mirror of https://github.com/requarks/wiki
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
241 lines
7.4 KiB
241 lines
7.4 KiB
import { create, get, has, isEmpty, isPlainObject } from 'lodash-es'
import path from 'node:path'
import knex from 'knex'
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import Objection from 'objection'
import PGPubSub from 'pg-pubsub'
import semver from 'semver'
import { createDeferred } from '../helpers/common.mjs'
import migrationSource from '../db/migrator-source.mjs'
// const migrateFromLegacy = require('../db/legacy')
import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers/promises'
* ORM DB module
export default {
knex: null,
listener: null,
config: null,
VERSION: null,
LEGACY: false,
onReady: createDeferred(),
connectAttempts: 0,
* Initialize DB
async init (workerMode = false) {
WIKI.logger.info('Checking DB configuration...')
// Fetch DB Config
this.config = (!isEmpty(process.env.DATABASE_URL)) ? process.env.DATABASE_URL : {
host: WIKI.config.db.host.toString(),
user: WIKI.config.db.user.toString(),
password: WIKI.config.db.pass.toString(),
database: WIKI.config.db.db.toString(),
port: WIKI.config.db.port
// Handle SSL Options
let dbUseSSL = (WIKI.config.db.ssl === true || WIKI.config.db.ssl === 'true' || WIKI.config.db.ssl === 1 || WIKI.config.db.ssl === '1')
let sslOptions = null
if (dbUseSSL && isPlainObject(this.config) && get(WIKI.config.db, 'sslOptions.auto', null) === false) {
sslOptions = WIKI.config.db.sslOptions
sslOptions.rejectUnauthorized = sslOptions.rejectUnauthorized !== false
if (sslOptions.ca && sslOptions.ca.indexOf('-----') !== 0) {
sslOptions.ca = await fs.readFile(path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, sslOptions.ca), 'utf-8')
if (sslOptions.cert) {
sslOptions.cert = await fs.readFile(path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, sslOptions.cert), 'utf-8')
if (sslOptions.key) {
sslOptions.key = await fs.readFile(path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, sslOptions.key), 'utf-8')
if (sslOptions.pfx) {
sslOptions.pfx = await fs.readFile(path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, sslOptions.pfx), 'utf-8')
} else {
sslOptions = true
// Handle inline SSL CA Certificate mode
if (!isEmpty(process.env.DB_SSL_CA)) {
const chunks = []
for (let i = 0, charsLength = process.env.DB_SSL_CA.length; i < charsLength; i += 64) {
chunks.push(process.env.DB_SSL_CA.substring(i, i + 64))
dbUseSSL = true
sslOptions = {
rejectUnauthorized: true,
ca: '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' + chunks.join('\n') + '\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n'
if (dbUseSSL && isPlainObject(this.config)) {
this.config.ssl = (sslOptions === true) ? { rejectUnauthorized: true } : sslOptions
// Initialize Knex
this.knex = knex({
client: 'pg',
useNullAsDefault: true,
asyncStackTraces: WIKI.IS_DEBUG,
connection: this.config,
searchPath: [WIKI.config.db.schemas.wiki],
pool: {
...workerMode ? { min: 0, max: 1 } : WIKI.config.pool,
async afterCreate(conn, done) {
// -> Set Connection App Name
if (workerMode) {
await conn.query(`set application_name = 'Wiki.js - ${WIKI.INSTANCE_ID}'`)
} else {
await conn.query(`set application_name = 'Wiki.js - ${WIKI.INSTANCE_ID}:MAIN'`)
// Load DB Models
WIKI.logger.info('Loading DB models...')
const models = (await import(path.join(WIKI.SERVERPATH, 'models/index.mjs'))).default
// Connect
await this.connect()
// Check DB Version
const resVersion = await this.knex.raw('SHOW server_version;')
const dbVersion = semver.coerce(resVersion.rows[0].server_version, { loose: true })
this.VERSION = dbVersion.version
this.LEGACY = dbVersion.major < 16
if (dbVersion.major < 12) {
WIKI.logger.error(`Your PostgreSQL database version (${dbVersion.major}) is too old and unsupported by Wiki.js. Requires >= 12. Exiting...`)
WIKI.logger.info(`PostgreSQL ${dbVersion.version} [ ${this.LEGACY ? 'LEGACY MODE' : 'OK'} ]`)
// Run Migrations
if (!workerMode) {
await this.migrateFromLegacy()
await this.syncSchemas()
return {
* Subscribe to database LISTEN / NOTIFY for multi-instances events
async subscribeToNotifications () {
let connSettings = this.knex.client.connectionSettings
if (typeof connSettings === 'string') {
const encodedName = encodeURIComponent(`Wiki.js - ${WIKI.INSTANCE_ID}:PSUB`)
if (connSettings.indexOf('?') > 0) {
connSettings = `${connSettings}&ApplicationName=${encodedName}`
} else {
connSettings = `${connSettings}?ApplicationName=${encodedName}`
} else {
connSettings.application_name = `Wiki.js - ${WIKI.INSTANCE_ID}:PSUB`
this.listener = new PGPubSub(connSettings, {
log (ev) {
// -> Outbound events handling
this.listener.addChannel('wiki', payload => {
if (has(payload, 'event') && payload.source !== WIKI.INSTANCE_ID) {
WIKI.logger.info(`Received event ${payload.event} from instance ${payload.source}: [ OK ]`)
WIKI.events.inbound.emit(payload.event, payload.value)
// -> Listen to inbound events
WIKI.logger.info(`PG PubSub Listener initialized successfully: [ OK ]`)
* Unsubscribe from database LISTEN / NOTIFY
async unsubscribeToNotifications () {
if (this.listener) {
* Publish event via database NOTIFY
* @param {string} event Event fired
* @param {object} value Payload of the event
notifyViaDB (event, value) {
WIKI.db.listener.publish('wiki', {
* Attempt initial connection
async connect () {
try {
WIKI.logger.info('Connecting to database...')
await this.knex.raw('SELECT 1 + 1;')
WIKI.logger.info('Database Connection Successful [ OK ]')
} catch (err) {
if (this.connectAttempts < 10) {
if (err.code) {
WIKI.logger.error(`Database Connection Error: ${err.code} ${err.address}:${err.port}`)
} else {
WIKI.logger.error(`Database Connection Error: ${err.message}`)
WIKI.logger.warn(`Will retry in 3 seconds... [Attempt ${++this.connectAttempts} of 10]`)
await setTimeout(3000)
await this.connect()
} else {
throw err
* Migrate DB Schemas
async syncSchemas () {
WIKI.logger.info('Ensuring DB schema exists...')
await this.knex.raw(`CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ${WIKI.config.db.schemas.wiki}`)
WIKI.logger.info('Ensuring DB migrations have been applied...')
return this.knex.migrate.latest({
tableName: 'migrations',
schemaName: WIKI.config.db.schemas.wiki
* Migrate DB Schemas from 2.x
async migrateFromLegacy () {
// return migrateFromLegacy.migrate(self.knex)