<template lang='pug'> v-container(fluid, grid-list-lg) v-layout(row wrap) v-flex(xs12) .admin-header v-icon(size='80', color='grey lighten-2') palette .admin-header-title .headline.primary--text Theme .subheading.grey--text Modify the look & feel of your wiki v-spacer v-btn(color='success', depressed, @click='save', large, :loading='loading') v-icon(left) check span {{$t('common:actions.apply')}} v-form.pt-3 v-layout(row wrap) v-flex(lg6 xs12) v-card v-toolbar(color='primary', dark, dense, flat) v-toolbar-title .subheading Theme v-card-text v-select( :items='themes' outline background-color='grey lighten-2' prepend-icon='palette' v-model='selectedTheme' label='Site Theme' persistent-hint hint='Themes affect how content pages are displayed. Other site sections (such as the editor or admin area) are not affected.' ) template(slot='item', slot-scope='data') v-list-tile-avatar v-icon.blue--text(dark) filter_frames v-list-tile-content v-list-tile-title(v-html='data.item.text') v-list-tile-sub-title(v-html='data.item.author') v-divider.mt-3 v-switch( v-model='darkMode' label='Dark Mode' color='primary' persistent-hint hint='Not recommended for accessibility. May not be supported by all themes.' ) v-card.mt-3 v-toolbar(color='primary', dark, dense, flat) v-toolbar-title .subheading Code Injection v-card-text v-textarea( v-model='injectCSS' label='CSS Override' outline background-color='grey lighten-1' color='primary' persistent-hint hint='CSS code to inject after system default CSS' auto-grow ) v-textarea.mt-2( v-model='injectHeader' label='Head HTML Injection' outline background-color='grey lighten-1' color='primary' persistent-hint hint='HTML code to be injected just before the closing head tag' auto-grow ) v-textarea.mt-2( v-model='injectFooter' label='Body HTML Injection' outline background-color='grey lighten-1' color='primary' persistent-hint hint='HTML code to be injected just before the closing body tag' auto-grow ) v-flex(lg6 xs12) v-card v-toolbar(color='teal', dark, dense, flat) v-toolbar-title .subheading Download Themes v-card-text.caption -- Coming soon -- </template> <script> import _ from 'lodash' import { sync } from 'vuex-pathify' import themeSaveMutation from 'gql/admin/theme/theme-mutation-save.gql' export default { data() { return { loading: false, themes: [ { text: 'Default', author: 'requarks.io', value: 'default' } ], selectedTheme: 'default', darkModeInitial: false, injectCSS: '', injectHeader: '', injectFooter: '' } }, computed: { darkMode: sync('site/dark') }, mounted() { this.darkModeInitial = this.darkMode }, beforeDestroy() { this.darkMode = this.darkModeInitial }, methods: { async save () { this.loading = true this.$store.commit(`loadingStart`, 'admin-theme-save') try { const respRaw = await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: themeSaveMutation, variables: { theme: this.selectedTheme, darkMode: this.darkMode } }) const resp = _.get(respRaw, 'data.theming.setConfig.responseResult', {}) if (resp.succeeded) { this.darkModeInitial = this.darkMode this.$store.commit('showNotification', { message: 'Theme settings updated successfully.', style: 'success', icon: 'check' }) } else { throw new Error(resp.message) } } catch (err) { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { message: `Error: ${err.message}`, style: 'error', icon: 'warning' }) } this.$store.commit(`loadingStop`, 'admin-theme-save') this.loading = false } } } </script> <style lang='scss'> </style>