const _ = require('lodash') const cfgHelper = require('../helpers/config') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const yaml = require('js-yaml') /* global WIKI */ module.exports = { /** * Load root config from disk */ init() { let confPaths = { config: path.join(WIKI.ROOTPATH, 'config.yml'), data: path.join(WIKI.SERVERPATH, 'app/data.yml'), dataRegex: path.join(WIKI.SERVERPATH, 'app/regex.js') } let appconfig = {} let appdata = {} try { appconfig = yaml.safeLoad( cfgHelper.parseConfigValue( fs.readFileSync(confPaths.config, 'utf8') ) ) appdata = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(, 'utf8')) appdata.regex = require(confPaths.dataRegex) } catch (ex) { console.error(ex) process.exit(1) } // Merge with defaults appconfig = _.defaultsDeep(appconfig, appdata.defaults.config) if (appconfig.port < 1) { appconfig.port = process.env.PORT || 80 } appconfig.public = (appconfig.public === true || _.toLower(appconfig.public) === 'true') WIKI.config = appconfig = appdata WIKI.version = require(path.join(WIKI.ROOTPATH, 'package.json')).version }, /** * Load config from DB * * @param {Array} subsets Array of subsets to load * @returns Promise */ async loadFromDb(subsets) { if (!_.isArray(subsets) || subsets.length === 0) { subsets = } let results = await WIKI.db.Setting.findAll({ attributes: ['key', 'config'], where: { key: { $in: subsets } } }) if (_.isArray(results) && results.length === subsets.length) { results.forEach(result => { WIKI.config[result.key] = result.config }) return true } else { WIKI.logger.warn('DB Configuration is empty or incomplete.') return false } }, /** * Save config to DB * * @param {Array} subsets Array of subsets to save * @returns Promise */ async saveToDb(subsets) { if (!_.isArray(subsets) || subsets.length === 0) { subsets = } try { for (let set of subsets) { await WIKI.db.Setting.upsert({ key: set, config: _.get(WIKI.config, set, {}) }) } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.error(`Failed to save configuration to DB: ${err.message}`) return false } return true } }