mirror of https://github.com/requarks/wiki
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
393 lines
14 KiB
393 lines
14 KiB
import _ from 'lodash-es'
import sanitize from 'sanitize-filename'
import { generateError, generateSuccess } from '../../helpers/graph.mjs'
import { decodeFolderPath, decodeTreePath, generateHash } from '../../helpers/common.mjs'
import path from 'node:path'
import fs from 'fs-extra'
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'
import { pipeline } from 'node:stream/promises'
export default {
Query: {
async assetById(obj, args, context) {
const asset = await WIKI.db.assets.query().findById(args.id)
if (asset) {
return asset
} else {
throw new Error('ERR_ASSET_NOT_FOUND')
Mutation: {
* Rename an Asset
async renameAsset(obj, args, context) {
try {
const filename = sanitize(args.fileName).toLowerCase()
const asset = await WIKI.db.assets.query().findById(args.id)
const treeItem = await WIKI.db.tree.query().findById(args.id)
if (asset && treeItem) {
// Check for extension mismatch
if (!_.endsWith(filename, asset.fileExt)) {
throw new Error('ERR_ASSET_EXT_MISMATCH')
// Check for non-dot files changing to dotfile
if (asset.fileExt.length > 0 && filename.length - asset.fileExt.length < 1) {
// Check for collision
const assetCollision = await WIKI.db.tree.query().where({
folderPath: treeItem.folderPath,
fileName: filename
if (assetCollision) {
// Check source asset permissions
const assetSourcePath = (treeItem.folderPath) ? decodeTreePath(decodeFolderPath(treeItem.folderPath)) + `/${treeItem.fileName}` : treeItem.fileName
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(context.req.user, ['manage:assets'], { path: assetSourcePath })) {
throw new Error('ERR_FORBIDDEN')
// Check target asset permissions
const assetTargetPath = (treeItem.folderPath) ? decodeTreePath(decodeFolderPath(treeItem.folderPath)) + `/${filename}` : filename
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(context.req.user, ['write:assets'], { path: assetTargetPath })) {
throw new Error('ERR_TARGET_FORBIDDEN')
// Update filename + hash
const itemHash = generateHash(assetTargetPath)
await WIKI.db.assets.query().patch({
fileName: filename
await WIKI.db.tree.query().patch({
fileName: filename,
title: filename,
hash: itemHash
// TODO: Delete old asset cache
WIKI.events.outbound.emit('purgeItemCache', itemHash)
// TODO: Rename in Storage
// await WIKI.db.storage.assetEvent({
// event: 'renamed',
// asset: {
// ...asset,
// path: assetSourcePath,
// destinationPath: assetTargetPath,
// moveAuthorId: context.req.user.id,
// moveAuthorName: context.req.user.name,
// moveAuthorEmail: context.req.user.email
// }
// })
return {
operation: generateSuccess('Asset has been renamed successfully.')
} else {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_ASSET')
} catch (err) {
return generateError(err)
* Delete an Asset
async deleteAsset(obj, args, context) {
try {
const treeItem = await WIKI.db.tree.query().findById(args.id)
if (treeItem) {
// Check permissions
const assetPath = (treeItem.folderPath) ? decodeTreePath(decodeFolderPath(treeItem.folderPath)) + `/${treeItem.fileName}` : treeItem.fileName
if (!WIKI.auth.checkAccess(context.req.user, ['manage:assets'], { path: assetPath })) {
throw new Error('ERR_FORBIDDEN')
// Delete from DB
await WIKI.db.assets.query().deleteById(treeItem.id)
await WIKI.db.tree.query().deleteById(treeItem.id)
// TODO: Delete asset cache
WIKI.events.outbound.emit('purgeItemCache', treeItem.hash)
// TODO: Delete from Storage
// await WIKI.db.storage.assetEvent({
// event: 'deleted',
// asset: {
// ...asset,
// path: assetPath,
// authorId: context.req.user.id,
// authorName: context.req.user.name,
// authorEmail: context.req.user.email
// }
// })
return {
operation: generateSuccess('Asset has been deleted successfully.')
} else {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_ASSET')
} catch (err) {
return generateError(err)
* Upload Assets
async uploadAssets(obj, args, context) {
try {
// -> Get Folder
let folder = {}
if (args.folderId || args.folderPath) {
// Get Folder by ID
folder = await WIKI.db.tree.getFolder({ id: args.folderId })
if (!folder) {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_FOLDER_ID')
} else if (args.folderPath) {
// Get Folder by Path
if (!args.locale) {
throw new Error('ERR_MISSING_LOCALE')
} else if (!args.siteId) {
throw new Error('ERR_MISSING_SITE_ID')
folder = await WIKI.db.tree.getFolder({
path: args.folderPath,
locale: args.locale,
siteId: args.siteId,
createIfMissing: true
if (!folder) {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_FOLDER_PATH')
} else {
// Use Root Folder
if (!args.locale) {
throw new Error('ERR_MISSING_LOCALE')
} else if (!args.siteId) {
throw new Error('ERR_MISSING_SITE_ID')
folder = {
folderPath: '',
fileName: '',
locale: args.locale,
siteId: args.siteId
// -> Get Site
const site = await WIKI.db.sites.query().findById(folder.siteId)
if (!site) {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_SITE_ID')
// -> Get Storage Targets
const storageTargets = await WIKI.db.storage.getTargets({ siteId: folder.siteId, enabledOnly: true })
// -> Process Assets
const results = await Promise.allSettled(args.files.map(async fl => {
const { filename, mimetype, createReadStream } = await fl
const sanitizedFilename = sanitize(filename).toLowerCase().trim()
WIKI.logger.debug(`Processing asset upload ${sanitizedFilename} of type ${mimetype}...`)
// Parse file extension
if (sanitizedFilename.indexOf('.') <= 0) {
const fileExt = _.last(sanitizedFilename.split('.')).toLowerCase()
// Determine asset kind
let fileKind = 'other'
switch (fileExt) {
case 'jpg':
case 'jpeg':
case 'png':
case 'webp':
case 'gif':
case 'tiff':
case 'svg':
fileKind = 'image'
case 'pdf':
case 'docx':
case 'xlsx':
case 'pptx':
case 'odt':
case 'epub':
case 'csv':
case 'md':
case 'txt':
case 'adoc':
case 'rtf':
case 'wdp':
case 'xps':
case 'ods':
fileKind = 'document'
// Save to temp disk
const tempFileId = uuid()
const tempFilePath = path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, WIKI.config.dataPath, `uploads/${tempFileId}.dat`)
WIKI.logger.debug(`Writing asset upload ${sanitizedFilename} to temp disk...`)
await pipeline(
WIKI.logger.debug(`Querying asset ${sanitizedFilename} file size...`)
const tempFileStat = await fs.stat(tempFilePath)
// Format filename
const formattedFilename = site.config.uploads.normalizeFilename ? sanitizedFilename.replaceAll(' ', '-') : sanitizedFilename
// Save asset to DB
WIKI.logger.debug(`Saving asset ${sanitizedFilename} metadata to DB...`)
const assetRaw = await WIKI.db.knex('assets').insert({
fileName: formattedFilename,
kind: fileKind,
mimeType: mimetype,
fileSize: Math.round(tempFileStat.size),
meta: {},
previewState: fileKind === 'image' ? 'pending' : 'none',
authorId: context.req.user.id,
siteId: folder.siteId
const asset = assetRaw[0]
// Add to tree
await WIKI.db.tree.addAsset({
id: asset.id,
parentPath: folder.folderPath ? `${folder.folderPath}.${folder.fileName}` : folder.fileName,
fileName: formattedFilename,
title: formattedFilename,
locale: folder.locale,
siteId: folder.siteId,
meta: {
authorId: asset.authorId,
creatorId: asset.creatorId,
fileSize: asset.fileSize,
mimeType: mimetype,
ownerId: asset.ownerId
// Save to storage targets
const storageInfo = {}
const failedStorage = []
await Promise.allSettled(storageTargets.map(async storageTarget => {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Saving asset ${sanitizedFilename} to storage target ${storageTarget.module} (${storageTarget.id})...`)
try {
const strInfo = await WIKI.storage.modules[storageTarget.module].assetUploaded({
storageInfo[storageTarget.id] = strInfo ?? true
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to save asset ${sanitizedFilename} to storage target ${storageTarget.module} (${storageTarget.id}):`)
storageId: storageTarget.id,
storageModule: storageTarget.module,
fileId: asset.id,
fileName: formattedFilename
// Save Storage Info to DB
await WIKI.db.knex('assets').where({ id: asset.id }).update({ storageInfo })
// Create thumbnail
if (fileKind === 'image') {
if (!WIKI.extensions.ext.sharp.isInstalled) {
WIKI.logger.warn('Cannot generate asset thumbnail because the Sharp extension is not installed.')
} else {
WIKI.logger.debug(`Generating thumbnail of asset ${sanitizedFilename}...`)
const previewDestPath = path.resolve(WIKI.ROOTPATH, WIKI.config.dataPath, `uploads/${tempFileId}-thumb.webp`)
// -> Resize
await WIKI.extensions.ext.sharp.resize({
format: 'webp',
inputStream: createReadStream(),
outputPath: previewDestPath,
width: 320,
height: 200,
fit: 'inside'
// -> Save to DB
await WIKI.db.knex('assets').where({
id: asset.id
preview: await fs.readFile(previewDestPath),
previewState: 'ready'
// -> Delete
await fs.remove(previewDestPath)
WIKI.logger.debug(`Removing asset ${sanitizedFilename} temp file...`)
await fs.remove(tempFilePath)
WIKI.logger.debug(`Processed asset ${sanitizedFilename} successfully.`)
return failedStorage
// Return results
const failedResults = results.filter(r => r.status === 'rejected')
if (failedResults.length > 0) {
// -> One or more thrown errors
WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to upload one or more assets:`)
for (const failedResult of failedResults) {
throw new Error('ERR_UPLOAD_FAILED')
} else {
const failedSaveTargets = results.map(r => r.value).filter(r => r.length > 0)
if (failedSaveTargets.length > 0) {
// -> One or more storage target save errors
WIKI.logger.warn('Failed to save one or more assets to storage targets.')
} else {
WIKI.logger.debug('Asset(s) uploaded successfully.')
return {
operation: generateSuccess('Asset(s) uploaded successfully')
} catch (err) {
return generateError(err)
* Flush Temporary Uploads
async flushTempUploads(obj, args, context) {
try {
await WIKI.db.assets.flushTempUploads()
return {
operation: generateSuccess('Temporary Uploads have been flushed successfully.')
} catch (err) {
return generateError(err)