## 补充说明
**speedtest-cli** 是一个使用python编写的命令行脚本,通过调用speedtest.net测试上下行的接口来完成速度测试,最后我会测试运维生存时间所在服务器的外网速度。项目地址:https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli
### 安装speedtest-cli
speedtest-cli需要在python 2.4-3.4的环境下,安装方法都很简单,自己选择以下最适合你的一种。
# pip install speedtest-cli
# easy_install speedtest-cli
# pip install git+https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli.git
# git clone https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli.git
# python speedtest-cli/setup.py install
# wget -O speedtest-cli https://raw.github.com/sivel/spe ... er/speedtest_cli.py
# chmod +x speedtest-cli
# curl -o speedtest-cli https://raw.github.com/sivel/spe ... er/speedtest_cli.py
# chmod +x speedtest-cli
### 用法
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--share 分享你的网速,该命令会在speedtest网站上生成网速测试结果的图片。
--simple Suppress verbose output, only show basic information
--list 根据距离显示speedtest.net的测试服务器列表。
--server=SERVER 指定列表中id的服务器来做测试。
--mini=MINI URL of the Speedtest Mini server
--source=SOURCE Source ip address to bind to
--version Show the version number and exit
### 实例
[root@li229-122 ~]# speedtest-cli --list | grep China
1185) China Unicom (Changchun, China) [10534.35 km]
3784) China Mobile (Urumqi, China) [10581.15 km]
2667) Beijing Normal University (Beijing, China) [11117.03 km]
2529) Beijing Normal University (Beijing, China) [11117.03 km]
2816) Capital Online Data service (Beijing, China) [11117.03 km]
4354) SXmobile (Taiyuan, China) [11383.17 km]
3973) China Telecom (Lanzhou, China) [11615.43 km]
3633) China Telecom (Shanghai, China) [11983.37 km]
3927) China Mobile Jiangsu Co., Ltd. (Suzhou, China) [11989.27 km]
2461) China Unicom (Chengdu, China) [12213.35 km]
1028) Shepherd Software (Xiamen, China) [12785.57 km]
1628) Xiamen Guangdian Xinxu (Xiamen, China) [12785.57 km]
3891) GZinternet (Guangzhou, China) [13005.36 km]
3871) SZWCDMA (Shenzhen, China) [13059.20 km]
3819) SZU (Shenzhen, China) [13059.20 km]
1536) STC (Hong Kong, China) [13088.37 km]
1890) Telin (Hong Kong, China) [13088.37 km]
3633) China Telecom (Shanghai, China) [11983.37 km]
3633: 服务器id
china telecom:isp,这里是中国电信
shanghai,china :服务器所在地址
11983.37 km:两台服务器地理位置之间距离,我这台机器在美国,和上海相距11983.37公里,很远呐.
[root@li229-122 ~]# speedtest-cli --server=3633 --share
Retrieving speedtest.net configuration...
Retrieving speedtest.net server list...
Testing from Linode (
Hosted by China Telecom (Shanghai) [11983.37 km]: 23.603 ms
Testing download speed........................................
Download: 24.84 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed..................................................
Upload: 4.57 Mbit/s
Share results: http://www.speedtest.net/result/3240988007.png