const md = require('markdown-it')
const { full: mdEmoji } = require('markdown-it-emoji')
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom')
const createDOMPurify = require('dompurify')
const _ = require('lodash')
const { AkismetClient } = require('akismet-api')
const moment = require('moment')
/* global WIKI */
const window = new JSDOM('').window
const DOMPurify = createDOMPurify(window)
let akismetClient = null
const mkdown = md({
html: false,
breaks: true,
linkify: true,
highlight(str, lang) {
return `<pre><code class="language-${lang}">${_.escape(str)}</code></pre>`
// ------------------------------------
// Default Comment Provider
// ------------------------------------
module.exports = {
* Init
async init (config) {
WIKI.logger.info('(COMMENTS/DEFAULT) Initializing...')
if (WIKI.data.commentProvider.config.akismet && WIKI.data.commentProvider.config.akismet.length > 2) {
akismetClient = new AkismetClient({
key: WIKI.data.commentProvider.config.akismet,
blog: WIKI.config.host,
lang: WIKI.config.lang.namespacing ? WIKI.config.lang.namespaces.join(', ') : WIKI.config.lang.code,
charset: 'UTF-8'
try {
const isValid = await akismetClient.verifyKey()
if (!isValid) {
akismetClient = null
WIKI.logger.warn('(COMMENTS/DEFAULT) Akismet Key is invalid! [ DISABLED ]')
} else {
WIKI.logger.info('(COMMENTS/DEFAULT) Akismet key is valid. [ OK ]')
} catch (err) {
akismetClient = null
WIKI.logger.warn('(COMMENTS/DEFAULT) Unable to verify Akismet Key: ' + err.message)
} else {
akismetClient = null
WIKI.logger.info('(COMMENTS/DEFAULT) Initialization completed.')
* Create New Comment
async create ({ page, replyTo, content, user }) {
// -> Build New Comment
const newComment = {
render: DOMPurify.sanitize(mkdown.render(content)),
pageId: page.id,
authorId: user.id,
name: user.name,
email: user.email,
ip: user.ip
// -> Check for Spam with Akismet
if (akismetClient) {
let userRole = 'user'
if (user.groups.indexOf(1) >= 0) {
userRole = 'administrator'
} else if (user.groups.indexOf(2) >= 0) {
userRole = 'guest'
let isSpam = false
try {
isSpam = await akismetClient.checkSpam({
ip: user.ip,
useragent: user.agentagent,
name: user.name,
email: user.email,
permalink: `${WIKI.config.host}/${page.localeCode}/${page.path}`,
permalinkDate: page.updatedAt,
type: (replyTo > 0) ? 'reply' : 'comment',
role: userRole
} catch (err) {
WIKI.logger.warn('Akismet Comment Validation: [ FAILED ]')
if (isSpam) {
throw new Error('Comment was rejected because it is marked as spam.')
// -> Check for minimum delay between posts
if (WIKI.data.commentProvider.config.minDelay > 0) {
const lastComment = await WIKI.models.comments.query().select('updatedAt').findOne('authorId', user.id).orderBy('updatedAt', 'desc')
if (lastComment && moment().subtract(WIKI.data.commentProvider.config.minDelay, 'seconds').isBefore(lastComment.updatedAt)) {
throw new Error('Your administrator has set a time limit before you can post another comment. Try again later.')
// -> Save Comment to DB
const cm = await WIKI.models.comments.query().insert(newComment)
// -> Return Comment ID
return cm.id
* Update an existing comment
async update ({ id, content, user }) {
const renderedContent = DOMPurify.sanitize(mkdown.render(content))
await WIKI.models.comments.query().findById(id).patch({
render: renderedContent
return renderedContent
* Delete an existing comment by ID
async remove ({ id, user }) {
return WIKI.models.comments.query().findById(id).delete()
* Get the page ID from a comment ID
async getPageIdFromCommentId (id) {
const result = await WIKI.models.comments.query().select('pageId').findById(id)
return (result) ? result.pageId : false
* Get a comment by ID
async getCommentById (id) {
return WIKI.models.comments.query().findById(id)
* Get the total comments count for a page ID
async count (pageId) {
const result = await WIKI.models.comments.query().count('* as total').where('pageId', pageId).first()
return _.toSafeInteger(result.total)