<template lang='pug'> v-container(fluid, grid-list-lg) v-layout(row, wrap) v-flex(xs12) .admin-header img(src='/svg/icon-web-design.svg', alt='Editor', style='width: 80px;') .admin-header-title .headline.primary--text Editor .subheading.grey--text Configure the content editors #[v-chip(label, color='primary', small).white--text coming soon] v-spacer v-btn(outline, color='grey', @click='refresh', large) v-icon refresh v-btn(color='success', @click='save', depressed, large) v-icon(left) check span {{$t('common:actions.apply')}} v-card.mt-3 v-tabs(color='grey darken-2', fixed-tabs, slider-color='white', show-arrows, dark) v-tab(key='settings'): v-icon settings v-tab(key='code') Markdown v-tab-item(key='settings', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false') v-card.pa-3(flat, tile) .body-2.grey--text.text--darken-1 Select which editors to enable: .caption.grey--text.pb-2 Some editors require additional configuration in their dedicated tab (when selected). v-form v-checkbox.my-0( v-for='editor in editors' v-model='editor.isEnabled' :key='editor.key' :label='editor.title' color='primary' disabled hide-details ) v-tab-item(key='code', :transition='false', :reverse-transition='false') v-card.wiki-form.pa-3(flat, tile) v-form v-subheader Editor Configuration .body-1.ml-3 This editor has no configuration options you can modify. </template> <script> export default { data() { return { editors: [ { title: 'API Docs', key: 'api', isEnabled: false }, { title: 'Code', key: 'code', isEnabled: true }, { title: 'Markdown', key: 'markdown', isEnabled: true }, { title: 'Tabular', key: 'tabular', isEnabled: false }, { title: 'Visual Builder', key: 'visual', isEnabled: false }, { title: 'WikiText', key: 'wikitext', isEnabled: false } ] } }, methods: { save() {}, refresh() {} } } </script> <style lang='scss'> </style>