTravelNoticeVo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo){
this.seqNo = seqNo;
* Get seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getSeqNo(){
return this.seqNo;
* Set txnLock : . TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1)
public void setTxnLock(String txnLock){
this.txnLock = txnLock;
* Get txnLock : . TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1)
public String getTxnLock(){
return this.txnLock;
* Set txnTime : . TXN_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setTxnTime(String txnTime){
this.txnTime = txnTime;
* Get txnTime : . TXN_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getTxnTime(){
return this.txnTime;
* Set travelNo : . TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setTravelNo(String travelNo){
this.travelNo = travelNo;
* Get travelNo : . TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getTravelNo(){
return this.travelNo;
* Set transType : . TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setTransType(String transType){
this.transType = transType;
* Get transType : . TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getTransType(){
return this.transType;
* Set bcChannel : . BC_CHANNEL: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setBcChannel(String bcChannel){
this.bcChannel = bcChannel;
* Get bcChannel : . BC_CHANNEL: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getBcChannel(){
return this.bcChannel;
* Set inTransTime : . IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setInTransTime(String inTransTime){
this.inTransTime = inTransTime;
* Get inTransTime : . IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getInTransTime(){
return this.inTransTime;
* Set outTransTime : . OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setOutTransTime(String outTransTime){
this.outTransTime = outTransTime;
* Get outTransTime : . OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getOutTransTime(){
return this.outTransTime;
* Set userId : . USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setUserId(String userId){
this.userId = userId;
* Get userId : . USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getUserId(){
return this.userId;
* Set inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setInStationId(String inStationId){
this.inStationId = inStationId;
* Get inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getInStationId(){
return this.inStationId;
* Set outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setOutStationId(String outStationId){
this.outStationId = outStationId;
* Get outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getOutStationId(){
return this.outStationId;
* Set mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public void setMileage(Long mileage){
this.mileage = mileage;
* Get mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public Long getMileage(){
return this.mileage;
* Set carbonFootprint : . CARBON_FOOTPRINT: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCarbonFootprint(String carbonFootprint){
this.carbonFootprint = carbonFootprint;
* Get carbonFootprint : . CARBON_FOOTPRINT: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCarbonFootprint(){
return this.carbonFootprint;
* Set calcFactorVersion : . CALC_FACTOR_VERSION: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCalcFactorVersion(String calcFactorVersion){
this.calcFactorVersion = calcFactorVersion;
* Get calcFactorVersion : . CALC_FACTOR_VERSION: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCalcFactorVersion(){
return this.calcFactorVersion;
* Set firstChannels : . FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setFirstChannels(String firstChannels){
this.firstChannels = firstChannels;
* Get firstChannels : . FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getFirstChannels(){
return this.firstChannels;
* Set secondChannels : . SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setSecondChannels(String secondChannels){
this.secondChannels = secondChannels;
* Get secondChannels : . SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getSecondChannels(){
return this.secondChannels;
* Set userTokens : . USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setUserTokens(String userTokens){
this.userTokens = userTokens;
* Get userTokens : . USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getUserTokens(){
return this.userTokens;
* Set stlmDate : . STLM_DATE: CHAR(8)
public void setStlmDate(String stlmDate){
this.stlmDate = stlmDate;
* Get stlmDate : . STLM_DATE: CHAR(8)
public String getStlmDate(){
return this.stlmDate;
* Set travelHash : . TRAVEL_HASH: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setTravelHash(String travelHash){
this.travelHash = travelHash;
* Get travelHash : . TRAVEL_HASH: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getTravelHash(){
return this.travelHash;
* Set status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setStatus(String status){
this.status = status;
* Get status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getStatus(){
return this.status;
* Set remark : . REMARK: VARCHAR(255 CHAR)
public void setRemark(String remark){
this.remark = remark;
* Get remark : . REMARK: VARCHAR(255 CHAR)
public String getRemark(){
return this.remark;
* Set orderCompleteTime : . ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setOrderCompleteTime(String orderCompleteTime){
this.orderCompleteTime = orderCompleteTime;
* Get orderCompleteTime : . ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getOrderCompleteTime(){
return this.orderCompleteTime;
* Set nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setNextSendTime(String nextSendTime){
this.nextSendTime = nextSendTime;
* Get nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getNextSendTime(){
return this.nextSendTime;
* Set sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public void setSendCount(Long sendCount){
this.sendCount = sendCount;
* Get sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public Long getSendCount(){
return this.sendCount;
* Set sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setSendStatus(String sendStatus){
this.sendStatus = sendStatus;
* Get sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getSendStatus(){
return this.sendStatus;
* Set createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCreateUser(String createUser){
this.createUser = createUser;
* Get createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCreateUser(){
return this.createUser;
* Set createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public void setCreateTime(String createTime){
this.createTime = createTime;
* Get createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public String getCreateTime(){
return this.createTime;
* Set lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setLstUpdUser(String lstUpdUser){
this.lstUpdUser = lstUpdUser;
* Get lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getLstUpdUser(){
return this.lstUpdUser;
* Set lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setLstUpdTime(String lstUpdTime){
this.lstUpdTime = lstUpdTime;
* Get lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getLstUpdTime(){
return this.lstUpdTime;
public Long getCarMileage() {
return carMileage;
public void setCarMileage(Long carMileage) {
this.carMileage = carMileage;

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcCalcFactorVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** version : VERSION. VERSION: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String version ;
/** avaerageMileage : 平均里程(m). AVAERAGE_MILEAGE: NUMBER(10) */
private Long avaerageMileage ;
/** normalFactor : 高碳排放因子. NORMAL_FACTOR: NUMBER(10) */
private Long normalFactor ;
/** busFactor : 公交排放因子. BUS_FACTOR: NUMBER(10) */
private Long busFactor ;
/** subwayFactor : 地铁排放因子. SUBWAY_FACTOR: NUMBER(10) */
private Long subwayFactor ;
/** startTime : 开始时间. START_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String startTime ;
/** endTime : 失效时间. END_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String endTime ;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcCalcFactorVo() {
// Default Construtor
public DcCalcFactorVo(String version) {
this.version = version;
// -- Setter And Getter
public void setVersion(String version){
this.version = version;
public String getVersion(){
return this.version;
* Set avaerageMileage : (m). AVAERAGE_MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public void setAvaerageMileage(Long avaerageMileage){
this.avaerageMileage = avaerageMileage;
* Get avaerageMileage : (m). AVAERAGE_MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public Long getAvaerageMileage(){
return this.avaerageMileage;
* Set normalFactor : . NORMAL_FACTOR: NUMBER(10)
public void setNormalFactor(Long normalFactor){
this.normalFactor = normalFactor;
* Get normalFactor : . NORMAL_FACTOR: NUMBER(10)
public Long getNormalFactor(){
return this.normalFactor;
* Set busFactor : . BUS_FACTOR: NUMBER(10)
public void setBusFactor(Long busFactor){
this.busFactor = busFactor;
* Get busFactor : . BUS_FACTOR: NUMBER(10)
public Long getBusFactor(){
return this.busFactor;
* Set subwayFactor : . SUBWAY_FACTOR: NUMBER(10)
public void setSubwayFactor(Long subwayFactor){
this.subwayFactor = subwayFactor;
* Get subwayFactor : . SUBWAY_FACTOR: NUMBER(10)
public Long getSubwayFactor(){
return this.subwayFactor;
* Set endTime : . END_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setEndTime(String endTime){
this.endTime = endTime;
* Get endTime : . END_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getEndTime(){
return this.endTime;
public String getStartTime() {
return startTime;
public void setStartTime(String startTime) {
this.startTime = startTime;

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcCtrlVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** sday : 当前清分日. SDAY: CHAR(8) */
private String sday ;
/** prevPrevStmtDay : 上二清分日期. PREV_PREV_STMT_DAY: CHAR(8) */
private String prevPrevStmtDay ;
/** prevStmtDay : 上一清分日期. PREV_STMT_DAY: CHAR(8) */
private String prevStmtDay ;
/** nextDate : 下一清分日期. NEXT_DATE: CHAR(8) */
private String nextDate ;
/** cycleDate : 轮循清分日期. CYCLE_DATE: CHAR(8) */
private String cycleDate ;
/** dayCutUpdt : 日切开始时间. DAY_CUT_UPDT: CHAR(14) */
private String dayCutUpdt ;
/** fepProcSt : 前置包处理品状态. FEP_PROC_ST: CHAR(2) */
private String fepProcSt ;
/** batchSt : 批处理状态. BATCH_ST: CHAR(2) */
private String batchSt ;
/** updtDt : 修改时间. UPDT_DT: CHAR(14) */
private String updtDt ;
/** versionDt : 参数版本时间. VERSION_DT: CHAR(14) */
private String versionDt ;
// -- Extends --
/** currentTime : 当前时间 */
private String currentTime;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcCtrlVo() {
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set sday : . SDAY: CHAR(8)
public void setSday(String sday){
this.sday = sday;
* Get sday : . SDAY: CHAR(8)
public String getSday(){
return this.sday;
* Set prevPrevStmtDay : . PREV_PREV_STMT_DAY: CHAR(8)
public void setPrevPrevStmtDay(String prevPrevStmtDay){
this.prevPrevStmtDay = prevPrevStmtDay;
* Get prevPrevStmtDay : . PREV_PREV_STMT_DAY: CHAR(8)
public String getPrevPrevStmtDay(){
return this.prevPrevStmtDay;
* Set prevStmtDay : . PREV_STMT_DAY: CHAR(8)
public void setPrevStmtDay(String prevStmtDay){
this.prevStmtDay = prevStmtDay;
* Get prevStmtDay : . PREV_STMT_DAY: CHAR(8)
public String getPrevStmtDay(){
return this.prevStmtDay;
* Set nextDate : . NEXT_DATE: CHAR(8)
public void setNextDate(String nextDate){
this.nextDate = nextDate;
* Get nextDate : . NEXT_DATE: CHAR(8)
public String getNextDate(){
return this.nextDate;
* Set cycleDate : . CYCLE_DATE: CHAR(8)
public void setCycleDate(String cycleDate){
this.cycleDate = cycleDate;
* Get cycleDate : . CYCLE_DATE: CHAR(8)
public String getCycleDate(){
return this.cycleDate;
* Set dayCutUpdt : . DAY_CUT_UPDT: CHAR(14)
public void setDayCutUpdt(String dayCutUpdt){
this.dayCutUpdt = dayCutUpdt;
* Get dayCutUpdt : . DAY_CUT_UPDT: CHAR(14)
public String getDayCutUpdt(){
return this.dayCutUpdt;
* Set fepProcSt : . FEP_PROC_ST: CHAR(2)
public void setFepProcSt(String fepProcSt){
this.fepProcSt = fepProcSt;
* Get fepProcSt : . FEP_PROC_ST: CHAR(2)
public String getFepProcSt(){
return this.fepProcSt;
* Set batchSt : . BATCH_ST: CHAR(2)
public void setBatchSt(String batchSt){
this.batchSt = batchSt;
* Get batchSt : . BATCH_ST: CHAR(2)
public String getBatchSt(){
return this.batchSt;
* Set updtDt : . UPDT_DT: CHAR(14)
public void setUpdtDt(String updtDt){
this.updtDt = updtDt;
* Get updtDt : . UPDT_DT: CHAR(14)
public String getUpdtDt(){
return this.updtDt;
* Set versionDt : . VERSION_DT: CHAR(14)
public void setVersionDt(String versionDt){
this.versionDt = versionDt;
* Get versionDt : . VERSION_DT: CHAR(14)
public String getVersionDt(){
return this.versionDt;
* get currentTime :
public String getCurrentTime() {
return currentTime;
* set currentTime :
public void setCurrentTime(String currentTime) {
this.currentTime = currentTime;

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcDcSubwayChangeStationVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** stationId : 站点ID. STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String stationId ;
/** standardId : 标准化站点ID. STANDARD_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String standardId ;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcDcSubwayChangeStationVo() {
// Default Construtor
public DcDcSubwayChangeStationVo(String stationId, String standardId) {
this.stationId = stationId;
this.standardId = standardId;
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set stationId : ID. STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setStationId(String stationId){
this.stationId = stationId;
* Get stationId : ID. STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getStationId(){
return this.stationId;
* Set standardId : ID. STANDARD_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setStandardId(String standardId){
this.standardId = standardId;
* Get standardId : ID. STANDARD_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getStandardId(){
return this.standardId;

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcDcSubwayMileageVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** inStationId : 进站ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String inStationId ;
/** outStationId : 出站ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String outStationId ;
/** mileage : 里程. MILEAGE: NUMBER(10) */
private Long mileage ;
/** carMileage : 驾车里程. CAR_MILEAGE: NUMBER(10) */
private Long carMileage ;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcDcSubwayMileageVo() {
// Default Construtor
public DcDcSubwayMileageVo(String inStationId, String outStationId) {
this.inStationId = inStationId;
this.outStationId = outStationId;
public DcDcSubwayMileageVo(Long mileage, Long carMileage) {
this.mileage = mileage;
this.carMileage = carMileage;
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setInStationId(String inStationId){
this.inStationId = inStationId;
* Get inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getInStationId(){
return this.inStationId;
* Set outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setOutStationId(String outStationId){
this.outStationId = outStationId;
* Get outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getOutStationId(){
return this.outStationId;
* Set mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public void setMileage(Long mileage){
this.mileage = mileage;
* Get mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public Long getMileage(){
return this.mileage;
public Long getCarMileage() {
return carMileage;
public void setCarMileage(Long carMileage) {
this.carMileage = carMileage;

@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcNfcTravelNoticeVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** seqNo : 推送序号. SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String seqNo ;
/** txnLock : 锁标志. TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1) */
private String txnLock ;
/** txnTime : 锁时间. TXN_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String txnTime ;
/** travelNo : 业务流水号. TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String travelNo ;
/** transType : 交易类型. TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String transType ;
/** inTransTime : 进站时间. IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String inTransTime ;
/** outTransTime : 出站时间. OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String outTransTime ;
/** cardNo : 卡号. CARD_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String cardNo ;
/** userId : 用户号. USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String userId ;
/** inStationId : 进站点ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String inStationId ;
/** outStationId : 出站点ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String outStationId ;
/** mileage : 里程数. MILEAGE: NUMBER(10) */
private Long mileage ;
/** firstChannels : 推送一级机构号. FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String firstChannels ;
/** secondChannels : 推送二级机构号. SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String secondChannels ;
/** userTokens : 机构用户令牌. USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR) */
private String userTokens ;
/** stlmDate : 清算日期. STLM_DATE : CHAR(8) */
private String stlmDate;
/** status : 状态. STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String status ;
/** orderCompleteTime : 订单完成时间. ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String orderCompleteTime ;
/** nextSendTime : 下次发送时间. NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String nextSendTime ;
/** sendCount : 发送次数. SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10) */
private Long sendCount ;
/** sendStatus : 发送状态. SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String sendStatus ;
/** createUser : 创建用户. CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String createUser ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTime ;
/** lstUpdUser : 最后更新用户. LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String lstUpdUser ;
/** lstUpdTime : 最后更新时间. LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String lstUpdTime ;
/** remark : 备注. REMARK: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) */
private String remark;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcNfcTravelNoticeVo() {
// Default Construtor
public DcNfcTravelNoticeVo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo){
this.seqNo = seqNo;
* Get seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getSeqNo(){
return this.seqNo;
* Set txnLock : . TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1)
public void setTxnLock(String txnLock){
this.txnLock = txnLock;
* Get txnLock : . TXN_LOCK: CHAR(1)
public String getTxnLock(){
return this.txnLock;
* Set txnTime : . TXN_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setTxnTime(String txnTime){
this.txnTime = txnTime;
* Get txnTime : . TXN_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getTxnTime(){
return this.txnTime;
* Set travelNo : . TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setTravelNo(String travelNo){
this.travelNo = travelNo;
* Get travelNo : . TRAVEL_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getTravelNo(){
return this.travelNo;
* Set transType : . TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setTransType(String transType){
this.transType = transType;
* Get transType : . TRANS_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getTransType(){
return this.transType;
* Set inTransTime : . IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setInTransTime(String inTransTime){
this.inTransTime = inTransTime;
* Get inTransTime : . IN_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getInTransTime(){
return this.inTransTime;
* Set outTransTime : . OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setOutTransTime(String outTransTime){
this.outTransTime = outTransTime;
* Get outTransTime : . OUT_TRANS_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getOutTransTime(){
return this.outTransTime;
* Set cardNo : . CARD_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCardNo(String cardNo){
this.cardNo = cardNo;
* Get cardNo : . CARD_NO: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCardNo(){
return this.cardNo;
* Set userId : . USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setUserId(String userId){
this.userId = userId;
* Get userId : . USER_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getUserId(){
return this.userId;
* Set inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setInStationId(String inStationId){
this.inStationId = inStationId;
* Get inStationId : ID. IN_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getInStationId(){
return this.inStationId;
* Set outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setOutStationId(String outStationId){
this.outStationId = outStationId;
* Get outStationId : ID. OUT_STATION_ID: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getOutStationId(){
return this.outStationId;
* Set mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public void setMileage(Long mileage){
this.mileage = mileage;
* Get mileage : . MILEAGE: NUMBER(10)
public Long getMileage(){
return this.mileage;
* Set firstChannels : . FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setFirstChannels(String firstChannels){
this.firstChannels = firstChannels;
* Get firstChannels : . FIRST_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getFirstChannels(){
return this.firstChannels;
* Set secondChannels : . SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setSecondChannels(String secondChannels){
this.secondChannels = secondChannels;
* Get secondChannels : . SECOND_CHANNELS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getSecondChannels(){
return this.secondChannels;
* Set userTokens : . USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public void setUserTokens(String userTokens){
this.userTokens = userTokens;
* Get userTokens : . USER_TOKENS: VARCHAR2(512 CHAR)
public String getUserTokens(){
return this.userTokens;
* Set status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setStatus(String status){
this.status = status;
* Get status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getStatus(){
return this.status;
* Set orderCompleteTime : . ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setOrderCompleteTime(String orderCompleteTime){
this.orderCompleteTime = orderCompleteTime;
* Get orderCompleteTime : . ORDER_COMPLETE_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getOrderCompleteTime(){
return this.orderCompleteTime;
* Set nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setNextSendTime(String nextSendTime){
this.nextSendTime = nextSendTime;
* Get nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getNextSendTime(){
return this.nextSendTime;
* Set sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public void setSendCount(Long sendCount){
this.sendCount = sendCount;
* Get sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public Long getSendCount(){
return this.sendCount;
* Set sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setSendStatus(String sendStatus){
this.sendStatus = sendStatus;
* Get sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getSendStatus(){
return this.sendStatus;
* Set createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCreateUser(String createUser){
this.createUser = createUser;
* Get createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCreateUser(){
return this.createUser;
* Set createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public void setCreateTime(String createTime){
this.createTime = createTime;
* Get createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public String getCreateTime(){
return this.createTime;
* Set lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setLstUpdUser(String lstUpdUser){
this.lstUpdUser = lstUpdUser;
* Get lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getLstUpdUser(){
return this.lstUpdUser;
* Set lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setLstUpdTime(String lstUpdTime){
this.lstUpdTime = lstUpdTime;
* Get lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getLstUpdTime(){
return this.lstUpdTime;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public String getStlmDate() {
return stlmDate;
public void setStlmDate(String stlmDate) {
this.stlmDate = stlmDate;

@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a value object(VO).
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public class DcNoticeErrorVo implements java.io.Serializable {
/** default Serial Version UID*/
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// -- Fields --
/** seqNo : 序号. SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String seqNo ;
/** noticeSeqNo : 推送序号. NOTICE_SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR) */
private String noticeSeqNo ;
/** msgContent : 消息内容. MSG_CONTENT: CLOB */
private String msgContent ;
/** noticeType : 推送类型. NOTICE_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String noticeType ;
/** reason : 失败原因. REASON: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR) */
private String reason ;
/** status : 状态. STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String status ;
/** nextSendTime : 下次发送时间. NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String nextSendTime ;
/** sendCount : 发送次数. SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10) */
private Long sendCount ;
/** sendStatus : 发送状态. SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String sendStatus ;
/** createUser : 创建用户. CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String createUser ;
/** createTime : 创建时间. CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR) */
private String createTime ;
/** lstUpdUser : 最后更新用户. LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR) */
private String lstUpdUser ;
/** lstUpdTime : 最后更新时间. LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14) */
private String lstUpdTime ;
// -- Constructor --
* Constructor
public DcNoticeErrorVo() {
// Default Construtor
public DcNoticeErrorVo(String seqNo) {
this.seqNo = seqNo;
// -- Setter And Getter
* Set seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setSeqNo(String seqNo){
this.seqNo = seqNo;
* Get seqNo : . SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getSeqNo(){
return this.seqNo;
* Set noticeSeqNo : . NOTICE_SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public void setNoticeSeqNo(String noticeSeqNo){
this.noticeSeqNo = noticeSeqNo;
* Get noticeSeqNo : . NOTICE_SEQ_NO: VARCHAR2(64 CHAR)
public String getNoticeSeqNo(){
return this.noticeSeqNo;
* Set noticeType : . NOTICE_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setNoticeType(String noticeType){
this.noticeType = noticeType;
* Get noticeType : . NOTICE_TYPE: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getNoticeType(){
return this.noticeType;
* Set reason : . REASON: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)
public void setReason(String reason){
this.reason = reason;
* Get reason : . REASON: VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)
public String getReason(){
return this.reason;
* Set status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setStatus(String status){
this.status = status;
* Get status : . STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getStatus(){
return this.status;
* Set nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setNextSendTime(String nextSendTime){
this.nextSendTime = nextSendTime;
* Get nextSendTime : . NEXT_SEND_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getNextSendTime(){
return this.nextSendTime;
* Set sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public void setSendCount(Long sendCount){
this.sendCount = sendCount;
* Get sendCount : . SEND_COUNT: NUMBER(10)
public Long getSendCount(){
return this.sendCount;
* Set sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setSendStatus(String sendStatus){
this.sendStatus = sendStatus;
* Get sendStatus : . SEND_STATUS: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getSendStatus(){
return this.sendStatus;
* Set createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setCreateUser(String createUser){
this.createUser = createUser;
* Get createUser : . CREATE_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getCreateUser(){
return this.createUser;
* Set createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public void setCreateTime(String createTime){
this.createTime = createTime;
* Get createTime : . CREATE_TIME: CHAR(14 CHAR)
public String getCreateTime(){
return this.createTime;
* Set lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public void setLstUpdUser(String lstUpdUser){
this.lstUpdUser = lstUpdUser;
* Get lstUpdUser : . LST_UPD_USER: VARCHAR2(32 CHAR)
public String getLstUpdUser(){
return this.lstUpdUser;
* Set lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public void setLstUpdTime(String lstUpdTime){
this.lstUpdTime = lstUpdTime;
* Get lstUpdTime : . LST_UPD_TIME: CHAR(14)
public String getLstUpdTime(){
return this.lstUpdTime;
public String getMsgContent() {
return msgContent;
public void setMsgContent(String msgContent) {
this.msgContent = msgContent;

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess;
public class Mileage {
/** carMileage: 驾车里程 */
private Long carMileage;
/** subwayMileage: 地铁里程 */
private Long subWayMileage;
public Long getCarMileage() {
return carMileage;
public void setCarMileage(Long carMileage) {
this.carMileage = carMileage;
public Long getSubWayMileage() {
return subWayMileage;
public void setSubWayMileage(Long subWayMileage) {
this.subWayMileage = subWayMileage;

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.dao;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.DcAsynCtrlVo;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a interface.
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public interface DcAsynCtrlDao {
/** mapped key is : com.jiuyv.sptcc.market.dataProcess.model.dataProcess.dao.DcAsynCtrlDao.filterQuery */
String MAPPED_FIND = "com.jiuyv.sptcc.market.dataProcess.model.dataProcess.dao.DcAsynCtrlDao.filterQuery";
* Find DcAsynCtrlVo by Primary Key.
* @param appId : id
* @return DcAsynCtrlVo : TBL_DC_ASYN_CTRL
DcAsynCtrlVo findByKey(String appId ) ;
* Find DcAsynCtrlVo by Primary Key.
* @param appId : id
* @return DcAsynCtrlVo : TBL_DC_ASYN_CTRL
DcAsynCtrlVo findByKeyForUpdate(String appId ) ;
* Update DcAsynCtrlVo by Primary Key.
* @return effect rows.
* @author AutoCode4J
int updateByKey(DcAsynCtrlVo vo);
* Insert DcAsynCtrlVo.
* @return effect rows.
* @author AutoCode4J
int insert(DcAsynCtrlVo vo) ;

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.dao;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console.BcTravelNoticeFilter;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.common.PageDomin;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.*;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Options;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.apache.ibatis.cursor.Cursor;
import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.ResultSetType;
import java.util.List;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a interface.
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public interface DcBcTravelNoticeDao {
/** mapped key is : com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.dao.DcBcTravelNoticeDao.filterQuery */
String MAPPED_FIND = "com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.dao.DcBcTravelNoticeDao.filterQuery";
* Find DcBcTravelNoticeVo by Primary Key.
* @param seqNo :
* @return DcBcTravelNoticeVo : TBL_DC_BC_TRAVEL_NOTICE
DcBcTravelNoticeVo findByKey(String seqNo ) ;
* Find DcNfcTravelNoticeVo by Primary Key.
* @param seqNo :
* @return DcNfcTravelNoticeVo : TBL_DC_NFC_TRAVEL_NOTICE NFC
DcBcTravelNoticeVo findByKeyForUpdate(String seqNo ) ;
* @param currentTime
* @return
List<DcBcTravelNoticeVo> findByNextProcessTime(String currentTime);
* @param travelNo
* @return
DcBcTravelNoticeVo findByTravelNo(String travelNo);
* Update DcBcTravelNoticeVo by Primary Key.
* @return effect rows.
* @author AutoCode4J
int updateByKey(DcBcTravelNoticeVo vo);
* Insert DcBcTravelNoticeVo.
* @return effect rows.
* @author AutoCode4J
int insert(DcBcTravelNoticeVo vo) ;
* @param filter
* @return
@Options(resultSetType = ResultSetType.FORWARD_ONLY, fetchSize = Integer.MIN_VALUE)
Cursor<DcBcTravelNoticeVo> getNoticeForAcct(@Param("filter") BcTravelNoticeFilter filter);
* @param filter
* @param pageVo
* @return
List<com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.dto.console.DcBcTravelNoticeVo> page(@Param("filter") BcTravelNoticeFilter filter, @Param("pageVo") PageDomin pageVo);
* @param filter
* @return
Long count(@Param("filter")BcTravelNoticeFilter filter);
* @param bean
* @return
int updateNextProcess(DcBcTravelNoticeVo bean);

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.dao;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.*;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import java.util.List;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a interface.
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public interface DcCalcFactorDao {
/** mapped key is : com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.dao.DcCalcFactorDao.filterQuery */
String MAPPED_FIND = "com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.dao.DcCalcFactorDao.filterQuery";
* Find DcCalcFactorVo by Primary Key.
* @param version : VERSION
* @return DcCalcFactorVo : TBL_DC_CALC_FACTOR
DcCalcFactorVo findByKey(String version ) ;
* @return
List<DcCalcFactorVo> findAll();
* Update DcCalcFactorVo by Primary Key.
* @return effect rows.
* @author AutoCode4J
int updateByKey(DcCalcFactorVo vo);
* Insert DcCalcFactorVo.
* @return effect rows.
* @author AutoCode4J
int insert(DcCalcFactorVo vo) ;

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.dao;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.DcCtrlVo;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* Interface: TBL_DC_CTRL : TBL_DC_CTRL
* This is a interface.
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public interface DcCtrlDao {
* @return
DcCtrlVo selectSysInfo();

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.dao;
import com.jiuyv.sptcc.carbon.dataprocess.model.dataProcess.DcDcSubwayChangeStationVo;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.MapKey;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;
import java.util.Map;
// Generated by AutoCode4J
* This is a interface.
* Description:
* @author AutoCode4J
* @version 1.0
public interface DcDcSubwayChangeStationDao {
/** mapped key is : com.jiuyv.sptcc.market.dataProcess.model.dataProcess.dao.DcSubwayChangeStationDao.filterQuery */
String MAPPED_FIND = "com.jiuyv.sptcc.market.dataProcess.model.dataProcess.dao.DcSubwayChangeStationDao.filterQuery";
* Find DcSubwayChangeStationVo by Primary Key.
* @param stationId : ID
* @param standardId : ID
* @return DcSubwayChangeStationVo : TBL_DC_SUBWAY_CHANGE_STATION
DcDcSubwayChangeStationVo findByKey(String stationId , String standardId ) ;
* Find DcSubwayChangeStationVo by Primary Key.
* @return DcSubwayChangeStationVo : TBL_DC_SUBWAY_CHANGE_STATION
Map<String, DcDcSubwayChangeStationVo> findAll() ;

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