#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import hashlib import time import json import urllib from urllib import request class CloudXNS_API(): api_key = None secret_key = None debug_log = False def __init__(self, api_key=None, secret_key=None, debug_log=False): self.api_key = api_key self.secret_key = secret_key self.debug_log = debug_log def print_debug(self, msg): if self.debug_log != False: print(msg) def json_strtodict(self, json_str): jsonData = {} try: if len(json_str) != 0: jsonData = json.loads(json_str) except Exception as e: self.print_debug(e) finally: return jsonData # 计算api头数据 def get_api_headers(self, URL, BODY): API_REQUEST_DATE = time.strftime('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y', time.localtime()) API_HMAC = hashlib.md5(( self.api_key + URL + BODY + API_REQUEST_DATE + self.secret_key).encode()).hexdigest() headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'user-agent': 'CloudXNS-Python/v3', 'API-KEY': self.api_key, 'API-REQUEST-DATE': API_REQUEST_DATE, 'API-HMAC': API_HMAC, 'API-FORMAT': 'json', } return headers def urlopen(self, URL, BODY='', METHOD='GET'): strdata = '' try: req = urllib.request.Request(URL) req.method = METHOD if len(BODY) != 0: req.data = BODY.encode('UTF-8', 'ignore') resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req) strdata = resp.read().decode('UTF-8', 'ignore') except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: self.print_debug(e) pass except urllib.error.URLError as e: self.print_debug(e) pass except Exception as e: self.print_debug(e) pass finally: return strdata def urlopen_api(self, URL, BODY, METHOD='GET'): strdata = '' try: req = urllib.request.Request(URL, headers=self.get_api_headers(URL, BODY)) req.method = METHOD if len(BODY) != 0: req.data = BODY.encode('UTF-8', 'ignore') resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req) strdata = resp.read().decode('UTF-8', 'ignore') except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: self.print_debug(e) pass except urllib.error.URLError as e: self.print_debug(e) pass except Exception as e: self.print_debug(e) pass finally: return strdata """ 功能 域名列表 HTTP 请求方式 GET URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/domain :return: String """ def domain_list(self): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/domain' body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body) # json_strtodict return strdata """ 功能 主机记录 HTTP 请求方式 GET URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/host/:domain_id?offset=:offset&row_num=:row_num 请求参数: 参数名称 类型 必填 描述 domain_id Integer 是 域名ID offset Integer 否 记录开始的偏移,第一条记录为 0,依次类推 row_num Integer 否 要获取的记录的数量,比如获取 30 条,则为 30,最大可取 2000条 :return: String """ def domain_host_list(self, domain_id, offset=0, row_num=30, hostname=None): if row_num > 2000: row_num = 2000 url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/host/' + str( domain_id) + '?offset=' + str(offset) + '&row_num=' + str( row_num) if hostname != None: url += '&host_name=' + hostname body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body) return strdata """ 功能 暂停、启用解析记录 参数名称 类型 必填 描述 domain_id Integer 是 域名ID host_id Integer 是 主机记录ID pause_record bool 是 暂停还是启用 """ def domain_host_record_pause(self, domain_id, host_id, pause_record=False): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record/pause' object_body = {} object_body['id'] = str(host_id) object_body['domain_id'] = str(domain_id) # 0暂停1启用 if pause_record == False: object_body['status'] = str(0) else: object_body['status'] = str(1) body = json.dumps(object_body) strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'POST') return strdata """ 功能 删除主机记录 HTTP 请求方式 GET URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/host/:id 请求参数: 参数名称 类型 必填 描述 host_id Integer 是 主机记录id :return: String """ def domain_host_delete(self, domain_host_id): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/host/' + str(domain_host_id) body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'DELETE') return strdata """ 功能 获取解析记录列表 HTTP 请求方式 GET URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record/:domain_id?host_id=0&offset=:offset&row_num=:row_num URL 参数说明 domain_id:域名 id host_id:主机记录 id(传 0 查全部) offset:记录开始的偏移,第一条记录为 0,依次类推,默认取 0 row_num:要获取的记录的数量, 比如获取 30 条, 则为 30,最大可取 2000 条,默认取 30 条. :return: code int 请求状态,详见附件 code 对照表 message String 操作信息,提示操作成功或错误信息 total int 总记录条数 offset int 记录开始的偏移 row_num int 要获取的记录的数量 data array 记录列表 record_id: 解析记录 id host_id:主机记录 id host:主机记录名 line_id:线路 ID line_zh:中文名称 line_en:英文名称 mx:优先级 Value:记录值 Type:记录类型 Status:记录状态(ok 已生效 userstop 暂停) create_time:创建时间 update_time:更新时间 """ def domain_host_record_list(self, domain_id, host_id=0, offset=0, row_num=30, host_name=None): if row_num > 2000: row_num = 2000 #:domain_id?host_id=0&offset=:offset&row_num=:row_numURL if host_name == None: url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record/' + str( domain_id) + '?host_id=' + str(host_id) \ + '&offset=' + str(offset) + '&row_num=' + str(row_num) else: url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record/' + str( domain_id) + '?host_name=' + str(host_name) \ + '&offset=' + str(offset) + '&row_num=' + str(row_num) body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body) return strdata """ 功能 添加解析记录 HTTP 请求方式 GET URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record 请求参数: 参数名称 类型 必填 描述 domain_id Integer 域名 id host_name String 主机记录名称 如 www, 默认@ value String 记录值, 如IP:,CNAME:cname.cloudxns.net., MX: mail.cloudxns.net. type String 记录类型,通过 API 获得记录类型,大写英文,比如:A mx Integer 优先级,范围 1-100。当记录类型是 MX/AX/CNAMEX 时有效并且必选 ttl Integer TTL,范围 60-3600,不同等级域名最小值不同 line_id Integer 线路id,(通过 API 获得记录线路 id) :return: String """ def domain_host_record_add(self, domain_id, host, host_value, record_type, line_id=1, mx=10, ttl=600): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record' object_body = {} object_body['domain_id'] = domain_id if host != '@': object_body['host'] = host object_body['value'] = host_value object_body['type'] = record_type object_body['line_id'] = line_id if record_type == 'MX' or record_type == 'CNAMEX' or record_type == 'AX': object_body['mx'] = mx object_body['ttl'] = ttl body = json.dumps(object_body) strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'POST') return strdata """ 功能 添加备记录 HTTP 请求方式 GET URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record/spare 请求参数: 参数名称 类型 必填 描述 domain_id Integer 域名 id host_id Integer 主机记录名称 如 www, 默认@ record_id Integer 解析记录id value String 记录值, 如IP:,CNAME:cname.cloudxns.net., MX: mail.cloudxns.net. :return: String """ def domain_host_record_spare(self, domain_id, host_id, record_id, value): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record' object_body = {} object_body['domain_id'] = domain_id object_body['host_id'] = host_id object_body['record_id'] = record_id object_body['value'] = value body = json.dumps(object_body) strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'POST') return strdata """ 功能 更新解析记录 HTTP 请求方式 GET URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record/:id 请求参数: 参数名称 类型 必填 描述 record_id Integer 解析记录id domain_id Integer 域名id host_name String 主机记录名称 如 www, 默认@ value String 记录值, 如IP:,CNAME:cname.cloudxns.net., MX: mail.cloudxns.net. record_type String 记录类型,通过 API 获得记录类型,大写英文,比如:A mx Integer 优先级,范围 1-100。当记录类型是 MX/AX/CNAMEX 时有效并且必选 ttl Integer TTL,范围 60-3600,不同等级域名最小值不同 line_id Integer 线路 id,(通过 API 获得记录线路 id) spare_data String 备IP :return: String """ def domain_host_record_update(self, domain_id, record_id, host, host_value, record_type, line_id=1, mx=10, ttl=600, bak_ip=None): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record/' + str(record_id) object_body = {} object_body['domain_id'] = domain_id if host != '@': object_body['host'] = host object_body['value'] = host_value object_body['type'] = record_type object_body['line_id'] = line_id if record_type == 'MX' or record_type == 'CNAMEX' or record_type == 'AX': object_body['mx'] = mx object_body['ttl'] = ttl if bak_ip != None: object_body['bak_ip'] = bak_ip body = json.dumps(object_body) strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'PUT') return strdata """ 功能 删除解析记录 HTTP 请求方式 GET URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record/:id/:domain_id 请求参数: 参数名称 类型 必填 描述 record_id Integer 解析记录id domain_id Integer 域名 id :return: String """ def domain_host_record_delete(self, domain_id, host_id): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record/' + str( host_id) + '/' + str(domain_id) body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'DELETE') return strdata """功能:是否启用X优化""" def domain_host_record_x_ai(self, domain_id, host_id, enable=False): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/record/ai' object_body = {} object_body['id'] = host_id object_body['domain_id'] = domain_id if enable == False: object_body['status'] = 0 else: object_body['status'] = 1 body = json.dumps(object_body) strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'POST') return strdata """ 功能:设置DDNS解析 修改 domain 下线路为 line_id(默认为 1(全网默认))、 记录类型为 A 的记录值为新的 IP 值(为空时 API 自动获取客户端 IP); 如果 domain 存在但不存在线路为line_id的记录类型为A的解析记录则添加新的解析记录 参数名称 类型 描述 domain string 含主机记录的域名(如主机记录为@时 domain 是 cloudxns.net,为 www 时 domain 是 www.cloudxns.net) ip string 记录 IP 值(或者多个 IP 值中间用|分割 (| ;为空时 IP 值由 API 自动获取客户端 IP line_id int 线路 id(通过 API 获取),默认值 1(全网默认) """ def domain_host_DDNS(self, domain, ip='', line_id=1): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/ddns' object_body = {} object_body['domain'] = domain if len(ip) != 0: object_body['ip'] = ip object_body['line_id'] = line_id body = json.dumps(object_body) strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'POST') return strdata """ 功能 添加域名 HTTP 请求方式 POST URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/domain :return: String """ def domain_add(self, domain): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/domain' object_body = {} object_body['domain'] = domain body = json.dumps(object_body) strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'POST') return strdata """ 功能 删除域名 HTTP 请求方式 DELETE URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/domain 请求参数: 参数名称 类型 必填 描述 domain_id Integer 是 域名ID :return: String """ def domain_delete(self, domain_id): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/domain/' + str(domain_id) body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'DELETE') return strdata # 获取 NS 服务器列表信息 def get_domain_ns(self): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/ns_server' body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body) return strdata # 获取记录类型列表 def get_record_type(self): url = 'http://www.cloudxns.net/api2/type' body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body) return strdata # 获取线路列表 def get_line(self): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/line' body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body) return strdata # 获取区域列表 def get_line_region(self): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/line/region' body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body) return strdata # 获取 ISP 列表 def get_isp_list(self): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/line/isp' body = '' strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body) return strdata """ 功能 获取某域名解析量统计数据 HTTP 请求方式 GET URL https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/domain_stat/:id URL 参数说明 Id:域名 ID 请求参数: 参数名称 类型 必填 描述 host String 是 主机名,查询全部传 all code String 是 统计区域 Id 或统 ISP Id,查询全部传 all start_date Date 是 开始时间 格式:yyyy-mm-dd end_date Date 是 结束时间 格式:yyyy-mm-dd :return: """ def domain_get_domain_stat(self, domain_id, host, code, start_date, end_date): url = 'https://www.cloudxns.net/api2/domain_stat/' + str(domain_id) object_body = {} object_body['host'] = host object_body['code'] = code object_body['start_date'] = start_date object_body['end_date'] = end_date body = json.dumps(object_body) strdata = self.urlopen_api(url, body, 'POST') return strdata def http_dns_get(self, domain, client_ip='', ttl='', http_dns_interface='http://httpdnsv3.ffdns.net'): if domain == None or len(domain) == 0: return '' url = http_dns_interface + '/httpdns?dn=' + str(domain) if client_ip != None and len(client_ip) != 0: url += '&cip=' + str(client_ip) if ttl != None and len(ttl) != 0: url += '&ttl=' + str(ttl) strdata = self.urlopen(url) return strdata if __name__ == '__main__': api = CloudXNS_API(api_key='a7fe5ecbb823e7b0c968b2a885a18e98', secret_key='a5e984dd94e24f60891cc32746b115d7', debug_log=True) api.domain_add('test.org') print(api.domain_list()) # api.domain_host_record_add(216271,'test','','A',1) api = CloudXNS_API() # str=api.http_dns_get('www.test.net') # dict=api.json_strtodict(str) # print(str) pass