v-toolbar(flat, color='primary', dark, dense)
.subtitle-1 {{ $t('admin:utilities.authTitle') }}
.subtitle-1.pb-3.primary--text Generate New Authentication Public / Private Key Certificates
.body-2 This will invalidate all current session tokens and cause all users to be logged out.
.body-2.red--text You will need to log back in after the operation.
v-btn(outlined, color='primary', @click='regenCerts', :disabled='loading').ml-0.mt-3
v-icon(left) mdi-gesture-double-tap
span Proceed
.subtitle-1.pb-3.primary--text Reset Guest User
.body-2 This will reset the guest user to its default parameters and permissions.
v-btn(outlined, color='primary', @click='resetGuest', :disabled='loading').ml-0.mt-3
v-icon(left) mdi-gesture-double-tap
span Proceed