const moment = require('moment') const childProcess = require('child_process') const _ = require('lodash') const configHelper = require('../helpers/config') /* global WIKI */ class Job { constructor({ name, immediate = false, schedule = 'P1D', repeat = false, worker = false }) { this.finished = Promise.resolve() = name this.immediate = immediate this.schedule = moment.duration(schedule) this.repeat = repeat this.worker = worker } /** * Start Job * * @param {Object} data Job Data */ start(data) { if (this.immediate) { this.invoke(data) } else { this.queue(data) } } /** * Queue the next job run according to the wait duration * * @param {Object} data Job Data */ queue(data) { this.timeout = setTimeout(this.invoke.bind(this), this.schedule.asMilliseconds(), data) } /** * Run the actual job * * @param {Object} data Job Data */ async invoke(data) { try { if (this.worker) { const proc = childProcess.fork(`server/core/worker.js`, [ `--job=${}`, `--data=${data}` ], { cwd: WIKI.ROOTPATH }) this.finished = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { proc.on('exit', (code, signal) => { if (code === 0) { resolve() } else { reject(signal) } proc.kill() }) }) } else { this.finished = require(`../jobs/${}`)(data) } await this.finished } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) } if (this.repeat) { this.queue(data) } } /** * Stop any future job invocation from occuring */ stop() { clearTimeout(this.timeout) } } module.exports = { jobs: [], init() { return this }, start() { _.forOwn(, (queueParams, queueName) => { if (WIKI.config.offline && queueParams.offlineSkip) { WIKI.logger.warn(`Skipping job ${queueName} because offline mode is enabled. [SKIPPED]`) return } const schedule = (configHelper.isValidDurationString(queueParams.schedule)) ? queueParams.schedule : 'P1D' this.registerJob({ name: _.kebabCase(queueName), immediate: _.get(queueParams, 'onInit', false), schedule: schedule, repeat: _.get(queueParams, 'repeat', false), worker: _.get(queueParams, 'worker', false) }) }) }, registerJob(opts, data) { const job = new Job(opts) job.start(data) if (job.repeat) { } return job }, stop() { => { job.stop() }) } }