diff --git a/client/js/app.js b/client/js/app.js
index 89708261..d86112cc 100644
--- a/client/js/app.js
+++ b/client/js/app.js
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ import pageLoaderComponent from './components/page-loader.vue'
import searchComponent from './components/search.vue'
import treeComponent from './components/tree.vue'
+import adminEditUserComponent from './pages/admin-edit-user.component.js'
import adminProfileComponent from './pages/admin-profile.component.js'
import adminSettingsComponent from './pages/admin-settings.component.js'
import contentViewComponent from './pages/content-view.component.js'
@@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ $(() => {
mixins: [helpers],
components: {
alert: alertComponent,
+ adminEditUser: adminEditUserComponent,
adminProfile: adminProfileComponent,
adminSettings: adminSettingsComponent,
anchor: anchorComponent,
diff --git a/client/js/components/modal-create-user.vue b/client/js/components/modal-create-user.vue
index b527ddff..852e86cb 100644
--- a/client/js/components/modal-create-user.vue
+++ b/client/js/components/modal-create-user.vue
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
span {{ $t('modal.createusertitle') }}
- p.modal-notify(v-bind:class='{ "is-active": isLoading }'): i
+ p.modal-notify(:class='{ "is-active": isLoading }'): i
label.label {{ $t('modal.createuseremail') }}
- input.input(type='text', v-bind:placeholder='$t("modal.createuseremailplaceholder")', v-model='email', ref='createUserEmailInput')
+ input.input(type='text', :placeholder='$t("modal.createuseremailplaceholder")', v-model='email', ref='createUserEmailInput')
label.label {{ $t('modal.createuserprovider') }}
@@ -30,76 +30,76 @@
label.label {{ $t('modal.createuserfullname') }}
- input.input(type='text', v-bind:placeholder='$t("modal.createusernameplaceholder")', v-model='name')
+ input.input(type='text', :placeholder='$t("modal.createusernameplaceholder")', v-model='name')
- a.button.is-grey.is-outlined(v-on:click='cancel') {{ $t('modal.discard') }}
- a.button(v-on:click='create', v-if='provider=="local"', v-bind:disabled='isLoading', v-bind:class='{ "is-disabled": isLoading, "is-blue": !loading }') {{ $t('modal.createuser') }}
- a.button(v-on:click='create', v-if='provider!="local"', v-bind:disabled='isLoading', v-bind:class='{ "is-disabled": isLoading, "is-blue": !loading }') {{ $t('modal.createuserauthorize') }}
+ a.button.is-grey.is-outlined(@click='cancel') {{ $t('modal.discard') }}
+ a.button(@click='create', v-if='provider=="local"', :disabled='isLoading', :class='{ "is-disabled": isLoading, "is-blue": !loading }') {{ $t('modal.createuser') }}
+ a.button(@click='create', v-if='provider!="local"', :disabled='isLoading', :class='{ "is-disabled": isLoading, "is-blue": !loading }') {{ $t('modal.createuserauthorize') }}
diff --git a/client/js/components/modal-delete-user.vue b/client/js/components/modal-delete-user.vue
index f08e3198..f1c8bb6a 100644
--- a/client/js/components/modal-delete-user.vue
+++ b/client/js/components/modal-delete-user.vue
@@ -12,54 +12,54 @@
span {{ $t('modal.deleteuserwarning') }}
- a.button.is-grey.is-outlined(v-on:click='cancel') {{ $t('modal.abort') }}
- a.button.is-red(v-on:click='deleteUser') {{ $t('modal.delete') }}
+ a.button.is-grey.is-outlined(@click='cancel') {{ $t('modal.abort') }}
+ a.button.is-red(@click='deleteUser') {{ $t('modal.delete') }}
diff --git a/client/js/pages/admin-edit-user.component.js b/client/js/pages/admin-edit-user.component.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86010577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/js/pages/admin-edit-user.component.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+'use strict'
+export default {
+ name: 'admin-edit-user',
+ props: ['usrdata'],
+ data() {
+ return {
+ id: '',
+ email: '',
+ password: '********',
+ name: '',
+ rights: [],
+ roleoverride: 'none'
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ addRightsRow() {
+ this.rights.push({
+ role: 'write',
+ path: '/',
+ exact: false,
+ deny: false
+ })
+ },
+ removeRightsRow(idx) {
+ this._.pullAt(this.rights, idx)
+ this.$forceUpdate()
+ },
+ saveUser() {
+ let self = this
+ let formattedRights = this._.cloneDeep(this.rights)
+ switch (this.roleoverride) {
+ case 'admin':
+ formattedRights.push({
+ role: 'admin',
+ path: '/',
+ exact: false,
+ deny: false
+ })
+ break
+ }
+ this.$http.post(window.location.href, {
+ password: this.password,
+ name: this.name,
+ rights: JSON.stringify(formattedRights)
+ }).then(resp => {
+ self.$store.dispatch('alert', {
+ style: 'green',
+ icon: 'check',
+ msg: 'Changes have been applied successfully.'
+ })
+ }).catch(err => {
+ self.$store.dispatch('alert', {
+ style: 'red',
+ icon: 'square-cross',
+ msg: 'Error: ' + err.body.msg
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ let usr = JSON.parse(this.usrdata)
+ this.id = usr._id
+ this.email = usr.email
+ this.name = usr.name
+ if (this._.find(usr.rights, { role: 'admin' })) {
+ this.rights = this._.reject(usr.rights, ['role', 'admin'])
+ this.roleoverride = 'admin'
+ } else {
+ this.rights = usr.rights
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/client/js/pages/admin.js b/client/js/pages/admin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d0cd649..00000000
--- a/client/js/pages/admin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-'use strict'
-/* global usrData */
-import $ from 'jquery'
-import _ from 'lodash'
-import Vue from 'vue'
-module.exports = (alerts) => {
- if ($('#page-type-admin-users-edit').length) {
- let vueEditUser = new Vue({
- el: '#page-type-admin-users-edit',
- data: {
- id: '',
- email: '',
- password: '********',
- name: '',
- rights: [],
- roleoverride: 'none'
- },
- methods: {
- addRightsRow: (ev) => {
- vueEditUser.rights.push({
- role: 'write',
- path: '/',
- exact: false,
- deny: false
- })
- },
- removeRightsRow: (idx) => {
- _.pullAt(vueEditUser.rights, idx)
- vueEditUser.$forceUpdate()
- },
- saveUser: (ev) => {
- let formattedRights = _.cloneDeep(vueEditUser.rights)
- switch (vueEditUser.roleoverride) {
- case 'admin':
- formattedRights.push({
- role: 'admin',
- path: '/',
- exact: false,
- deny: false
- })
- break
- }
- $.post(window.location.href, {
- password: vueEditUser.password,
- name: vueEditUser.name,
- rights: JSON.stringify(formattedRights)
- }).done((resp) => {
- alerts.pushSuccess('Saved successfully', 'Changes have been applied.')
- }).fail((jqXHR, txtStatus, resp) => {
- alerts.pushError('Error', resp)
- })
- }
- },
- created: function () {
- this.id = usrData._id
- this.email = usrData.email
- this.name = usrData.name
- if (_.find(usrData.rights, { role: 'admin' })) {
- this.rights = _.reject(usrData.rights, ['role', 'admin'])
- this.roleoverride = 'admin'
- } else {
- this.rights = usrData.rights
- }
- }
- })
- require('../modals/admin-users-delete.js')(alerts)
- }
diff --git a/server/locales/en/common.json b/server/locales/en/common.json
index a0d6d037..9cd4441d 100644
--- a/server/locales/en/common.json
+++ b/server/locales/en/common.json
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
"discard": "Discard",
"edit": "Edit",
"history": "History",
+ "home": "Home",
"login": "Login",
"logout": "Logout",
"move": "Move",
@@ -46,4 +47,4 @@
"source": "Loading source...",
"editor": "Loading editor..."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server/views/pages/admin/_layout.pug b/server/views/pages/admin/_layout.pug
index 5fd87c55..85d7017e 100644
--- a/server/views/pages/admin/_layout.pug
+++ b/server/views/pages/admin/_layout.pug
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
extends ../../layout.pug
block rootNavCenter
- h2.nav-item= t('nav.account')
+ h2.nav-item= t('nav.settings')
block rootNavRight
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ block content
span= t('nav.syssettings')
- li
+ //-li
span= t('nav.theme')
diff --git a/server/views/pages/admin/users-edit.pug b/server/views/pages/admin/users-edit.pug
index ca69dbd2..20f558b6 100644
--- a/server/views/pages/admin/users-edit.pug
+++ b/server/views/pages/admin/users-edit.pug
@@ -8,116 +8,114 @@ block rootNavRight
span= t('admin:users.returntousers')
block adminContent
- #page-type-admin-users-edit
- .hero
- h1.title#title= t('admin:users.edituser')
- h2.subtitle= usr.email
- table.table
- thead
- tr
- th= t('admin:users.uniqueid')
- th= t('admin:users.provider')
- th= t('admin:users.createdon')
- th= t('admin:users.updatedon')
- tbody
- tr
- td.is-centered= usr._id
- td.is-centered.has-icons
- case usr.provider
- when 'local': i.icon-server
- when 'windowslive': i.icon-windows2.is-blue
- when 'azure': i.icon-windows2.is-blue
- when 'google': i.icon-google.is-blue
- when 'facebook': i.icon-facebook.is-indigo
- when 'github': i.icon-github.is-grey
- when 'slack': i.icon-slack.is-purple
- when 'ldap': i.icon-arrow-repeat-outline
- default: i.icon-warning
- = t('auth:providers.' + usr.provider)
- td.is-centered= moment(usr.createdAt).format('lll')
- td.is-centered= moment(usr.updatedAt).format('lll')
- .form-sections
- section
- label.label= t('admin:profile.email')
- p.control.is-fullwidth
- input.input(type='text', placeholder='john.smith@example.com', v-model='email', disabled=!usrOpts.canChangeEmail)
- section
- label.label= t('admin:profile.displayname')
- p.control.is-fullwidth
- input.input(type='text', placeholder=t('admin:profile.displaynameexample'), v-model='name', disabled=!usrOpts.canChangeName)
- if usrOpts.canChangePassword
+ admin-edit-user(inline-template, usrdata=JSON.stringify(usr))
+ div
+ .hero
+ h1.title= t('admin:users.edituser')
+ h2.subtitle= usr.email
+ table.table
+ thead
+ tr
+ th= t('admin:users.uniqueid')
+ th= t('admin:users.provider')
+ th= t('admin:users.createdon')
+ th= t('admin:users.updatedon')
+ tbody
+ tr
+ td.is-centered= usr._id
+ td.is-centered.has-icons
+ case usr.provider
+ when 'local': i.icon-server
+ when 'windowslive': i.icon-windows2.is-blue
+ when 'azure': i.icon-windows2.is-blue
+ when 'google': i.icon-google.is-blue
+ when 'facebook': i.icon-facebook.is-indigo
+ when 'github': i.icon-github.is-grey
+ when 'slack': i.icon-slack.is-purple
+ when 'ldap': i.icon-arrow-repeat-outline
+ default: i.icon-warning
+ = t('auth:providers.' + usr.provider)
+ td.is-centered= moment(usr.createdAt).format('lll')
+ td.is-centered= moment(usr.updatedAt).format('lll')
+ .form-sections
- label.label= t('admin:profile.password')
+ label.label= t('admin:profile.email')
- input.input(type='password', placeholder=t('admin:profile.password'), v-model='password', value='********')
- section
- label.label Access Rights
- table.table
- thead.is-teal
- tr
- th
- th(style={width: '200px'}) Permission(s)
- th Path
- th(style={width: '150px'}) Access
- th(style={width: '50px'})
- tbody
- tr(v-for='(right, idx) in rights', v-cloak)
- td.is-icon
- i.icon-marquee-plus.is-green(v-if='right.deny === false || right.deny === "false"')
- i.icon-marquee-minus.is-red(v-if='right.deny === true || right.deny === "true"')
- td
- p.control.is-fullwidth
- select(v-model='right.role')
- option(value='write') Read and Write
- option(value='read') Read Only
- td
- .columns
- .column.is-narrow
- p.control
- select(v-model='right.exact')
- option(value='false') Path starts with:
- option(value='true') Path match exactly:
- .column
- p.control.is-fullwidth
- input.input(type='text', placeholder='/', v-model='right.path')
- td
- p.control.is-fullwidth
- select(v-model='right.deny')
- option(value='false') Allow
- option(value='true') Deny
- td.is-centered.has-action-icons
- i.icon-delete.is-red(v-on:click='removeRightsRow(idx)')
- tr(v-if='rights.length < 1', v-cloak)
- td.is-icon
- td.is-centered(colspan='3'): em No additional access rights
- td.is-centered.has-action-icons
- .table-actions
- button.button.is-blue(v-on:click='addRightsRow')
- i.icon-plus
- span Add New Row
- section
- label.label Role Override
- p.control.is-fullwidth
- select(v-model='roleoverride', disabled=!usrOpts.canChangeRole)
- option(value='none') None
- option(value='admin') Global Administrator
- .columns.is-gapless
- .column
- section
- button.button.is-green(v-on:click='saveUser')
- i.icon-check
- span Save Changes
- a.button.button.is-grey.is-outlined(href='/admin/users')
- i.icon-cancel
- span Discard
- .column.is-narrow
+ input.input(type='text', placeholder='john.smith@example.com', v-model='email', disabled=!usrOpts.canChangeEmail)
+ section
+ label.label= t('admin:profile.displayname')
+ p.control.is-fullwidth
+ input.input(type='text', placeholder=t('admin:profile.displaynameexample'), v-model='name', disabled=!usrOpts.canChangeName)
+ if usrOpts.canChangePassword
- if usrOpts.canBeDeleted
- button.button.is-red(v-on:click='$store.dispatch("modalDeleteUser/open")')
- i.icon-trash2
- span Delete Account
+ label.label= t('admin:profile.password')
+ p.control.is-fullwidth
+ input.input(type='password', placeholder=t('admin:profile.password'), v-model='password', value='********')
+ section
+ label.label Access Rights
+ table.table
+ thead.is-teal
+ tr
+ th
+ th(style={width: '200px'}) Permission(s)
+ th Path
+ th(style={width: '150px'}) Access
+ th(style={width: '50px'})
+ tbody
+ tr(v-for='(right, idx) in rights', v-cloak)
+ td.is-icon
+ i.icon-marquee-plus.is-green(v-if='right.deny === false || right.deny === "false"')
+ i.icon-marquee-minus.is-red(v-if='right.deny === true || right.deny === "true"')
+ td
+ p.control.is-fullwidth
+ select(v-model='right.role')
+ option(value='write') Read and Write
+ option(value='read') Read Only
+ td
+ .columns
+ .column.is-narrow
+ p.control
+ select(v-model='right.exact')
+ option(value='false') Path starts with:
+ option(value='true') Path match exactly:
+ .column
+ p.control.is-fullwidth
+ input.input(type='text', placeholder='/', v-model='right.path')
+ td
+ p.control.is-fullwidth
+ select(v-model='right.deny')
+ option(value='false') Allow
+ option(value='true') Deny
+ td.is-centered.has-action-icons
+ i.icon-delete.is-red(v-on:click='removeRightsRow(idx)')
+ tr(v-if='rights.length < 1', v-cloak)
+ td.is-icon
+ td.is-centered(colspan='3'): em No additional access rights
+ td.is-centered.has-action-icons
+ .table-actions
+ button.button.is-blue(v-on:click='addRightsRow')
+ i.icon-plus
+ span Add New Row
+ section
+ label.label Role Override
+ p.control.is-fullwidth
+ select(v-model='roleoverride', disabled=!usrOpts.canChangeRole)
+ option(value='none') None
+ option(value='admin') Global Administrator
+ .columns.is-gapless
+ .column
+ section
+ button.button.is-green(v-on:click='saveUser')
+ i.icon-check
+ span Save Changes
+ a.button.button.is-grey.is-outlined(href='/admin/users')
+ i.icon-cancel
+ span Discard
+ .column.is-narrow
+ section
+ if usrOpts.canBeDeleted
+ button.button.is-red(v-on:click='$store.dispatch("modalDeleteUser/open")')
+ i.icon-trash2
+ span Delete Account
- script(type='text/javascript').
- var usrData = !{JSON.stringify(usr)};