const fs = require('fs-extra') const http = require('http') const https = require('https') const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server-express') const Promise = require('bluebird') const _ = require('lodash') const { ApolloServerPluginLandingPageGraphQLPlayground, ApolloServerPluginLandingPageProductionDefault } = require('apollo-server-core') /* global WIKI */ module.exports = { servers: { graph: null, http: null, https: null }, connections: new Map(), le: null, /** * Start HTTP Server */ async startHTTP () {`HTTP Server on port: [ ${WIKI.config.port} ]`) this.servers.http = http.createServer( this.servers.http.listen(WIKI.config.port, WIKI.config.bindIP) this.servers.http.on('error', (error) => { if (error.syscall !== 'listen') { throw error } switch (error.code) { case 'EACCES': WIKI.logger.error('Listening on port ' + WIKI.config.port + ' requires elevated privileges!') return process.exit(1) case 'EADDRINUSE': WIKI.logger.error('Port ' + WIKI.config.port + ' is already in use!') return process.exit(1) default: throw error } }) this.servers.http.on('listening', () => {'HTTP Server: [ RUNNING ]') }) this.servers.http.on('connection', conn => { let connKey = `http:${conn.remoteAddress}:${conn.remotePort}` this.connections.set(connKey, conn) conn.on('close', () => { this.connections.delete(connKey) }) }) }, /** * Start HTTPS Server */ async startHTTPS () { if (WIKI.config.ssl.provider === 'letsencrypt') { this.le = require('./letsencrypt') await this.le.init() }`HTTPS Server on port: [ ${WIKI.config.ssl.port} ]`) const tlsOpts = {} try { if (WIKI.config.ssl.format === 'pem') { tlsOpts.key = WIKI.config.ssl.inline ? WIKI.config.ssl.key : fs.readFileSync(WIKI.config.ssl.key) tlsOpts.cert = WIKI.config.ssl.inline ? WIKI.config.ssl.cert : fs.readFileSync(WIKI.config.ssl.cert) } else { tlsOpts.pfx = WIKI.config.ssl.inline ? WIKI.config.ssl.pfx : fs.readFileSync(WIKI.config.ssl.pfx) } if (!_.isEmpty(WIKI.config.ssl.passphrase)) { tlsOpts.passphrase = WIKI.config.ssl.passphrase } if (!_.isEmpty(WIKI.config.ssl.dhparam)) { tlsOpts.dhparam = WIKI.config.ssl.dhparam } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.error('Failed to setup HTTPS server parameters:') WIKI.logger.error(err) return process.exit(1) } this.servers.https = https.createServer(tlsOpts, this.servers.https.listen(WIKI.config.ssl.port, WIKI.config.bindIP) this.servers.https.on('error', (error) => { if (error.syscall !== 'listen') { throw error } switch (error.code) { case 'EACCES': WIKI.logger.error('Listening on port ' + WIKI.config.ssl.port + ' requires elevated privileges!') return process.exit(1) case 'EADDRINUSE': WIKI.logger.error('Port ' + WIKI.config.ssl.port + ' is already in use!') return process.exit(1) default: throw error } }) this.servers.https.on('listening', () => {'HTTPS Server: [ RUNNING ]') }) this.servers.https.on('connection', conn => { let connKey = `https:${conn.remoteAddress}:${conn.remotePort}` this.connections.set(connKey, conn) conn.on('close', () => { this.connections.delete(connKey) }) }) }, /** * Start GraphQL Server */ async startGraphQL () { const graphqlSchema = require('../graph') this.servers.graph = new ApolloServer({ schema: graphqlSchema, uploads: false, context: ({ req, res }) => ({ req, res }), plugins: [ process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? ApolloServerPluginLandingPageGraphQLPlayground({ footer: false }) : ApolloServerPluginLandingPageProductionDefault({ footer: false }) // ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer({ httpServer: this.servers.http }) // ...(this.servers.https && ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer({ httpServer: this.servers.https })) ] }) await this.servers.graph.start() this.servers.graph.applyMiddleware({ app:, cors: false, path: '/_graphql' }) }, /** * Close all active connections */ closeConnections (mode = 'all') { for (const [key, conn] of this.connections) { if (mode !== `all` && key.indexOf(`${mode}:`) !== 0) { continue } conn.destroy() this.connections.delete(key) } if (mode === 'all') { this.connections.clear() } }, /** * Stop all servers */ async stopServers () { this.closeConnections() if (this.servers.http) { await Promise.fromCallback(cb => { this.servers.http.close(cb) }) this.servers.http = null } if (this.servers.https) { await Promise.fromCallback(cb => { this.servers.https.close(cb) }) this.servers.https = null } this.servers.graph = null }, /** * Restart Server */ async restartServer (srv = 'https') { this.closeConnections(srv) switch (srv) { case 'http': if (this.servers.http) { await Promise.fromCallback(cb => { this.servers.http.close(cb) }) this.servers.http = null } this.startHTTP() break case 'https': if (this.servers.https) { await Promise.fromCallback(cb => { this.servers.https.close(cb) }) this.servers.https = null } this.startHTTPS() break default: throw new Error('Cannot restart server: Invalid designation') } } }