const { DynamicThreadPool } = require('poolifier') const os = require('node:os') const autoload = require('auto-load') const path = require('node:path') const cronparser = require('cron-parser') const { DateTime } = require('luxon') module.exports = { workerPool: null, maxWorkers: 1, activeWorkers: 0, pollingRef: null, scheduledRef: null, tasks: null, async init () { this.maxWorkers = WIKI.config.scheduler.workers === 'auto' ? os.cpus().length : WIKI.config.scheduler.workers`Initializing Worker Pool (Limit: ${this.maxWorkers})...`) this.workerPool = new DynamicThreadPool(1, this.maxWorkers, './server/worker.js', { errorHandler: (err) => WIKI.logger.warn(err), exitHandler: () => WIKI.logger.debug('A worker has gone offline.'), onlineHandler: () => WIKI.logger.debug('New worker is online.') }) this.tasks = autoload(path.join(WIKI.SERVERPATH, 'tasks/simple')) return this }, async start () {'Starting Scheduler...') // -> Add PostgreSQL Sub Channel WIKI.db.listener.addChannel('scheduler', async payload => { switch (payload.event) { case 'newJob': { if (this.activeWorkers < this.maxWorkers) { this.activeWorkers++ await this.processJob() this.activeWorkers-- } break } } }) // -> Start scheduled jobs check this.scheduledRef = setInterval(async () => { this.addScheduled() }, WIKI.config.scheduler.scheduledCheck * 1000) // -> Add scheduled jobs on init await this.addScheduled() // -> Start job polling this.pollingRef = setInterval(async () => { this.processJob() }, WIKI.config.scheduler.pollingCheck * 1000)'Scheduler: [ STARTED ]') }, async addJob ({ task, payload, waitUntil, maxRetries, isScheduled = false, notify = true }) { try { await WIKI.db.knex('jobs').insert({ task, useWorker: !(typeof this.tasks[task] === 'function'), payload, maxRetries: maxRetries ?? WIKI.config.scheduler.maxRetries, isScheduled, waitUntil, createdBy: WIKI.INSTANCE_ID }) if (notify) { WIKI.db.listener.publish('scheduler', { source: WIKI.INSTANCE_ID, event: 'newJob' }) } } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to add job to scheduler: ${err.message}`) } }, async processJob () { let jobId = null try { await WIKI.db.knex.transaction(async trx => { const jobs = await trx('jobs') .where('id', WIKI.db.knex.raw('(SELECT id FROM jobs WHERE ("waitUntil" IS NULL OR "waitUntil" <= NOW()) ORDER BY id FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED LIMIT 1)')) .returning('*') .del() if (jobs && jobs.length === 1) { const job = jobs[0]`Processing new job ${}: ${job.task}...`) jobId = // -> Add to Job History await WIKI.db.knex('jobHistory').insert({ id:, task: job.task, state: 'active', useWorker: job.useWorker, wasScheduled: job.isScheduled, payload: job.payload, attempt: job.retries + 1, maxRetries: job.maxRetries, createdAt: job.createdAt }).onConflict('id').merge({ startedAt: new Date() }) // -> Start working on it try { if (job.useWorker) { await this.workerPool.execute({ id:, name: job.task, data: job.payload }) } else { await this.tasks[job.task](job.payload) } // -> Update job history (success) await WIKI.db.knex('jobHistory').where({ id: }).update({ state: 'completed', completedAt: new Date() })`Completed job ${}: ${job.task} [ SUCCESS ]`) } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(`Failed to complete job ${}: ${job.task} [ FAILED ]`) WIKI.logger.warn(err) // -> Update job history (fail) await WIKI.db.knex('jobHistory').where({ id: }).update({ state: 'failed', lastErrorMessage: err.message }) // -> Reschedule for retry if (job.retries < job.maxRetries) { const backoffDelay = (2 ** job.retries) * WIKI.config.scheduler.retryBackoff await trx('jobs').insert({ ...job, retries: job.retries + 1, waitUntil: DateTime.utc().plus({ seconds: backoffDelay }).toJSDate(), updatedAt: new Date() }) WIKI.logger.warn(`Rescheduling new attempt for job ${}: ${job.task}...`) } } } }) } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) if (jobId) { WIKI.db.knex('jobHistory').where({ id: jobId }).update({ state: 'interrupted', lastErrorMessage: err.message }) } } }, async addScheduled () { try { await WIKI.db.knex.transaction(async trx => { // -> Acquire lock const jobLock = await trx('jobLock') .where( 'key', WIKI.db.knex('jobLock') .select('key') .where('key', 'cron') .andWhere('lastCheckedAt', '<=', DateTime.utc().minus({ minutes: 5 }).toISO()) .forUpdate() .skipLocked() .limit(1) ).update({ lastCheckedBy: WIKI.INSTANCE_ID, lastCheckedAt: DateTime.utc().toISO() }) if (jobLock > 0) {`Scheduling future planned jobs...`) const scheduledJobs = await WIKI.db.knex('jobSchedule') if (scheduledJobs?.length > 0) { // -> Get existing scheduled jobs const existingJobs = await WIKI.db.knex('jobs').where('isScheduled', true) for (const job of scheduledJobs) { // -> Get next planned iterations const plannedIterations = cronparser.parseExpression(job.cron, { startDate: DateTime.utc().toJSDate(), endDate: DateTime.utc().plus({ days: 1, minutes: 5 }).toJSDate(), iterator: true, tz: 'UTC' }) // -> Add a maximum of 10 future iterations for a single task let addedFutureJobs = 0 while (true) { try { const next = // -> Ensure this iteration isn't already scheduled if (!existingJobs.some(j => j.task === job.task && j.waitUntil.getTime() === next.value.getTime())) { this.addJob({ task: job.task, useWorker: !(typeof this.tasks[job.task] === 'function'), payload: job.payload, isScheduled: true, waitUntil: next.value.toISOString(), notify: false }) addedFutureJobs++ } // -> No more iterations for this period or max iterations count reached if (next.done || addedFutureJobs >= 10) { break } } catch (err) { break } } } } } }) } catch (err) { WIKI.logger.warn(err) } }, async stop () {'Stopping Scheduler...') clearInterval(this.scheduledRef) clearInterval(this.pollingRef) await this.workerPool.destroy()'Scheduler: [ STOPPED ]') } }