@ -264,16 +264,16 @@ html(data-logic='configure')
input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. /etc/wiki/keys/git.pem', v-model='conf.gitAuthSSHKey')
span.desc The full path to the private key on disk.
label.label Sync User Name
input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. John Smith', v-model.number='conf.gitSignatureName', data-vv-scope='git', name='ipt-gitsigname', v-validate='{ required: true }')
span.desc The name to use when pushing commits to the git repository .
input#ipt-git-show-user-email(type='checkbox', v-model='conf.gitShowUserEmail')
label.label(for='ipt-git-show-user-email') Commit using User Email
span.desc When enabled, commits are made as the current user name and email. If unchecked, the current user name will still be used but the default commit author email will be used instead .
label.label Sync Use r Email
input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. user@example.com', v-model.number='conf.gitSignatureEmail', data-vv-scope='git', name='ipt-gitsig email', v-validate='{ required: true, email: true }')
span.desc The email to use when push ing commits to the git repository.
label.label Default Commit Autho r Email
input(type='text', placeholder='e.g. user@example.com', v-model.number='conf.gitServerEmail', data-vv-scope='git', name='ipt-gitsrv email', v-validate='{ required: true, email: true }')
span.desc The default/fallback email to use when creat ing commits to the git repository.
.progress-bar: div(v-bind:style='{width: currentProgress}')
button.button.is-light-blue.is-outlined(v-on:click='proceedToPaths', v-bind:disabled='loading') Back