const CustomError = require('custom-error-instance')
module.exports = {
AssetFolderExists: CustomError('AssetFolderExists', {
message: 'An asset folder with the same name already exists.',
code: 2001
AuthAccountBanned: CustomError('AuthAccountBanned', {
message: 'Your account has been disabled.',
code: 1016
AuthAccountNotVerified: CustomError('AuthAccountNotVerified', {
message: 'You must verify your account before your can login.',
code: 1017
AuthGenericError: CustomError('AuthGenericError', {
message: 'An unexpected error occured during login.',
code: 1001
AuthLoginFailed: CustomError('AuthLoginFailed', {
message: 'Invalid email / username or password.',
code: 1002
AuthProviderInvalid: CustomError('AuthProviderInvalid', {
message: 'Invalid authentication provider.',
code: 1003
AuthAccountAlreadyExists: CustomError('AuthAccountAlreadyExists', {
message: 'An account already exists using this email address.',
code: 1004
AuthRegistrationDisabled: CustomError('AuthRegistrationDisabled', {
message: 'Registration is disabled. Contact your system administrator.',
code: 1011
AuthRegistrationDomainUnauthorized: CustomError('AuthRegistrationDomainUnauthorized', {
message: 'You are not authorized to register. Must use a whitelisted domain.',
code: 1012
AuthTFAFailed: CustomError('AuthTFAFailed', {
message: 'Incorrect TFA Security Code.',
code: 1005
AuthTFAInvalid: CustomError('AuthTFAInvalid', {
message: 'Invalid TFA Security Code or Login Token.',
code: 1006
AuthValidationTokenInvalid: CustomError('AuthValidationTokenInvalid', {
message: 'Invalid validation token.',
code: 1018
BruteInstanceIsInvalid: CustomError('BruteInstanceIsInvalid', {
message: 'Invalid Brute Force Instance.',
code: 1007
BruteTooManyAttempts: CustomError('BruteTooManyAttempts', {
message: 'Too many attempts! Try again later.',
code: 1008
InputInvalid: CustomError('InputInvalid', {
message: 'Input data is invalid.',
code: 1013
MailNotSetup: CustomError('MailNotSetup', {
message: 'Mail is not setup yet.',
code: 1014
MailTemplateFailed: CustomError('MailTemplateFailed', {
message: 'Mail template failed to load.',
code: 1015
LocaleInvalidNamespace: CustomError('LocaleInvalidNamespace', {
message: 'Invalid locale or namespace.',
code: 1009
SearchActivationFailed: CustomError('SearchActivationFailed', {
message: 'Search Engine activation failed.',
code: 1019
UserCreationFailed: CustomError('UserCreationFailed', {
message: 'An unexpected error occured during user creation.',
code: 1010