/* global WIKI */ // ------------------------------------ // Google ID Account // ------------------------------------ const GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth20').Strategy const _ = require('lodash') module.exports = { init (passport, conf) { const strategy = new GoogleStrategy({ clientID: conf.clientId, clientSecret: conf.clientSecret, callbackURL: conf.callbackURL, passReqToCallback: true }, async (req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) => { try { if (conf.hostedDomain && conf.hostedDomain != profile._json.hd) { throw new Error('Google authentication should have been performed with domain ' + conf.hostedDomain) } const user = await WIKI.db.users.processProfile({ providerKey: req.params.strategy, profile: { ...profile, picture: _.get(profile, 'photos[0].value', '') } }) cb(null, user) } catch (err) { cb(err, null) } }) if (conf.hostedDomain) { strategy.authorizationParams = function(options) { return { hd: conf.hostedDomain } } } passport.use(conf.key, strategy) }, logout (conf) { return '/' } }