# **atop**
## 说明
## 选项
Usage: atop [-flags] [interval [samples]]
Usage: atop -w file [-S] [-a] [interval [samples]]
atop -r [file] [-b hh:mm] [-e hh:mm] [-flags]
generic flags:
-V show version information
-a show or log all processes (i.s.o. active processes only)
-R calculate proportional set size (PSS) per process
-P generate parseable output for specified label(s)
-L alternate line length (default 80) in case of non-screen output
-f show fixed number of lines with system statistics
-F suppress sorting of system resources
-G suppress exited processes in output
-l show limited number of lines for certain resources
-y show individual threads
-1 show average-per-second i.s.o. total values
-x no colors in case of high occupation
-g show general process-info (default)
-m show memory-related process-info
-d show disk-related process-info
-n show network-related process-info
-s show scheduling-related process-info
-v show various process-info (ppid, user/group, date/time)
-c show command line per process
-o show own defined process-info
-u show cumulated process-info per user
-p show cumulated process-info per program (i.e. same name)
-j show cumulated process-info per container
-C sort processes in order of cpu consumption (default)
-M sort processes in order of memory consumption
-D sort processes in order of disk activity
-N sort processes in order of network activity
-E sort processes in order of GPU activity
-A sort processes in order of most active resource (auto mode)
specific flags for raw logfiles:
-w write raw data to file (compressed)
-r read raw data from file (compressed)
special file: y[y...] for yesterday (repeated)
-S finish atop automatically before midnight (i.s.o. #samples)
-b begin showing data from specified time
-e finish showing data after specified time
interval: number of seconds (minimum 0)
samples: number of intervals (minimum 1)
- sys、usr字段分别指示进程在内核态和用户态的运行时间
- #proc字段指示进程总数
- #zombie字段指示僵死进程的数量
- #exit字段指示atop采样周期期间退出的进程数量
- sys、usr字段指示CPU被用于处理进程时,进程在内核态、用户态所占CPU的时间比例
- irq字段指示CPU被用于处理中断的时间比例
- idle字段指示CPU处在完全空闲状态的时间比例
- wait字段指示CPU处在“进程等待磁盘IO导致CPU空闲”状态的时间比例
- avg1、avg5和avg15字段:过去1分钟、5分钟和15分钟内运行队列中的平均进程数量
- csw字段指示上下文交换次数
- intr字段指示中断发生次数
- tot字段指示物理内存总量
- free字段指示空闲内存的大小
- cache字段指示用于页缓存的内存大小
- buff字段指示用于文件缓存的内存大小
- slab字段指示系统内核占用的内存大小
- tot字段指示交换区总量
- free字段指示空闲交换空间大小
- sda字段:磁盘设备标识
- busy字段:磁盘忙时比例
- read、write字段:读、写请求数量
- XXXi 字段指示各层或活动网口收包数目
- XXXo 字段指示各层或活动网口发包数目
## atop日志
每个时间点采样页面组合起来就形成了一个atop日志文件,我们可以使用"atop -r XXX"命令对日志文件进行查看。那以什么形式保存atop日志文件呢?
- 每天保存一个atop日志文件,该日志文件记录当天信息
- 日志文件以"atop_YYYYMMDD"的方式命名
- 设定日志失效期限,自动删除一段时间前的日志文件
(sleep 3; find $LOGPATH -name 'atop_*' -mtime +28 -exec rm {} \; )&
0 0 * * * root /etc/cron.daily/atop.daily
## 相关资料
- [官方手册](http://www.atoptool.nl/download/man_atop-1.pdf)