key: aws title: AWS CloudSearch description: Amazon CloudSearch is a managed service in the AWS Cloud that makes it simple and cost-effective to set up, manage, and scale a search solution for your website or application. author: logo: website: isAvailable: true props: domain: type: String title: Search Domain hint: The name of your CloudSearch service. order: 1 endpoint: type: String title: Document Endpoint hint: The Document Endpoint specified in the domain AWS console dashboard. order: 2 region: type: String title: Region hint: The AWS datacenter region where the instance was created. default: us-east-1 enum: - ap-northeast-1 - ap-northeast-2 - ap-southeast-1 - ap-southeast-2 - eu-central-1 - eu-west-1 - sa-east-1 - us-east-1 - us-west-1 - us-west-2 order: 3 accessKeyId: type: String title: Access Key ID hint: The Access Key ID with CloudSearchFullAccess role access to the CloudSearch instance. order: 4 secretAccessKey : type: String title: Secret Access Key hint: The Secret Access Key for the Access Key ID provided above. order: 5 AnalysisSchemeLang: type: String title: Analysis Scheme Language hint: The language used to analyse content. default: en enum: - 'ar' - 'bg' - 'ca' - 'cs' - 'da' - 'de' - 'el' - 'en' - 'es' - 'eu' - 'fa' - 'fi' - 'fr' - 'ga' - 'gl' - 'he' - 'hi' - 'hu' - 'hy' - 'id' - 'it' - 'ja' - 'ko' - 'lv' - 'mul' - 'nl' - 'no' - 'pt' - 'ro' - 'ru' - 'sv' - 'th' - 'tr' - 'zh-Hans' - 'zh-Hant' order: 6