import { Model } from 'objection' import path from 'node:path' import fs from 'node:fs/promises' import { capitalize, find, has, hasIn, remove, uniq } from 'lodash-es' import yaml from 'js-yaml' /** * Storage model */ export class Storage extends Model { static get tableName() { return 'storage' } static get idColumn() { return 'id' } static get jsonSchema () { return { type: 'object', required: ['module', 'isEnabled', 'siteId'], properties: { module: {type: 'string'}, isEnabled: {type: 'boolean'} } } } static get jsonAttributes() { return ['contentTypes', 'assetDelivery', 'versioning', 'schedule', 'config', 'state'] } static async getTargets ({ siteId, enabledOnly = false } = {}) { return => { if (siteId) { builder.where('siteId', siteId) } if (enabledOnly) { builder.where('isEnabled', true) } }) } static async refreshTargetsFromDisk () { let trx try { // -> Fetch definitions from disk const storageDirs = await fs.readdir(path.join(WIKI.SERVERPATH, 'modules/storage')) = [] for (const dir of storageDirs) { const def = await fs.readFile(path.join(WIKI.SERVERPATH, 'modules/storage', dir, 'definition.yml'), 'utf8') const defParsed = yaml.load(def) defParsed.key = dir defParsed.isLoaded = false WIKI.logger.debug(`Loaded storage module definition ${dir}: [ OK ]`) }`Loaded ${} storage module definitions: [ OK ]`) } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.error('Failed to scan or load new storage providers: [ FAILED ]') WIKI.logger.error(err) if (trx) { trx.rollback() } } } /** * Ensure a storage module is loaded */ static async ensureModule (moduleName) { if (!has(, moduleName)) { try {[moduleName] = (await import(`../modules/storage/${moduleName}/storage.mjs`)).default WIKI.logger.debug(`Activated storage module ${moduleName}: [ OK ]`) return true } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to load storage module ${moduleName}: [ FAILED ]`) WIKI.logger.warn(err) return false } } else { return true } } /** * Initialize active storage targets */ static async initTargets () { const dbTargets = await'isEnabled', true) const activeModules = uniq( => t.module)) try { // -> Stop and delete existing jobs // const prevjobs = remove(, job => === 'sync-storage') // if (prevjobs.length > 0) { // prevjobs.forEach(job => job.stop()) // } // -> Load active modules for (const md of activeModules) { this.ensureModule(md) } // -> Initialize targets // for (const target of this.targets) { // const targetDef = find(, ['key', target.key]) // target.fn = require(`../modules/storage/${target.key}/storage`) // target.fn.config = target.config // target.fn.mode = target.mode // try { // await target.fn.init() // // -> Save succeeded init state // await{ // state: { // status: 'operational', // message: '', // lastAttempt: new Date().toISOString() // } // }).where('key', target.key) // // -> Set recurring sync job // if (targetDef.schedule && target.syncInterval !== 'P0D') { // WIKI.scheduler.registerJob({ // name: 'sync-storage', // immediate: false, // schedule: target.syncInterval, // repeat: true // }, target.key) // } // // -> Set internal recurring sync job // if (targetDef.internalSchedule && targetDef.internalSchedule !== 'P0D') { // WIKI.scheduler.registerJob({ // name: 'sync-storage', // immediate: false, // schedule: target.internalSchedule, // repeat: true // }, target.key) // } // } catch (err) { // // -> Save initialization error // await{ // state: { // status: 'error', // message: err.message, // lastAttempt: new Date().toISOString() // } // }).where('key', target.key) // } // } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) throw err } } static async pageEvent({ event, page }) { try { for (let target of this.targets) { await target.fn[event](page) } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) throw err } } static async assetEvent({ event, asset }) { try { for (let target of this.targets) { await target.fn[`asset${capitalize(event)}`](asset) } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) throw err } } static async getLocalLocations({ asset }) { const locations = [] const promises = (target) => { try { const path = await target.fn.getLocalLocation(asset) locations.push({ path, key: target.key }) } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) } }) await Promise.all(promises) return locations } static async executeAction(targetKey, handler) { try { const target = find(this.targets, ['key', targetKey]) if (target) { if (hasIn(target.fn, handler)) { await target.fn[handler]() } else { throw new Error('Invalid Handler for Storage Target') } } else { throw new Error('Invalid or Inactive Storage Target') } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) throw err } } }