You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
2.6 KiB

import { get, has, isEmpty, reduce, times, toSafeInteger } from 'lodash-es'
import * as cheerio from 'cheerio'
export async function task ({ payload }) {`Rendering page ${}...`)
try {
await WIKI.ensureDb()
const page = await WIKI.db.pages.getPageFromDb(
if (!page) {
throw new Error('Invalid Page Id')
const site = await WIKI.db.sites.query().findById(page.siteId)
await WIKI.db.renderers.fetchDefinitions()
const pipeline = await WIKI.db.renderers.getRenderingPipeline(page.contentType)
let output = page.render
if (isEmpty(page.content)) {
WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to render page ID ${} because content was empty: [ FAILED ]`)
for (const core of pipeline) {
const renderer = (await import(`../../modules/rendering/${core.key}/renderer.mjs`)).default
output = await{
config: core.config,
children: core.children,
input: output
// Parse TOC
// const $ = cheerio.load(output)
// let isStrict = $('h1').length > 0 // <- Allows for documents using H2 as top level
let toc = { root: [] }
// $('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6').each((idx, el) => {
// const depth = toSafeInteger( - (isStrict ? 1 : 2)
// let leafPathError = false
// const leafPath = reduce(times(depth), (curPath, curIdx) => {
// if (has(toc, curPath)) {
// const lastLeafIdx = get(toc, curPath).length - 1
// if (lastLeafIdx >= 0) {
// curPath = `${curPath}[${lastLeafIdx}].children`
// } else {
// leafPathError = true
// }
// }
// return curPath
// }, 'root')
// if (leafPathError) { return }
// const leafSlug = $('.toc-anchor', el).first().attr('href')
// $('.toc-anchor', el).remove()
// get(toc, leafPath).push({
// label: $(el).text().trim(),
// key: leafSlug.substring(1),
// children: []
// })
// })
// Save to DB
await WIKI.db.pages.query()
render: output,
toc: JSON.stringify(toc.root)
// Save to cache
// await WIKI.db.pages.savePageToCache({
// render: output,
// toc: JSON.stringify(toc.root)
// })`Rendered page ${}: [ COMPLETED ]`)
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.error(`Rendering page ${}: [ FAILED ]`)
throw err