<template lang='pug'> v-container(fluid, grid-list-lg) v-layout(row wrap) v-flex(xs12) .admin-header img(src='/svg/icon-categorize.svg', alt='General', style='width: 80px;') .admin-header-title .headline.primary--text {{ $t('admin:general.title') }} .subheading.grey--text {{ $t('admin:general.subtitle') }} v-spacer v-btn(color='success', depressed, @click='save', large) v-icon(left) check span {{$t('common:actions.apply')}} v-form.pt-3 v-layout(row wrap) v-flex(lg6 xs12) v-form v-card.wiki-form v-toolbar(color='primary', dark, dense, flat) v-toolbar-title .subheading {{ $t('admin:general.siteInfo') }} v-subheader General .px-3.pb-3 v-text-field( outline label='Site URL' required :counter='255' v-model='config.host' prepend-icon='label_important' hint='Full URL to your wiki, without the trailing slash. (e.g. https://wiki.example.com)' persistent-hint ) v-text-field.mt-2( outline label='Site Title' required :counter='50' v-model='config.title' prepend-icon='public' hint='Displayed in the top bar and appended to all pages meta title.' persistent-hint ) v-divider v-subheader SEO .px-3.pb-3 v-text-field( outline label='Site Description' :counter='255' v-model='config.description' prepend-icon='explore' hint='Default description when none is provided for a page.' persistent-hint ) v-select.mt-2( outline label='Meta Robots' multiple :items='metaRobots' v-model='config.robots' prepend-icon='explore' :return-object='false' hint='Default: Index, Follow. Can also be set on a per-page basis.' persistent-hint ) v-divider v-subheader Analytics #[v-chip.ml-2(label, color='grey', small, outline) coming soon] .px-3.pb-3 v-select.mt-2( outline label='Analytics Service Provider' :items='analyticsServices' v-model='config.analyticsService' prepend-icon='timeline' persistent-hint hint='Automatically add tracking code for services like Google Analytics.' ) v-text-field.mt-2( v-if='config.analyticsService !== ``' outline label='Property Tracking ID' :counter='255' v-model='config.analyticsId' prepend-icon='timeline' persistent-hint hint='A unique identifier provided by your analytics service provider.' ) v-flex(lg6 xs12) v-card.wiki-form v-toolbar(color='primary', dark, dense, flat) v-toolbar-title .subheading {{ $t('admin:general.siteBranding') }} v-subheader Logo #[v-chip.ml-2(label, color='grey', small, outline) coming soon] v-card-text v-layout.px-3(row, align-center) v-avatar(size='120', :color='$vuetify.dark ? `grey darken-2` : `grey lighten-3`', :tile='config.logoIsSquare') .ml-4 v-btn.mx-0(color='teal', depressed, disabled) v-icon(left) cloud_upload span Upload Logo v-btn(color='teal', depressed, disabled) v-icon(left) clear span Clear .caption.grey--text An image of 120x120 pixels is recommended for best results. .caption.grey--text SVG, PNG or JPG files only. v-switch( v-model='config.logoIsSquare' label='Use Square Logo Frame' color='primary' persistent-hint hint='Check this option if a round logo frame doesn\'t work with your logo.' ) v-divider v-subheader Footer Copyright .px-3.pb-3 v-text-field( outline label='Company / Organization Name' v-model='config.company' :counter='255' prepend-icon='business' persistent-hint hint='Name to use when displaying copyright notice in the footer. Leave empty to hide.' ) v-card.wiki-form.mt-3 v-toolbar(color='primary', dark, dense, flat) v-toolbar-title .subheading Features v-spacer v-chip(label, color='white', small).primary--text coming soon v-card-text v-switch( label='Page Ratings' color='primary' v-model='config.featurePageRatings' persistent-hint hint='Allow users to rate pages.' ) v-divider.mt-3 v-switch( label='Page Comments' color='primary' v-model='config.featurePageComments' persistent-hint hint='Allow users to leave comments on pages.' ) v-divider.mt-3 v-switch( label='Personal Wikis' color='primary' v-model='config.featurePersonalWikis' persistent-hint hint='Allow users to have their own personal wiki.' ) </template> <script> import _ from 'lodash' import { get, sync } from 'vuex-pathify' import siteConfigQuery from 'gql/admin/site/site-query-config.gql' import siteUpdateConfigMutation from 'gql/admin/site/site-mutation-save-config.gql' export default { data() { return { analyticsServices: [ { text: 'None', value: '' }, { text: 'Google Analytics', value: 'ga' }, { text: 'Google Tag Manager', value: 'gtm' }, ], metaRobots: [ { text: 'Index', value: 'index' }, { text: 'Follow', value: 'follow' }, { text: 'No Index', value: 'noindex' }, { text: 'No Follow', value: 'nofollow' } ], config: { host: '', title: '', description: '', robots: [], analyticsService: '', analyticsId: '', company: '', hasLogo: false, logoIsSquare: false, featurePageRatings: false, featurePageComments: false, featurePersonalWikis: false } } }, computed: { darkMode: get('site/dark'), siteTitle: sync('site/title'), company: sync('site/company') }, methods: { async save () { try { await this.$apollo.mutate({ mutation: siteUpdateConfigMutation, variables: { host: this.config.host || '', title: this.config.title || '', description: this.config.description || '', robots: this.config.robots || [], analyticsService: this.config.analyticsService || '', analyticsId: this.config.analyticsId || '', company: this.config.company || '', hasLogo: this.config.hasLogo || false, logoIsSquare: this.config.logoIsSquare || false, featurePageRatings: this.config.featurePageRatings || false, featurePageComments: this.config.featurePageComments || false, featurePersonalWikis: this.config.featurePersonalWikis || false }, watchLoading (isLoading) { this.$store.commit(`loading${isLoading ? 'Start' : 'Stop'}`, 'admin-site-update') } }) this.$store.commit('showNotification', { style: 'success', message: 'Configuration saved successfully.', icon: 'check' }) this.siteTitle = this.config.title this.company = this.config.company } catch (err) { this.$store.commit('pushGraphError', err) } } }, apollo: { config: { query: siteConfigQuery, fetchPolicy: 'network-only', update: (data) => _.cloneDeep(data.site.config), watchLoading (isLoading) { this.$store.commit(`loading${isLoading ? 'Start' : 'Stop'}`, 'admin-site-refresh') } } } } </script> <style lang='scss'> </style>