key: s3 title: Amazon S3 description: Amazon S3 is a cloud computing web service offered by Amazon Web Services which provides object storage. author: andrewsim logo: website: isAvailable: true supportedModes: - push defaultMode: push schedule: false props: region: type: String title: Region hint: The AWS datacenter region where the bucket will be created. order: 1 bucket: type: String title: Unique bucket name hint: The unique bucket name to create (e.g. wiki-johndoe). order: 2 accessKeyId: type: String title: Access Key ID hint: The Access Key. order: 3 secretAccessKey: type: String title: Secret Access Key hint: The Secret Access Key for the Access Key ID you created above. sensitive: true order: 4 actions: - handler: exportAll label: Export All hint: Output all content from the DB to S3, overwriting any existing data. If you enabled S3 after content was created or you temporarily disabled it, you'll want to execute this action to add the missing content.