key: sftp title: SFTP description: SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a secure file transfer protocol. It runs over the SSH protocol. It supports the full security and authentication functionality of SSH. author: logo: website: isAvailable: true supportedModes: - push defaultMode: push schedule: false props: host: type: String title: Host default: '' hint: Hostname or IP of the remote SSH server. order: 1 port: type: Number title: Port default: 22 hint: SSH port of the remote server. order: 2 authMode: type: String title: Authentication Method default: 'privateKey' hint: Whether to use Private Key or Password-based authentication. A private key is highly recommended for best security. enum: - privateKey - password order: 3 username: type: String title: Username default: '' hint: Username for authentication. order: 4 privateKey: type: String title: Private Key Contents default: '' hint: (Private Key Authentication Only) - Contents of the private key multiline: true sensitive: true order: 5 passphrase: type: String title: Private Key Passphrase default: '' hint: (Private Key Authentication Only) - Passphrase if the private key is encrypted, leave empty otherwise sensitive: true order: 6 password: type: String title: Password default: '' hint: (Password-based Authentication Only) - Password for authentication sensitive: true order: 6 basePath: type: String title: Base Directory Path default: '/root/wiki' hint: Base directory where files will be transferred to. The path must already exists and be writable by the user. actions: - handler: exportAll label: Export All hint: Output all content from the DB to the remote SSH server, overwriting any existing data. If you enabled SFTP after content was created or you temporarily disabled it, you'll want to execute this action to add the missing content.