<template lang="pug"> v-card v-card-title.pb-4(:class='$vuetify.theme.dark ? `grey darken-3-d3` : `grey lighten-5`') v-text-field( outlined flat prepend-inner-icon='mdi-magnify' v-model='search' label='Search Group Users...' hide-details ) v-spacer v-btn(color='primary', depressed, @click='searchUserDialog = true', :disabled='group.id === 2') v-icon(left) mdi-clipboard-account | Assign User v-data-table( :items='group.users', :headers='headers', :search='search' :page.sync='pagination' :items-per-page='15' @page-count='pageCount = $event' must-sort, hide-default-footer ) template(v-slot:item.actions='{ item }') v-menu(bottom, right, min-width='200') template(v-slot:activator='{ on }') v-btn(icon, v-on='on', small) v-icon.grey--text.text--darken-1 mdi-dots-horizontal v-list(dense, nav) v-list-item(:to='`/users/` + item.id') v-list-item-action: v-icon(color='primary') mdi-account-outline v-list-item-content v-list-item-title View User Profile template(v-if='item.id !== 2') v-list-item(@click='unassignUser(item.id)') v-list-item-action: v-icon(color='orange') mdi-account-remove-outline v-list-item-content v-list-item-title Unassign template(slot='no-data') v-alert.ma-3(icon='warning', outlined) No users to display. .text-center.py-2(v-if='group.users.length > 15') v-pagination(v-model='pagination', :length='pageCount') user-search(v-model='searchUserDialog', @select='assignUser') </template> <script> import UserSearch from '../common/user-search.vue' import assignUserMutation from 'gql/admin/groups/groups-mutation-assign.gql' import unassignUserMutation from 'gql/admin/groups/groups-mutation-unassign.gql' export default { props: { value: { type: Object, default: () => ({}) } }, components: { UserSearch }, data() { return { headers: [ { text: 'ID', value: 'id', width: 50 }, { text: 'Name', value: 'name' }, { text: 'Email', value: 'email' }, { text: 'Actions', value: 'actions', sortable: false, width: 50 } ], searchUserDialog: false, pagination: 1, pageCount: 0, search: '' } }, computed: { group: { get() { return this.value }, set(val) { this.$set('input', val) } }, pages () { if (this.pagination.rowsPerPage == null || this.pagination.totalItems == null) { return 0 } return Math.ceil(this.pagination.totalItems / this.pagination.rowsPerPage) } }, methods: { async assignUser(id) { try { await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: assignUserMutation, variables: { groupId: this.group.id, userId: id }, watchLoading (isLoading) { this.$store.commit(`loading${isLoading ? 'Start' : 'Stop'}`, 'admin-groups-assign') } }) this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'success', message: `User has been assigned to ${this.group.name}.`, icon: 'assignment_ind' }) this.$emit('refresh') } catch (err) { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'red', message: err.message, icon: 'warning' }) } }, async unassignUser(id) { try { await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: unassignUserMutation, variables: { groupId: this.group.id, userId: id }, watchLoading (isLoading) { this.$store.commit(`loading${isLoading ? 'Start' : 'Stop'}`, 'admin-groups-unassign') } }) this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'success', message: `User has been unassigned from ${this.group.name}.`, icon: 'assignment_ind' }) this.$emit('refresh') } catch (err) { this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'red', message: err.message, icon: 'warning' }) } } } } </script>