package class30; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; // follow up : 如果要求返回整个路径怎么做? public class Problem_0124_BinaryTreeMaximumPathSum { public static class TreeNode { int val; TreeNode left; TreeNode right; public TreeNode(int v) { val = v; } } public static int maxPathSum(TreeNode root) { if (root == null) { return 0; } return process(root).maxPathSum; } // 任何一棵树,必须汇报上来的信息 public static class Info { public int maxPathSum; public int maxPathSumFromHead; public Info(int path, int head) { maxPathSum = path; maxPathSumFromHead = head; } } public static Info process(TreeNode x) { if (x == null) { return null; } Info leftInfo = process(x.left); Info rightInfo = process(x.right); // x 1)只有x 2)x往左扎 3)x往右扎 int maxPathSumFromHead = x.val; if (leftInfo != null) { maxPathSumFromHead = Math.max(maxPathSumFromHead, x.val + leftInfo.maxPathSumFromHead); } if (rightInfo != null) { maxPathSumFromHead = Math.max(maxPathSumFromHead, x.val + rightInfo.maxPathSumFromHead); } // x整棵树最大路径和 1) 只有x 2)左树整体的最大路径和 3) 右树整体的最大路径和 int maxPathSum = x.val; if (leftInfo != null) { maxPathSum = Math.max(maxPathSum, leftInfo.maxPathSum); } if (rightInfo != null) { maxPathSum = Math.max(maxPathSum, rightInfo.maxPathSum); } // 4) x只往左扎 5)x只往右扎 maxPathSum = Math.max(maxPathSumFromHead, maxPathSum); // 6)一起扎 if (leftInfo != null && rightInfo != null && leftInfo.maxPathSumFromHead > 0 && rightInfo.maxPathSumFromHead > 0) { maxPathSum = Math.max(maxPathSum, leftInfo.maxPathSumFromHead + rightInfo.maxPathSumFromHead + x.val); } return new Info(maxPathSum, maxPathSumFromHead); } // 如果要返回路径的做法 public static List getMaxSumPath(TreeNode head) { List ans = new ArrayList<>(); if (head != null) { Data data = f(head); HashMap fmap = new HashMap<>(); fmap.put(head, head); fatherMap(head, fmap); fillPath(fmap, data.from,, ans); } return ans; } public static class Data { public int maxAllSum; public TreeNode from; public TreeNode to; public int maxHeadSum; public TreeNode end; public Data(int a, TreeNode b, TreeNode c, int d, TreeNode e) { maxAllSum = a; from = b; to = c; maxHeadSum = d; end = e; } } public static Data f(TreeNode x) { if (x == null) { return null; } Data l = f(x.left); Data r = f(x.right); int maxHeadSum = x.val; TreeNode end = x; if (l != null && l.maxHeadSum > 0 && (r == null || l.maxHeadSum > r.maxHeadSum)) { maxHeadSum += l.maxHeadSum; end = l.end; } if (r != null && r.maxHeadSum > 0 && (l == null || r.maxHeadSum > l.maxHeadSum)) { maxHeadSum += r.maxHeadSum; end = r.end; } int maxAllSum = Integer.MIN_VALUE; TreeNode from = null; TreeNode to = null; if (l != null) { maxAllSum = l.maxAllSum; from = l.from; to =; } if (r != null && r.maxAllSum > maxAllSum) { maxAllSum = r.maxAllSum; from = r.from; to =; } int p3 = x.val + (l != null && l.maxHeadSum > 0 ? l.maxHeadSum : 0) + (r != null && r.maxHeadSum > 0 ? r.maxHeadSum : 0); if (p3 > maxAllSum) { maxAllSum = p3; from = (l != null && l.maxHeadSum > 0) ? l.end : x; to = (r != null && r.maxHeadSum > 0) ? r.end : x; } return new Data(maxAllSum, from, to, maxHeadSum, end); } public static void fatherMap(TreeNode h, HashMap map) { if (h.left == null && h.right == null) { return; } if (h.left != null) { map.put(h.left, h); fatherMap(h.left, map); } if (h.right != null) { map.put(h.right, h); fatherMap(h.right, map); } } public static void fillPath(HashMap fmap, TreeNode a, TreeNode b, List ans) { if (a == b) { ans.add(a); } else { HashSet ap = new HashSet<>(); TreeNode cur = a; while (cur != fmap.get(cur)) { ap.add(cur); cur = fmap.get(cur); } ap.add(cur); cur = b; TreeNode lca = null; while (lca == null) { if (ap.contains(cur)) { lca = cur; } else { cur = fmap.get(cur); } } while (a != lca) { ans.add(a); a = fmap.get(a); } ans.add(lca); ArrayList right = new ArrayList<>(); while (b != lca) { right.add(b); b = fmap.get(b); } for (int i = right.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ans.add(right.get(i)); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { TreeNode head = new TreeNode(4); head.left = new TreeNode(-7); head.right = new TreeNode(-5); head.left.left = new TreeNode(9); head.left.right = new TreeNode(9); head.right.left = new TreeNode(4); head.right.right = new TreeNode(3); List maxPath = getMaxSumPath(head); for (TreeNode n : maxPath) { System.out.println(n.val); } } }