You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
2.5 KiB

const localazyMetadata = {
projectUrl: "",
baseLocale: "en",
languages: [
language: "de",
region: "",
script: "",
isRtl: false,
name: "German",
localizedName: "Deutsch",
pluralType: (n) => { return (n===1) ? "one" : "other"; }
language: "en",
region: "",
script: "",
isRtl: false,
name: "English",
localizedName: "English",
pluralType: (n) => { return (n===1) ? "one" : "other"; }
language: "fr",
region: "",
script: "",
isRtl: false,
name: "French",
localizedName: "Français",
pluralType: (n) => { return (n===0 || n===1) ? "one" : "other"; }
language: "pt",
region: "BR",
script: "",
isRtl: false,
name: "Brazilian Portuguese",
localizedName: "Português (Brasil)",
pluralType: (n) => { return (n>=0 && n<=1) ? "one" : "other"; }
language: "ru",
region: "",
script: "",
isRtl: false,
name: "Russian",
localizedName: "Русский",
pluralType: (n) => { return ((n%10===1) && (n%100!==11)) ? "one" : ((n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && ((n%100<12 || n%100>14))) ? "few" : "many"; }
language: "zh",
region: "",
script: "Hans",
isRtl: false,
name: "Simplified Chinese",
localizedName: "简体中文",
pluralType: (n) => { return "other"; }
files: [
cdnHash: "54b977214afbffe2ffeb07d0ccb03558e75e4408",
file: "file.json",
path: "",
library: "",
module: "",
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productFlavors: [],
cdnFiles: {
"de#": "",
"en#": "",
"fr#": "",
"pt_BR#": "",
"ru#": "",
"zh#Hans": ""
export default localazyMetadata;