# arping ## 说明 **arping命令** 是用于发送arp请求到一个相邻主机的工具,arping使用arp数据包,通过ping命令检查设备上的硬件地址。能够测试一个ip地址是否 在网络上已经被使用,并能够获取更多设备信息。功能类似于ping ## 选项 ```markdown -f : quit on first reply -q : be quiet -b : keep broadcasting, don't go unicast -D : duplicate address detection mode -U : Unsolicited ARP mode, update your neighbours -A : ARP answer mode, update your neighbours -V : print version and exit -c count : how many packets to send -w timeout : how long to wait for a reply -I device : which ethernet device to use -s source : source ip address destination : ask for what ip address ``` ## 实例 ```bash arping www.baidu.com ```