##### A modern, lightweight and powerful wiki app built on NodeJS, Git and Markdown
- [Official Website ](https://wiki.js.org/ )
- [Documentation ](#documentation )
- [Requirements ](#requirements )
- [Change Log ](https://github.com/Requarks/wiki/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md )
- [Feature Requests ](https://wikijs.canny.io/features )
- [Milestones ](#milestones )
- [Chat with us ](#gitter )
- [Translations ](#translations ) *(We need your help!)*
- [Special Thanks ](#special-thanks )
## Documentation
- [Installation Guide ](https://wiki.js.org/get-started.html )
- [Admin Guide ](https://docs.requarks.io/wiki/#admin-guide )
- [User Guide ](https://docs.requarks.io/wiki/#user-guide )
## Requirements
Wiki.js can run on virtually all platforms where Node.js can (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.).
- Node.js **6.9.0** or later
- MongoDB **3.2** or later
- Git **2.7.4** or later
- An empty Git repository (optional)
> Read the full [prerequisites](https://docs.requarks.io/wiki/prerequisites) article for full details.
## Milestones
Current and upcoming milestones *(major features only, see the [changelog](https://github.com/Requarks/wiki/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) for complete list of features and bug fixes)* :
### Beta 12
- [ ] Better localization in the UI
- [x] Heroku support
### Beta 13
- [ ] History / Revert to previous version feature
- [ ] Docker support + Auto compile/publish to Docker Hub
### Beta 14
- [ ] Insert Link modal in Editor
- [ ] Better simultaneous user editing handling
- [ ] Preview changes directly from the editor, without saving
- [ ] Upgrade from web UI
## Gitter
Want to discuss features, ideas or issues? Join our [gitter channel ](https://gitter.im/Requarks/wiki ). We are very active and friendly!
## Twitter
Follow our Twitter feed to learn about upcoming updates and new releases!
## Translations
We are looking for translators to make Wiki.js available in multiple languages. If your language is not listed below and would like to contribute to this project, contact us on our [gitter channel ](https://gitter.im/Requarks/wiki ) and we'll provide you with the necessary tool to add translations, no coding required!
**Languages that are already translated:**
- [x] English
- [x] Chinese - *Thanks to [@choicky](https://github.com/choicky)*
- [x] French
- [x] Korean - *Thanks to [@junwonpk](https://github.com/junwonpk)*
- [x] Portuguese - *Thanks to [@felipeplets](https://github.com/felipeplets)*
- [x] Russian - *Thanks to [@efimlosev](https://github.com/efimlosev)*
- [x] Spanish - *Thanks to [@MatiasArriola](https://github.com/MatiasArriola)*
## Special Thanks

[Browserstack ](https://www.browserstack.com/ ) for providing access to their great cross-browser testing tools.

[DigitalOcean ](https://www.digitalocean.com/ ) for providing hosting of the Wiki.js documentation site.