const graphHelper = require ( '../../helpers/graph' )
const _ = require ( 'lodash' )
const CleanCSS = require ( 'clean-css' )
const path = require ( 'path' )
/* global WIKI */
module . exports = {
Query : {
async sites ( ) {
const sites = await WIKI . models . sites . query ( )
return sites . map ( s => ( {
... s . config ,
id : s . id ,
hostname : s . hostname ,
isEnabled : s . isEnabled
} ) )
} ,
async siteById ( obj , args ) {
const site = await WIKI . models . sites . query ( ) . findById ( args . id )
return site ? {
... site . config ,
id : site . id ,
hostname : site . hostname ,
isEnabled : site . isEnabled
} : null
} ,
async siteByHostname ( obj , args ) {
let site = await WIKI . models . sites . query ( ) . where ( {
hostname : args . hostname
} ) . first ( )
if ( ! site && ! args . exact ) {
site = await WIKI . models . sites . query ( ) . where ( {
hostname : '*'
} ) . first ( )
return site ? {
... site . config ,
id : site . id ,
hostname : site . hostname ,
isEnabled : site . isEnabled
} : null
} ,
async site ( ) { return { } }
} ,
Mutation : {
/ * *
* /
async createSite ( obj , args ) {
try {
// -> Validate inputs
if ( ! args . hostname || args . hostname . length < 1 || ! /^(\\*)|([a-z0-9\-.:]+)$/ . test ( args . hostname ) ) {
throw WIKI . ERROR ( new Error ( 'Invalid Site Hostname' ) , 'SiteCreateInvalidHostname' )
if ( ! args . title || args . title . length < 1 || ! /^[^<>"]+$/ . test ( args . title ) ) {
throw WIKI . ERROR ( new Error ( 'Invalid Site Title' ) , 'SiteCreateInvalidTitle' )
// -> Check for duplicate catch-all
if ( args . hostname === '*' ) {
const site = await WIKI . models . sites . query ( ) . where ( {
hostname : args . hostname
} ) . first ( )
if ( site ) {
throw WIKI . ERROR ( new Error ( 'A site with a catch-all hostname already exists! Cannot have 2 catch-all hostnames.' ) , 'SiteCreateDuplicateCatchAll' )
// -> Create site
const newSite = await WIKI . models . sites . createSite ( args . hostname , {
title : args . title
} )
return {
status : graphHelper . generateSuccess ( 'Site created successfully' ) ,
site : newSite
} catch ( err ) {
return graphHelper . generateError ( err )
} ,
/ * *
* /
async updateSite ( obj , args ) {
try {
// -> Load site
const site = await WIKI . models . sites . query ( ) . findById ( args . id )
if ( ! site ) {
throw WIKI . ERROR ( new Error ( 'Invalid Site ID' ) , 'SiteInvalidId' )
// -> Check for bad input
if ( _ . has ( args . patch , 'hostname' ) && _ . trim ( args . patch . hostname ) . length < 1 ) {
throw WIKI . ERROR ( new Error ( 'Hostname is invalid.' ) , 'SiteInvalidHostname' )
// -> Check for duplicate catch-all
if ( args . patch . hostname === '*' && site . hostname !== '*' ) {
const dupSite = await WIKI . models . sites . query ( ) . where ( { hostname : '*' } ) . first ( )
if ( dupSite ) {
throw WIKI . ERROR ( new Error ( ` Site ${ dupSite . config . title } with a catch-all hostname already exists! Cannot have 2 catch-all hostnames. ` ) , 'SiteUpdateDuplicateCatchAll' )
// -> Format Code
if ( args . patch ? . theme ? . injectCSS ) {
args . patch . theme . injectCSS = new CleanCSS ( { inline : false } ) . minify ( args . patch . theme . injectCSS ) . styles
// -> Update site
await WIKI . models . sites . updateSite ( args . id , {
hostname : args . patch . hostname ? ? site . hostname ,
isEnabled : args . patch . isEnabled ? ? site . isEnabled ,
config : _ . defaultsDeep ( _ . omit ( args . patch , [ 'hostname' , 'isEnabled' ] ) , site . config )
} )
return {
status : graphHelper . generateSuccess ( 'Site updated successfully' )
} catch ( err ) {
WIKI . logger . warn ( err )
return graphHelper . generateError ( err )
} ,
/ * *
* /
async deleteSite ( obj , args ) {
try {
// -> Ensure site isn't last one
const sitesCount = await WIKI . models . sites . query ( ) . count ( 'id' ) . first ( )
if ( sitesCount ? . count && _ . toNumber ( sitesCount ? . count ) <= 1 ) {
throw WIKI . ERROR ( new Error ( 'Cannot delete the last site. At least 1 site must exists at all times.' ) , 'SiteDeleteLastSite' )
// -> Delete site
await WIKI . models . sites . deleteSite ( args . id )
return {
status : graphHelper . generateSuccess ( 'Site deleted successfully' )
} catch ( err ) {
WIKI . logger . warn ( err )
return graphHelper . generateError ( err )
} ,
/ * *
* /
async uploadSiteLogo ( obj , args ) {
try {
const { filename , mimetype , createReadStream } = await args . image
WIKI . logger . info ( ` Processing site logo ${ filename } of type ${ mimetype } ... ` )
if ( ! WIKI . extensions . ext . sharp . isInstalled ) {
throw new Error ( 'This feature requires the Sharp extension but it is not installed.' )
console . info ( mimetype )
const destFormat = mimetype . startsWith ( 'image/svg' ) ? 'svg' : 'png'
const destPath = path . resolve (
process . cwd ( ) ,
WIKI . config . dataPath ,
` assets/logo. ${ destFormat } `
await WIKI . extensions . ext . sharp . resize ( {
format : destFormat ,
inputStream : createReadStream ( ) ,
outputPath : destPath ,
width : 100
} )
WIKI . logger . info ( 'New site logo processed successfully.' )
return {
status : graphHelper . generateSuccess ( 'Site logo uploaded successfully' )
} catch ( err ) {
return graphHelper . generateError ( err )
} ,
/ * *
* /
async uploadSiteFavicon ( obj , args ) {
const { filename , mimetype , createReadStream } = await args . image
console . info ( filename , mimetype )
return {
status : graphHelper . generateSuccess ( 'Site favicon uploaded successfully' )
} ,
async site ( ) { return { } }
} ,
SiteQuery : {
async config ( obj , args , context , info ) {
return {
host : WIKI . config . host ,
title : WIKI . config . title ,
company : WIKI . config . company ,
contentLicense : WIKI . config . contentLicense ,
logoUrl : WIKI . config . logoUrl ,
... WIKI . config . seo ,
... WIKI . config . features ,
... WIKI . config . security ,
authAutoLogin : WIKI . config . auth . autoLogin ,
authEnforce2FA : WIKI . config . auth . enforce2FA ,
authHideLocal : WIKI . config . auth . hideLocal ,
authLoginBgUrl : WIKI . config . auth . loginBgUrl ,
authJwtAudience : WIKI . config . auth . audience ,
authJwtExpiration : WIKI . config . auth . tokenExpiration ,
authJwtRenewablePeriod : WIKI . config . auth . tokenRenewal ,
uploadMaxFileSize : WIKI . config . uploads . maxFileSize ,
uploadMaxFiles : WIKI . config . uploads . maxFiles ,
uploadScanSVG : WIKI . config . uploads . scanSVG ,
uploadForceDownload : WIKI . config . uploads . forceDownload
} ,
SiteMutation : {
async updateConfig ( obj , args , context ) {
try {
if ( args . host ) {
let siteHost = _ . trim ( args . host )
if ( siteHost . endsWith ( '/' ) ) {
siteHost = siteHost . slice ( 0 , - 1 )
WIKI . config . host = siteHost
if ( args . title ) {
WIKI . config . title = _ . trim ( args . title )
if ( args . company ) {
WIKI . config . company = _ . trim ( args . company )
if ( args . contentLicense ) {
WIKI . config . contentLicense = args . contentLicense
if ( args . logoUrl ) {
WIKI . config . logoUrl = _ . trim ( args . logoUrl )
WIKI . config . seo = {
description : _ . get ( args , 'description' , WIKI . config . seo . description ) ,
robots : _ . get ( args , 'robots' , WIKI . config . seo . robots ) ,
analyticsService : _ . get ( args , 'analyticsService' , WIKI . config . seo . analyticsService ) ,
analyticsId : _ . get ( args , 'analyticsId' , WIKI . config . seo . analyticsId )
WIKI . config . auth = {
autoLogin : _ . get ( args , 'authAutoLogin' , WIKI . config . auth . autoLogin ) ,
enforce2FA : _ . get ( args , 'authEnforce2FA' , WIKI . config . auth . enforce2FA ) ,
hideLocal : _ . get ( args , 'authHideLocal' , WIKI . config . auth . hideLocal ) ,
loginBgUrl : _ . get ( args , 'authLoginBgUrl' , WIKI . config . auth . loginBgUrl ) ,
audience : _ . get ( args , 'authJwtAudience' , WIKI . config . auth . audience ) ,
tokenExpiration : _ . get ( args , 'authJwtExpiration' , WIKI . config . auth . tokenExpiration ) ,
tokenRenewal : _ . get ( args , 'authJwtRenewablePeriod' , WIKI . config . auth . tokenRenewal )
WIKI . config . features = {
featurePageRatings : _ . get ( args , 'featurePageRatings' , WIKI . config . features . featurePageRatings ) ,
featurePageComments : _ . get ( args , 'featurePageComments' , WIKI . config . features . featurePageComments ) ,
featurePersonalWikis : _ . get ( args , 'featurePersonalWikis' , WIKI . config . features . featurePersonalWikis )
WIKI . config . security = {
securityOpenRedirect : _ . get ( args , 'securityOpenRedirect' , WIKI . config . security . securityOpenRedirect ) ,
securityIframe : _ . get ( args , 'securityIframe' , WIKI . config . security . securityIframe ) ,
securityReferrerPolicy : _ . get ( args , 'securityReferrerPolicy' , WIKI . config . security . securityReferrerPolicy ) ,
securityTrustProxy : _ . get ( args , 'securityTrustProxy' , WIKI . config . security . securityTrustProxy ) ,
securitySRI : _ . get ( args , 'securitySRI' , WIKI . config . security . securitySRI ) ,
securityHSTS : _ . get ( args , 'securityHSTS' , WIKI . config . security . securityHSTS ) ,
securityHSTSDuration : _ . get ( args , 'securityHSTSDuration' , WIKI . config . security . securityHSTSDuration ) ,
securityCSP : _ . get ( args , 'securityCSP' , WIKI . config . security . securityCSP ) ,
securityCSPDirectives : _ . get ( args , 'securityCSPDirectives' , WIKI . config . security . securityCSPDirectives )
WIKI . config . uploads = {
maxFileSize : _ . get ( args , 'uploadMaxFileSize' , WIKI . config . uploads . maxFileSize ) ,
maxFiles : _ . get ( args , 'uploadMaxFiles' , WIKI . config . uploads . maxFiles ) ,
scanSVG : _ . get ( args , 'uploadScanSVG' , WIKI . config . uploads . scanSVG ) ,
forceDownload : _ . get ( args , 'uploadForceDownload' , WIKI . config . uploads . forceDownload )
await WIKI . configSvc . saveToDb ( [ 'host' , 'title' , 'company' , 'contentLicense' , 'seo' , 'logoUrl' , 'auth' , 'features' , 'security' , 'uploads' ] )
if ( WIKI . config . security . securityTrustProxy ) {
WIKI . app . enable ( 'trust proxy' )
} else {
WIKI . app . disable ( 'trust proxy' )
return {
responseResult : graphHelper . generateSuccess ( 'Site configuration updated successfully' )
} catch ( err ) {
return graphHelper . generateError ( err )