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245 lines
12 KiB

/*把POSID和车牌一一对应的先匹配 没配上的交易条数65411*/
select * into [temp].[dbo].[jy623_plate1] from
(select a.*,b.[] as platenum from
[klb].[dbo].[qsjy_0623] a
left join
(select distinct [POS],[] from [temp].[dbo].[posplate623] where [POS] in (
SELECT distinct [POS] FROM [temp].[dbo].[posplate623] group by [POS] having count(distinct []) = 1)) b
on a.[tjrlposid] = b.[POS]) e
/*监控数据中司售卡和车牌一一对应的 匹配车牌 没配上的交易条数7430*/
select * into temp1 from (SELECT * FROM [temp].[dbo].[jy623_plate1] where [platenum] is null ) a ---65411
select * into temp2 from
(SELECT a.* , b.[line_name_gj],b.[line_code_jtk]
FROM [klb].[dbo].[monitor$] a left join [temp].[dbo].[linematch] b on a.线 = b.[line_name_gj])b --8210 jtk线temp2
select * into [temp].[dbo].[jy623_plate2] from (
select a.tjrlcardno,a.tjrlposid,a.tjrlrdate,a.tjrlrtime,a.[tjrlsdate] ,a.[tjrlcdkind] ,a.[tjrlamt],a.[tjrlstatid] ,a.[tjrlunitid],a.[tjrlorgamt],
a.[tjrlposcardid],b.[] as platenum from temp1 a
left join
select distinct [],[线],line_code_jtk,[] from temp2 where [] in
(select [] from temp2 where [] != '' group by [],[线] having count(distinct []) = 1)) b
on a.tjrlposcardid = b.) a ----线,
select * into temp3 from (SELECT * FROM [temp].[dbo].[jy623_plate2] where [platenum] is null ) a ---7530
/*根据交易时间从监控数据中捞车牌补全 又补了1539条*/
UPDATE temp2 SET [] = [] where [] = ''
UPDATE temp2 SET [] = substring([],12,2)+substring([],15,2)+substring([],18,2)
select * into temp5
from (
select *, cast(e.tjrlrtime as numeric) - cast(e. as numeric) as delta from (
select a.tjrlcardno,a.tjrlposid,a.tjrlrdate,a.tjrlrtime,a.[tjrlsdate] ,a.[tjrlcdkind] ,a.[tjrlamt],a.[tjrlstatid] ,a.[tjrlunitid],a.[tjrlorgamt],
a.[tjrlposcardid],b.,b. from
(select * from temp3) a
left join
(select * from temp2 where [] != '' ) b
on a.[tjrlposcardid] = b. )e where e.[] is not null) f ----3222
select * into temp6 from (
select a.tjrlcardno,a.tjrlposid,a.tjrlrdate,a.tjrlrtime,a.[tjrlsdate] ,a.[tjrlcdkind] ,a.[tjrlamt],a.[tjrlstatid] ,a.[tjrlunitid],a.[tjrlorgamt],
a.[tjrlposcardid],a. as platenum
from (
select b.*,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by tjrlcardno,tjrlposcardid order by delta) as rn
from (select * from temp5 where delta > 0) b) a where rn = 1 )g --1593
select * into [temp].[dbo].[jy623_plate3] from (
select distinct c.* , d.platenum as platenum2 from
select distinct a.*, b.platenum as platenum1 from
(select * from temp0) a
left join
(select * from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_plate2]) b
on a.tjrlcardno = b.tjrlcardno and a.tjrlrtime = b.tjrlrtime) c
left join
(select * from temp6) d
on c.tjrlcardno = d.tjrlcardno and c.tjrlrtime = d.tjrlrtime) g -----887667
update [temp].[dbo].[jy623_plate3]
set platenum = platenum1 where platenum is null and platenum1 is not null
update [temp].[dbo].[jy623_plate3]
set platenum = platenum2 where platenum is null and platenum2 is not null
select * into [temp].[dbo].[jy623_platematch] from (
select distinct a.tjrlcardno,a.tjrlposid,a.tjrlrdate,a.tjrlrtime,a.[tjrlsdate] ,a.[tjrlcdkind] ,a.[tjrlamt],a.[tjrlstatid] ,a.[tjrlunitid],a.[tjrlorgamt],
a.[tjrlposcardid],a.platenum from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_plate3] a) b
select * from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_platematch] where platenum is null ---5834
select count(distinct tjrlposid) from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_platematch] where platenum is null --70
select count(distinct tjrlposid) from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_platematch] ---5453
delete from [temp].[dbo].[dzld623] where sxx is null
update [temp].[dbo].[jy623_platematch] set tjrlrtime = substring(tjrlrdate,6,3)+tjrlrtime
---select * into temp21 from(select * from [temp].[dbo].[dzld623] where fczdmc not like '%场' and ddzdmc not like '%场')a
SELECT * INTO temp21 FROM (SELECT a.* , lag(SJDDSJ, 1, 0) over(PARTITION BY CPH ORDER BY SJFCSJ) changefc FROM [temp].[dbo].[dzld623] a) C ---64292
update temp21 set changefc = SJFCSJ-10000 where changefc = '0' ----5373
select * into temp22 from
select distinct a.*,b.XLMC,b.sxx,b.SJFCSJ,b.FCZDMC, b.SJDDSJ,b.DDZDMC,b.changefc from
(select distinct * from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_platematch])a
left join
(select distinct * from TEMP21) b
ON a.platenum = b.CPH
where a.tjrlrtime >= b.changefc and a.tjrlrtime < b.SJDDSJ) c ---742555
select * into [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch] from (
select * from (
select distinct a.*, b.XLMC,b.sxx,b.SJFCSJ,b.FCZDMC, b.SJDDSJ,b.DDZDMC from
(select distinct * from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_platematch]) a
left join
(select distinct * from temp22) b
on a.tjrlcardno = b.tjrlcardno and a.tjrlrtime = b.tjrlrtime and a.tjrlposid = b.tjrlposid and a.tjrlcdkind= b.tjrlcdkind and a.tjrlamt=b.tjrlamt) c
group by c.tjrlcardno,c.tjrlposid,c.tjrlrdate,c.tjrlrtime,c.DDZDMC,c.FCZDMC,c.platenum,c.SJDDSJ,c.SJFCSJ,c.SXX,c.tjrlamt,c.tjrlcdkind,
c.tjrlorgamt,c.tjrlposcardid,c.tjrlsdate,c.tjrlstatid,c.tjrlunitid,c.XLMC)d -----887667
select count(*) from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch] where sxx is null and platenum is null ---5834
select * from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch] where sxx is null and
platenum in (
select a.platenum from
(select distinct platenum from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch] where sxx is null and platenum is not null) a
left join
(select distinct cph from [temp].[dbo].[dzld623]) b
on a.platenum = b.cph where b.cph is null) ---137834
select * from [temp].[dbo].[dzld623] where cph in(
select distinct platenum from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch] where sxx is null and
platenum not in (
select a.platenum from
(select distinct platenum from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch] where sxx is null and platenum is not null) a
left join
(select distinct cph from [temp].[dbo].[dzld623]) b
on a.platenum = b.cph where b.cph is null) ) order by cph,sjfcsj
select * from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch] where sxx is null and
platenum not in (
select a.platenum from
(select distinct platenum from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch] where sxx is null and platenum is not null) a
left join
(select distinct cph from [temp].[dbo].[dzld623]) b
on a.platenum = b.cph where b.cph is null) order by platenum,tjrlrtime
select * into [temp].[dbo].[623dlz] from
SELECT distinct * FROM [temp2].[dbo].[dlz1]
SELECT distinct * FROM [temp2].[dbo].[dlz2]
SELECT distinct * FROM [temp2].[dbo].[dlz3]) a ---2105897
delete from [temp].[dbo].[623dlz] where direction not in (0,1) --668
select * into temp31 from (
select a.*,(case when a.arrive=0 then DATEADD(ss,-5,a.gpstime) else a.gpstime end) as gpstime_change
from temp31 a) b --2105229
update temp31 set gpstime_change = DATEADD(mi,-10,gpstime) where [LEVELS] = 1 and arrive = 1 ---65752
update temp31 set arrive = 0 where [LEVELS] = 1 and arrive = 1 ---65752
---arrive =0
select * into temp32 from (select * from temp32 where arrive = 0) a ---1139816
select * into temp33 from
(select a.*,
as ddsj from temp32 a) b
SELECT * INTO temp34 FROM (SELECT a.* , lead(ddsj, 1, 0) over(PARTITION BY vehicleid ORDER BY ddSJ) changeddsj FROM temp33 a) C ---1139816
select * into temp35 from(
select a.*,
substring(a.gpsdate,4,1)+substring(a.gpsdate,1,2)+substring(CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.temp,108),1,2)+substring(CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.temp,108),4,2)+substring(CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.temp,108),7,2) as temp2
(select b.*, DATEADD(mi,5,gpstime_change) as temp from temp34 b) a)c ---1139816
update temp35 set changeddsj = temp2 where changeddsj = '0' ---5354
update temp35 set changeddsj = substring(changeddsj,1,2)+'4'+substring(changeddsj,4,9) where ddsj > changeddsj
update temp35 set DIRECTION = '下行' where direction = '1'
update temp35 set DIRECTION = '上行' where direction = '0'
select * into temp36 from
,[ddsj] ,[changeddsj] from temp35) a
select * into temp37 from
select a.* , b.roadsort,b.gpstime,b.levels from
(SELECT * FROM [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch] ) a
left join
(select * from temp36) b
on a.platenum = b.vehicleid and a.sxx = b.direction
where a.tjrlrtime >= b.ddsj and a.tjrlrtime < b.changeddsj ) c ---719082 //718969
select * into [temp].[dbo].[jy623_stationmatch] from (
select distinct * from (
select distinct a.*, b.roadsort,b.gpstime,b.levels from
(select distinct * from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch]) a
left join
(select distinct * from temp37) b
on a.tjrlcardno = b.tjrlcardno and a.tjrlrtime = b.tjrlrtime and a.tjrlposid = b.tjrlposid and a.tjrlcdkind= b.tjrlcdkind and a.tjrlamt=b.tjrlamt) c)d
select * from (
select a.platenum , b.vehicleid from
(select distinct platenum from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_stationmatch] where sxx is not null and roadsort is null) a
left join
(select distinct vehicleid from [temp].[dbo].[623dlz])b
on a.platenum = b.VEHICLEID) c
where c.vehicleid is null
select * from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_stationmatch] where sxx is not null and roadsort is null
select count(*) from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_sxxmatch] where sxx is not null
select distinct platenum from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_stationmatch] where sxx is not null and roadsort is null
select * into temp555 from
(select * from [temp].[dbo].[jy623_stationmatch] where roadsort = '55') a
select * into temp556 from (
select a.*,b.[] from
(select * from temp555) a
left join
(SELECT * FROM [temp2].[dbo].[Sheet1$]) b
on a.sxx = b.[] and a.levels = b.[]) d
select distinct [] ,sxx, count(*) as num from temp556 group by [],sxx order by num desc
select sum()* from temp556