const _ = require('lodash') const autoload = require('auto-load') const path = require('path') const Promise = require('bluebird') const Knex = require('knex') const Objection = require('objection') const migrationSource = require('../db/migrator-source') /* global WIKI */ /** * ORM DB module */ module.exports = { Objection, knex: null, /** * Initialize DB * * @return {Object} DB instance */ init() { let self = this let dbClient = null let dbConfig = (!_.isEmpty(process.env.DATABASE_URL)) ? process.env.DATABASE_URL : { host:, user: WIKI.config.db.user, password: WIKI.config.db.pass, database: WIKI.config.db.db, port: WIKI.config.db.port } const dbUseSSL = (WIKI.config.db.ssl === true || WIKI.config.db.ssl === 'true' || WIKI.config.db.ssl === 1 || WIKI.config.db.ssl === '1') switch (WIKI.config.db.type) { case 'postgres': dbClient = 'pg' if (dbUseSSL && _.isPlainObject(dbConfig)) { dbConfig.ssl = true } break case 'mariadb': case 'mysql': dbClient = 'mysql2' if (dbUseSSL && _.isPlainObject(dbConfig)) { dbConfig.ssl = true } // Fix mysql boolean handling... dbConfig.typeCast = (field, next) => { if (field.type === 'TINY' && field.length === 1) { let value = field.string() return value ? (value === '1') : null } return next() } break case 'mssql': dbClient = 'mssql' if (_.isPlainObject(dbConfig)) { dbConfig.appName = 'Wiki.js' if (dbUseSSL) { dbConfig.encrypt = true } } break case 'sqlite': dbClient = 'sqlite3' dbConfig = { filename: } break default: WIKI.logger.error('Invalid DB Type') process.exit(1) } this.knex = Knex({ client: dbClient, useNullAsDefault: true, asyncStackTraces: WIKI.IS_DEBUG, connection: dbConfig, pool: { ...WIKI.config.pool, async afterCreate(conn, done) { // -> Set Connection App Name switch (WIKI.config.db.type) { case 'postgres': await conn.query(`set application_name = 'Wiki.js'`) done() break default: done() break } } }, debug: WIKI.IS_DEBUG }) Objection.Model.knex(this.knex) // Load DB Models const models = autoload(path.join(WIKI.SERVERPATH, 'models')) // Set init tasks let conAttempts = 0 let initTasks = { // -> Migrate DB Schemas async syncSchemas() { return self.knex.migrate.latest({ tableName: 'migrations', migrationSource }) }, // -> Attempt initial connection async connect() { try {'Connecting to database...') await self.knex.raw('SELECT 1 + 1;')'Database Connection Successful [ OK ]') } catch (err) { if (conAttempts < 10) { WIKI.logger.error(`Database Connection Error: ${err.code} ${err.address}:${err.port}`) WIKI.logger.warn(`Will retry in 3 seconds... [Attempt ${++conAttempts} of 10]`) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)) await initTasks.connect() } else { throw err } } } } let initTasksQueue = (WIKI.IS_MASTER) ? [ initTasks.connect, initTasks.syncSchemas ] : [ () => { return Promise.resolve() } ] // Perform init tasks this.onReady = Promise.each(initTasksQueue, t => t()).return(true) return { ...this, ...models } } }