mirror of https://github.com/requarks/wiki
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
117 lines
2.9 KiB
117 lines
2.9 KiB
'use strict'
/* global appconfig, entries, rights, search, upl */
/* eslint-disable standard/no-callback-literal */
const _ = require('lodash')
module.exports = (socket) => {
// Check if Guest
if (!socket.request.user.logged_in) {
socket.request.user = _.assign(rights.guest, socket.request.user)
// -----------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------
if (appconfig.public || socket.request.user.logged_in) {
socket.on('search', (data, cb) => {
cb = cb || _.noop
search.find(data.terms).then((results) => {
return cb(results) || true
// -----------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------
if (appconfig.public || socket.request.user.logged_in) {
socket.on('treeFetch', (data, cb) => {
cb = cb || _.noop
entries.getFromTree(data.basePath, socket.request.user).then((f) => {
return cb(f) || true
// -----------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------
if (socket.request.user.logged_in) {
socket.on('uploadsGetFolders', (data, cb) => {
cb = cb || _.noop
upl.getUploadsFolders().then((f) => {
return cb(f) || true
socket.on('uploadsCreateFolder', (data, cb) => {
cb = cb || _.noop
upl.createUploadsFolder(data.foldername).then((f) => {
return cb(f) || true
socket.on('uploadsGetImages', (data, cb) => {
cb = cb || _.noop
upl.getUploadsFiles('image', data.folder).then((f) => {
return cb(f) || true
socket.on('uploadsGetFiles', (data, cb) => {
cb = cb || _.noop
upl.getUploadsFiles('binary', data.folder).then((f) => {
return cb(f) || true
socket.on('uploadsDeleteFile', (data, cb) => {
cb = cb || _.noop
upl.deleteUploadsFile(data.uid).then((f) => {
return cb(f) || true
socket.on('uploadsFetchFileFromURL', (data, cb) => {
cb = cb || _.noop
upl.downloadFromUrl(data.folder, data.fetchUrl).then((f) => {
return cb({ ok: true }) || true
}).catch((err) => {
return cb({
ok: false,
msg: err.message
}) || true
socket.on('uploadsRenameFile', (data, cb) => {
cb = cb || _.noop
upl.moveUploadsFile(data.uid, data.folder, data.filename).then((f) => {
return cb({ ok: true }) || true
}).catch((err) => {
return cb({
ok: false,
msg: err.message
}) || true
socket.on('uploadsMoveFile', (data, cb) => {
cb = cb || _.noop
upl.moveUploadsFile(data.uid, data.folder).then((f) => {
return cb({ ok: true }) || true
}).catch((err) => {
return cb({
ok: false,
msg: err.message
}) || true