.modal#modal-editor-video .modal-background .modal-container .modal-content header.is-green Insert Video Player section label.label Enter the link to the video to be embedded: p.control.is-fullwidth input.input(type='text', placeholder='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxxxxxxxxx', v-model='link') span.help.is-red.is-hidden This URL is invalid or not supported! .note The following are supported: ul li i.icon-youtube-play span Youtube li i.icon-vimeo span Vimeo li i.icon-film span Dailymotion li i.icon-video span Any standard MP4 file footer a.button.is-grey.is-outlined(v-on:click="cancel") Discard a.button.is-green(v-on:click="insertVideo") Insert Video