mirror of https://github.com/requarks/wiki
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
838 lines
25 KiB
838 lines
25 KiB
/* global WIKI */
import { difference, find, first, flatten, flattenDeep, get, has, isArray, isEmpty, isNil, isString, last, set, toString, truncate, uniq } from 'lodash-es'
import tfa from 'node-2fa'
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'
import { Model } from 'objection'
import validate from 'validate.js'
import qr from 'qr-image'
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs'
import { Group } from './groups.mjs'
* Users model
export class User extends Model {
static get tableName() { return 'users' }
static get jsonSchema () {
return {
type: 'object',
required: ['email'],
properties: {
id: {type: 'string'},
email: {type: 'string'},
name: {type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255},
pictureUrl: {type: 'string'},
isSystem: {type: 'boolean'},
isActive: {type: 'boolean'},
isVerified: {type: 'boolean'},
createdAt: {type: 'string'},
updatedAt: {type: 'string'}
static get jsonAttributes() {
return ['auth', 'meta', 'prefs']
static get relationMappings() {
return {
groups: {
relation: Model.ManyToManyRelation,
modelClass: Group,
join: {
from: 'users.id',
through: {
from: 'userGroups.userId',
to: 'userGroups.groupId'
to: 'groups.id'
async $beforeUpdate(opt, context) {
await super.$beforeUpdate(opt, context)
this.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString()
async $beforeInsert(context) {
await super.$beforeInsert(context)
this.createdAt = new Date().toISOString()
this.updatedAt = new Date().toISOString()
// ------------------------------------------------
// Instance Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
async generateTFA(strategyId, siteId) {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Generating new TFA secret for user ${this.id}...`)
const site = WIKI.sites[siteId] ?? WIKI.sites[0] ?? { config: { title: 'Wiki' }}
const tfaInfo = tfa.generateSecret({
name: site.config.title,
account: this.email
this.auth[strategyId].tfaSecret = tfaInfo.secret
this.auth[strategyId].tfaIsActive = false
await this.$query().patch({
auth: this.auth
const safeTitle = site.config.title.replace(/[\s-.,=!@#$%?&*()+[\]{}/\\;<>]/g, '')
return qr.imageSync(`otpauth://totp/${safeTitle}:${this.email}?secret=${tfaInfo.secret}`, { type: 'svg' })
async enableTFA(strategyId) {
this.auth[strategyId].tfaIsActive = true
return this.$query().patch({
auth: this.auth
async disableTFA(strategyId) {
this.auth[strategyId].tfaIsActive = false
return this.$query().patch({
tfaIsActive: false,
tfaSecret: ''
verifyTFA(strategyId, code) {
return tfa.verifyToken(this.auth[strategyId].tfaSecret, code)?.delta === 0
getPermissions () {
return uniq(flatten(this.groups.map(g => g.permissions)))
getGroups() {
return uniq(this.groups.map(g => g.id))
// ------------------------------------------------
// Model Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
static async getById(id) {
return WIKI.db.users.query().findById(id).withGraphFetched('groups').modifyGraph('groups', builder => {
builder.select('groups.id', 'permissions')
static async processProfile({ profile, providerKey }) {
const provider = get(WIKI.auth.strategies, providerKey, {})
provider.info = find(WIKI.data.authentication, ['key', provider.stategyKey])
// Find existing user
let user = await WIKI.db.users.query().findOne({
providerId: toString(profile.id),
// Parse email
let primaryEmail = ''
if (isArray(profile.emails)) {
const e = find(profile.emails, ['primary', true])
primaryEmail = (e) ? e.value : first(profile.emails).value
} else if (isArray(profile.email)) {
primaryEmail = first(flattenDeep([profile.email]))
} else if (isString(profile.email) && profile.email.length > 5) {
primaryEmail = profile.email
} else if (isString(profile.mail) && profile.mail.length > 5) {
primaryEmail = profile.mail
} else if (profile.user && profile.user.email && profile.user.email.length > 5) {
primaryEmail = profile.user.email
} else {
throw new Error('Missing or invalid email address from profile.')
primaryEmail = primaryEmail.toLowerCase()
// Find pending social user
if (!user) {
user = await WIKI.db.users.query().findOne({
email: primaryEmail,
providerId: null,
if (user) {
user = await user.$query().patchAndFetch({
providerId: toString(profile.id)
// Parse display name
let displayName = ''
if (isString(profile.displayName) && profile.displayName.length > 0) {
displayName = profile.displayName
} else if (isString(profile.name) && profile.name.length > 0) {
displayName = profile.name
} else {
displayName = primaryEmail.split('@')[0]
// Parse picture URL / Data
let pictureUrl = ''
if (profile.picture && Buffer.isBuffer(profile.picture)) {
pictureUrl = 'internal'
} else {
pictureUrl = truncate(get(profile, 'picture', get(user, 'pictureUrl', null)), {
length: 255,
omission: ''
// Update existing user
if (user) {
if (!user.isActive) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthAccountBanned()
if (user.isSystem) {
throw new Error('This is a system reserved account and cannot be used.')
user = await user.$query().patchAndFetch({
email: primaryEmail,
name: displayName,
pictureUrl: pictureUrl
if (pictureUrl === 'internal') {
await WIKI.db.users.updateUserAvatarData(user.id, profile.picture)
return user
// Self-registration
if (provider.selfRegistration) {
// Check if email domain is whitelisted
if (get(provider, 'domainWhitelist', []).length > 0) {
const emailDomain = last(primaryEmail.split('@'))
if (!provider.domainWhitelist.includes(emailDomain)) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthRegistrationDomainUnauthorized()
// Create account
user = await WIKI.db.users.query().insertAndFetch({
providerKey: providerKey,
providerId: toString(profile.id),
email: primaryEmail,
name: displayName,
pictureUrl: pictureUrl,
locale: WIKI.config.lang.code,
defaultEditor: 'markdown',
tfaIsActive: false,
isSystem: false,
isActive: true,
isVerified: true
// Assign to group(s)
if (provider.autoEnrollGroups.length > 0) {
await user.$relatedQuery('groups').relate(provider.autoEnrollGroups)
if (pictureUrl === 'internal') {
await WIKI.db.users.updateUserAvatarData(user.id, profile.picture)
return user
throw new Error('You are not authorized to login.')
* Login a user
static async login ({ strategyId, siteId, username, password }, context) {
if (has(WIKI.auth.strategies, strategyId)) {
const selStrategy = WIKI.auth.strategies[strategyId]
if (!selStrategy.isEnabled) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthProviderInvalid()
const strInfo = find(WIKI.data.authentication, ['key', selStrategy.module])
// Inject form user/pass
if (strInfo.useForm) {
set(context.req, 'body.email', username)
set(context.req, 'body.password', password)
set(context.req.params, 'strategy', strategyId)
// Authenticate
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
WIKI.auth.passport.authenticate(selStrategy.id, {
session: !strInfo.useForm,
scope: strInfo.scopes ? strInfo.scopes : null
}, async (err, user, info) => {
if (err) { return reject(err) }
if (!user) { return reject(new WIKI.Error.AuthLoginFailed()) }
try {
const resp = await WIKI.db.users.afterLoginChecks(user, selStrategy.id, context, {
skipTFA: !strInfo.useForm,
skipChangePwd: !strInfo.useForm
} catch (err) {
})(context.req, context.res, () => {})
} else {
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthProviderInvalid()
* Perform post-login checks
static async afterLoginChecks (user, strategyId, context, { siteId, skipTFA, skipChangePwd } = { skipTFA: false, skipChangePwd: false, siteId: null }) {
const str = WIKI.auth.strategies[strategyId]
if (!str) {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_STRATEGY')
// Get redirect target
user.groups = await user.$relatedQuery('groups').select('groups.id', 'permissions', 'redirectOnLogin')
let redirect = '/'
if (user.groups && user.groups.length > 0) {
for (const grp of user.groups) {
if (!isEmpty(grp.redirectOnLogin) && grp.redirectOnLogin !== '/') {
redirect = grp.redirectOnLogin
// Get auth strategy flags
const authStr = user.auth[strategyId] || {}
// Is 2FA required?
if (!skipTFA) {
if (authStr.tfaIsActive && authStr.tfaSecret) {
try {
const tfaToken = await WIKI.db.userKeys.generateToken({
kind: 'tfa',
userId: user.id,
meta: {
return {
nextAction: 'provideTfa',
continuationToken: tfaToken,
} catch (errc) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthGenericError()
} else if (str.config?.enforceTfa || authStr.tfaRequired) {
try {
const tfaQRImage = await user.generateTFA(strategyId, siteId)
const tfaToken = await WIKI.db.userKeys.generateToken({
kind: 'tfaSetup',
userId: user.id,
meta: {
return {
nextAction: 'setupTfa',
continuationToken: tfaToken,
} catch (errc) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthGenericError()
// Must Change Password?
if (!skipChangePwd && authStr.mustChangePwd) {
try {
const pwdChangeToken = await WIKI.db.userKeys.generateToken({
kind: 'changePwd',
userId: user.id,
meta: {
return {
nextAction: 'changePassword',
continuationToken: pwdChangeToken,
} catch (errc) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthGenericError()
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
context.req.login(user, { session: false }, async errc => {
if (errc) { return reject(errc) }
const jwtToken = await WIKI.db.users.refreshToken(user, strategyId)
nextAction: 'redirect',
jwt: jwtToken.token,
* Generate a new token for a user
static async refreshToken (user) {
if (isString(user)) {
user = await WIKI.db.users.query().findById(user).withGraphFetched('groups').modifyGraph('groups', builder => {
builder.select('groups.id', 'permissions')
if (!user) {
WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to refresh token for user ${user}: Not found.`)
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthGenericError()
if (!user.isActive) {
WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to refresh token for user ${user}: Inactive.`)
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthAccountBanned()
} else if (isNil(user.groups)) {
user.groups = await user.$relatedQuery('groups').select('groups.id', 'permissions')
// Update Last Login Date
// -> Bypass Objection.js to avoid updating the updatedAt field
await WIKI.db.knex('users').where('id', user.id).update({ lastLoginAt: new Date().toISOString() })
return {
token: jwt.sign({
id: user.id,
email: user.email,
groups: user.getGroups()
}, {
key: WIKI.config.auth.certs.private,
passphrase: WIKI.config.auth.secret
}, {
algorithm: 'RS256',
expiresIn: WIKI.config.auth.tokenExpiration,
audience: WIKI.config.auth.audience,
issuer: 'urn:wiki.js'
* Verify a TFA login
static async loginTFA ({ strategyId, siteId, securityCode, continuationToken, setup }, context) {
if (securityCode.length === 6 && continuationToken.length > 1) {
const { user, strategyId: expectedStrategyId } = await WIKI.db.userKeys.validateToken({
kind: setup ? 'tfaSetup' : 'tfa',
token: continuationToken,
skipDelete: setup
if (strategyId !== expectedStrategyId) {
if (user) {
if (user.verifyTFA(strategyId, securityCode)) {
if (setup) {
await user.enableTFA(strategyId)
return WIKI.db.users.afterLoginChecks(user, strategyId, context, { siteId, skipTFA: true })
} else {
throw new Error('ERR_INCORRECT_TFA_TOKEN')
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_TFA_REQUEST')
* Change Password from a Mandatory Password Change after Login
static async loginChangePassword ({ strategyId, siteId, continuationToken, newPassword }, context) {
if (!newPassword || newPassword.length < 8) {
throw new Error('ERR_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT')
const { user, strategyId: expectedStrategyId } = await WIKI.db.userKeys.validateToken({
kind: 'changePwd',
token: continuationToken
if (strategyId !== expectedStrategyId) {
if (user) {
user.auth[strategyId].password = await bcrypt.hash(newPassword, 12),
user.auth[strategyId].mustChangePwd = false
await user.$query().patch({
auth: user.auth
return WIKI.db.users.afterLoginChecks(user, strategyId, context, { siteId, skipChangePwd: true, skipTFA: true })
} else {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_USER')
* Send a password reset request
static async loginForgotPassword ({ email }, context) {
const usr = await WIKI.db.users.query().where({
providerKey: 'local'
if (!usr) {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Password reset attempt on nonexistant local account ${email}: [DISCARDED]`)
const resetToken = await WIKI.db.userKeys.generateToken({
userId: usr.id,
kind: 'resetPwd'
await WIKI.mail.send({
template: 'accountResetPwd',
to: email,
subject: `Password Reset Request`,
data: {
preheadertext: `A password reset was requested for ${WIKI.config.title}`,
title: `A password reset was requested for ${WIKI.config.title}`,
content: `Click the button below to reset your password. If you didn't request this password reset, simply discard this email.`,
buttonLink: `${WIKI.config.host}/login-reset/${resetToken}`,
buttonText: 'Reset Password'
text: `A password reset was requested for wiki ${WIKI.config.title}. Open the following link to proceed: ${WIKI.config.host}/login-reset/${resetToken}`
* Create a new user
* @param {Object} param0 User Fields
static async createNewUser ({ email, password, name, groups, userInitiated = false, mustChangePassword = false, sendWelcomeEmail = false }) {
const localAuth = await WIKI.db.authentication.getStrategy('local')
// Check if self-registration is enabled
if (userInitiated && !localAuth.registration) {
// Input sanitization
email = email.toLowerCase().trim()
// Input validation
const validation = validate({
}, {
email: {
email: true,
length: {
maximum: 255
password: {
presence: {
allowEmpty: false
length: {
minimum: 6
name: {
presence: {
allowEmpty: false
length: {
minimum: 2,
maximum: 255
}, { format: 'flat' })
if (validation && validation.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`ERR_INVALID_INPUT: ${validation[0]}`)
// Check if email address is allowed
if (userInitiated && localAuth.allowedEmailRegex) {
const emailCheckRgx = new RegExp(localAuth.allowedEmailRegex, 'i')
if (!emailCheckRgx.test(email)) {
// Check if email already exists
const usr = await WIKI.db.users.query().findOne({ email })
if (usr) {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Creating new user account for ${email}...`)
// Create the account
const newUsr = await WIKI.db.users.query().insert({
auth: {
[localAuth.id]: {
password: await bcrypt.hash(password, 12),
mustChangePwd: mustChangePassword,
restrictLogin: false,
tfaRequired: false,
tfaSecret: ''
hasAvatar: false,
isSystem: false,
isActive: true,
isVerified: true,
meta: {
jobTitle: '',
location: '',
pronouns: ''
prefs: {
cvd: 'none',
timezone: WIKI.config.userDefaults.timezone || 'America/New_York',
appearance: 'site',
dateFormat: WIKI.config.userDefaults.dateFormat || 'YYYY-MM-DD',
timeFormat: WIKI.config.userDefaults.timeFormat || '12h'
// Assign to group(s)
const groupsToEnroll = [WIKI.data.systemIds.usersGroupId]
if (groups?.length > 0) {
if (userInitiated && localAuth.autoEnrollGroups?.length > 0) {
await newUsr.$relatedQuery('groups').relate(uniq(groupsToEnroll))
// Verification Email
if (userInitiated && localAuth.config?.emailValidation) {
// Create verification token
const verificationToken = await WIKI.db.userKeys.generateToken({
kind: 'verify',
userId: newUsr.id
// Send verification email
await WIKI.mail.send({
template: 'accountVerify',
to: email,
subject: 'Verify your account',
data: {
preheadertext: 'Verify your account in order to gain access to the wiki.',
title: 'Verify your account',
content: 'Click the button below in order to verify your account and gain access to the wiki.',
buttonLink: `${WIKI.config.host}/verify/${verificationToken}`,
buttonText: 'Verify'
text: `You must open the following link in your browser to verify your account and gain access to the wiki: ${WIKI.config.host}/verify/${verificationToken}`
} else if (sendWelcomeEmail) {
// Send welcome email
await WIKI.mail.send({
template: 'accountWelcome',
to: email,
subject: `Welcome to the wiki ${WIKI.config.title}`,
data: {
preheadertext: `You've been invited to the wiki ${WIKI.config.title}`,
title: `You've been invited to the wiki ${WIKI.config.title}`,
content: `Click the button below to access the wiki.`,
buttonLink: `${WIKI.config.host}/login`,
buttonText: 'Login'
text: `You've been invited to the wiki ${WIKI.config.title}: ${WIKI.config.host}/login`
WIKI.logger.debug(`Created new user account for ${email} successfully.`)
return newUsr
* Update an existing user
* @param {Object} param0 User ID and fields to update
static async updateUser (id, { email, name, groups, isVerified, isActive, meta, prefs }) {
const usr = await WIKI.db.users.query().findById(id)
if (usr) {
let usrData = {}
if (!isEmpty(email) && email !== usr.email) {
const dupUsr = await WIKI.db.users.query().select('id').where({ email }).first()
if (dupUsr) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthAccountAlreadyExists()
usrData.email = email.toLowerCase()
if (!isEmpty(name) && name !== usr.name) {
usrData.name = name.trim()
if (isArray(groups)) {
const usrGroupsRaw = await usr.$relatedQuery('groups')
const usrGroups = usrGroupsRaw.map(g => g.id)
// Relate added groups
const addUsrGroups = difference(groups, usrGroups)
for (const grp of addUsrGroups) {
await usr.$relatedQuery('groups').relate(grp)
// Unrelate removed groups
const remUsrGroups = difference(usrGroups, groups)
for (const grp of remUsrGroups) {
await usr.$relatedQuery('groups').unrelate().where('groupId', grp)
if (!isNil(isVerified)) {
usrData.isVerified = isVerified
if (!isNil(isActive)) {
usrData.isVerified = isActive
if (!isEmpty(meta)) {
usrData.meta = meta
if (!isEmpty(prefs)) {
usrData.prefs = prefs
await WIKI.db.users.query().patch(usrData).findById(id)
} else {
throw new WIKI.Error.UserNotFound()
* Delete a User
* @param {*} id User ID
static async deleteUser (id, replaceId) {
const usr = await WIKI.db.users.query().findById(id)
if (usr) {
await WIKI.db.assets.query().patch({ authorId: replaceId }).where('authorId', id)
await WIKI.db.comments.query().patch({ authorId: replaceId }).where('authorId', id)
await WIKI.db.pageHistory.query().patch({ authorId: replaceId }).where('authorId', id)
await WIKI.db.pages.query().patch({ authorId: replaceId }).where('authorId', id)
await WIKI.db.pages.query().patch({ creatorId: replaceId }).where('creatorId', id)
await WIKI.db.userKeys.query().delete().where('userId', id)
await WIKI.db.users.query().deleteById(id)
} else {
throw new WIKI.Error.UserNotFound()
* Logout the current user
static async logout (context) {
if (!context.req.user || context.req.user.id === WIKI.config.auth.guestUserId) {
return '/'
if (context.req.user.strategyId && has(WIKI.auth.strategies, context.req.user.strategyId)) {
const selStrategy = WIKI.auth.strategies[context.req.user.strategyId]
if (!selStrategy.isEnabled) {
throw new WIKI.Error.AuthProviderInvalid()
const provider = find(WIKI.data.authentication, ['key', selStrategy.module])
if (provider.logout) {
return provider.logout(provider.config)
return '/'
static async getGuestUser () {
const user = await WIKI.db.users.query().findById(WIKI.config.auth.guestUserId).withGraphJoined('groups').modifyGraph('groups', builder => {
builder.select('groups.id', 'permissions')
if (!user) {
WIKI.logger.error('CRITICAL ERROR: Guest user is missing!')
user.permissions = user.getPermissions()
return user
static async getRootUser () {
let user = await WIKI.db.users.query().findById(WIKI.config.auth.rootAdminUserId)
if (!user) {
WIKI.logger.error('CRITICAL ERROR: Root Administrator user is missing!')
user.permissions = ['manage:system']
return user
* Add / Update User Avatar Data
static async updateUserAvatarData (userId, data) {
try {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Updating user ${userId} avatar data...`)
if (data.length > 1024 * 1024) {
throw new Error('Avatar image filesize is too large. 1MB max.')
const existing = await WIKI.db.knex('userAvatars').select('id').where('id', userId).first()
if (existing) {
await WIKI.db.knex('userAvatars').where({
id: userId
} else {
await WIKI.db.knex('userAvatars').insert({
id: userId,
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to process binary thumbnail data for user ${userId}: ${err.message}`)
static async getUserAvatarData (userId) {
try {
const usrData = await WIKI.db.knex('userAvatars').where('id', userId).first()
if (usrData) {
return usrData.data
} else {
return null
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to process binary thumbnail data for user ${userId}`)