################################################### # REQUARKS WIKI - CONFIGURATION # ################################################### # ------------------------------------------------- # Title of this site # ------------------------------------------------- title: Wiki # ------------------------------------------------- # Full path to the site, without the trailing slash # ------------------------------------------------- host: http://localhost # ------------------------------------------------- # Port the server should listen to (80 by default) # ------------------------------------------------- # To use process.env.PORT, comment the line below: port: 80 # ------------------------------------------------- # MongoDB Connection String # ------------------------------------------------- # Full explanation + examples in the documentation (https://opsstatus.readme.io/) db: mongodb://localhost/wiki # ------------------------------------------------- # Redis Connection Info # ------------------------------------------------- # Full explanation + examples in the documentation (https://opsstatus.readme.io/) redis: host: localhost port: 6379 db: 0 # ------------------------------------------------- # Secret key to use when encrypting sessions # ------------------------------------------------- # Use a long and unique random string (256-bit keys are perfect!) sessionSecret: 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz # ------------------------------------------------- # Administrator email # ------------------------------------------------- # An account will be created using the email specified here. # The password is set to "admin123" by default. Change it immediately upon login!!! admin: admin@company.com