const graphHelper = require('../../helpers/graph') const _ = require('lodash') const CleanCSS = require('clean-css') const path = require('path') /* global WIKI */ module.exports = { Query: { async sites () { const sites = await WIKI.models.sites.query().orderBy('hostname') return => ({ ...s.config, id:, hostname: s.hostname, isEnabled: s.isEnabled, pageExtensions: s.config.pageExtensions.join(', ') })) }, async siteById (obj, args) { const site = await WIKI.models.sites.query().findById( return site ? {, id:, hostname: site.hostname, isEnabled: site.isEnabled, pageExtensions: site.config.pageExtensions.join(', ') } : null }, async siteByHostname (obj, args) { let site = await WIKI.models.sites.query().where({ hostname: args.hostname }).first() if (!site && !args.exact) { site = await WIKI.models.sites.query().where({ hostname: '*' }).first() } return site ? {, id:, hostname: site.hostname, isEnabled: site.isEnabled, pageExtensions: site.config.pageExtensions.join(', ') } : null } }, Mutation: { /** * CREATE SITE */ async createSite (obj, args) { try { // -> Validate inputs if (!args.hostname || args.hostname.length < 1 || !/^(\\*)|([a-z0-9\-.:]+)$/.test(args.hostname)) { throw new WIKI.Error.Custom('SiteCreateInvalidHostname', 'Invalid Site Hostname') } if (!args.title || args.title.length < 1 || !/^[^<>"]+$/.test(args.title)) { throw new WIKI.Error.Custom('SiteCreateInvalidTitle', 'Invalid Site Title') } // -> Check for duplicate catch-all if (args.hostname === '*') { const site = await WIKI.models.sites.query().where({ hostname: args.hostname }).first() if (site) { throw new WIKI.Error.Custom('SiteCreateDuplicateCatchAll', 'A site with a catch-all hostname already exists! Cannot have 2 catch-all hostnames.') } } // -> Create site const newSite = await WIKI.models.sites.createSite(args.hostname, { title: args.title }) return { operation: graphHelper.generateSuccess('Site created successfully'), site: newSite } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) return graphHelper.generateError(err) } }, /** * UPDATE SITE */ async updateSite (obj, args) { try { // -> Load site const site = await WIKI.models.sites.query().findById( if (!site) { throw new WIKI.Error.Custom('SiteInvalidId', 'Invalid Site ID') } // -> Check for bad input if (_.has(args.patch, 'hostname') && _.trim(args.patch.hostname).length < 1) { throw new WIKI.Error.Custom('SiteInvalidHostname', 'Hostname is invalid.') } // -> Check for duplicate catch-all if (args.patch.hostname === '*' && site.hostname !== '*') { const dupSite = await WIKI.models.sites.query().where({ hostname: '*' }).first() if (dupSite) { throw new WIKI.Error.Custom('SiteUpdateDuplicateCatchAll', `Site ${dupSite.config.title} with a catch-all hostname already exists! Cannot have 2 catch-all hostnames.`) } } // -> Format Code if (args.patch?.theme?.injectCSS) { args.patch.theme.injectCSS = new CleanCSS({ inline: false }).minify(args.patch.theme.injectCSS).styles } // -> Format Page Extensions if (args.patch?.pageExtensions) { args.patch.pageExtensions = args.patch.pageExtensions.split(',').map(ext => ext.trim().toLowerCase()).filter(ext => ext.length > 0) } // -> Update site await WIKI.models.sites.updateSite(, { hostname: args.patch.hostname ?? site.hostname, isEnabled: args.patch.isEnabled ?? site.isEnabled, config: _.defaultsDeep(_.omit(args.patch, ['hostname', 'isEnabled']), site.config) }) return { operation: graphHelper.generateSuccess('Site updated successfully') } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) return graphHelper.generateError(err) } }, /** * DELETE SITE */ async deleteSite (obj, args) { try { // -> Ensure site isn't last one const sitesCount = await WIKI.models.sites.query().count('id').first() if (sitesCount?.count && _.toNumber(sitesCount?.count) <= 1) { throw new WIKI.Error.Custom('SiteDeleteLastSite', 'Cannot delete the last site. At least 1 site must exists at all times.') } // -> Delete site await WIKI.models.sites.deleteSite( return { operation: graphHelper.generateSuccess('Site deleted successfully') } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) return graphHelper.generateError(err) } }, /** * UPLOAD LOGO */ async uploadSiteLogo (obj, args) { try { const { filename, mimetype, createReadStream } = await args.image`Processing site logo ${filename} of type ${mimetype}...`) if (! { throw new Error('This feature requires the Sharp extension but it is not installed.') } const destFormat = mimetype.startsWith('image/svg') ? 'svg' : 'png' const destPath = path.resolve( process.cwd(), WIKI.config.dataPath, `assets/logo.${destFormat}` ) await{ format: destFormat, inputStream: createReadStream(), outputPath: destPath, width: 100 })'New site logo processed successfully.') return { operation: graphHelper.generateSuccess('Site logo uploaded successfully') } } catch (err) { return graphHelper.generateError(err) } }, /** * UPLOAD FAVICON */ async uploadSiteFavicon (obj, args) { const { filename, mimetype, createReadStream } = await args.image, mimetype) return { operation: graphHelper.generateSuccess('Site favicon uploaded successfully') } } } }