You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

149 lines
4.3 KiB

const _ = require('lodash')
const graphHelper = require('../../helpers/graph')
const typeResolvers = {
folder: 'TreeItemFolder',
page: 'TreeItemPage',
asset: 'TreeItemAsset'
const rePathName = /^[a-z0-9_]+$/
const reTitle = /^[^<>"]+$/
module.exports = {
Query: {
async tree (obj, args, context, info) {
// Offset
const offset = args.offset || 0
if (offset < 0) {
throw new Error('Invalid Offset')
// Limit
const limit = args.limit || 100
if (limit < 1 || limit > 100) {
throw new Error('Invalid Limit')
// Order By
const orderByDirection = args.orderByDirection || 'asc'
const orderBy = args.orderBy || 'title'
// Parse depth
const depth = args.depth || 0
if (depth < 0 || depth > 10) {
throw new Error('Invalid Depth')
const depthCondition = depth > 0 ? `*{,${depth}}` : '*{0}'
// Get parent path
let parentPath = ''
if (args.parentId) {
const parent = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id', args.parentId).first()
if (parent) {
parentPath = parent.folderPath ? `${parent.folderPath}.${parent.fileName}` : parent.fileName
} else if (args.parentPath) {
parentPath = args.parentPath.replaceAll('/', '.').replaceAll('-', '_').toLowerCase()
const folderPathCondition = parentPath ? `${parentPath}.${depthCondition}` : depthCondition
// Fetch Items
const items = await WIKI.db.knex('tree')
.select(WIKI.db.knex.raw('tree.*, nlevel(tree."folderPath") AS depth'))
.where(builder => {
builder.where('folderPath', '~', folderPathCondition)
if (args.includeAncestors) {
const parentPathParts = parentPath.split('.')
for (let i = 1; i <= parentPathParts.length; i++) {
folderPath: _.dropRight(parentPathParts, i).join('.'),
fileName: _.nth(parentPathParts, i * -1)
.andWhere(builder => {
if (args.types && args.types.length > 0) {
builder.whereIn('type', args.types)
{ column: 'depth' },
{ column: orderBy, order: orderByDirection }
return => ({
depth: item.depth,
type: item.type,
folderPath: item.folderPath.replaceAll('.', '/').replaceAll('_', '-'),
fileName: item.fileName,
title: item.title,
createdAt: item.createdAt,
updatedAt: item.updatedAt,
...(item.type === 'folder') && {
childrenCount: 0
Mutation: {
async createFolder (obj, args, context) {
try {
// Get parent path
let parentPath = ''
if (args.parentId) {
const parent = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where('id', args.parentId).first()
parentPath = parent ? `${parent.folderPath}.${parent.fileName}` : ''
if (parent) {
parentPath = parent.folderPath ? `${parent.folderPath}.${parent.fileName}` : parent.fileName
// Validate path name
const pathName = args.pathName.replaceAll('-', '_')
if (!rePathName.test(pathName)) {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_PATH_NAME')
// Validate title
if (!reTitle.test(args.title)) {
throw new Error('ERR_INVALID_TITLE')
// Check for collision
const existingFolder = await WIKI.db.knex('tree').where({
siteId: args.siteId,
folderPath: parentPath,
fileName: pathName
if (existingFolder) {
// Create folder
await WIKI.db.knex('tree').insert({
folderPath: parentPath,
fileName: pathName,
type: 'folder',
title: args.title,
siteId: args.siteId
return {
operation: graphHelper.generateSuccess('Folder created successfully')
} catch (err) {
return graphHelper.generateError(err)
TreeItem: {
__resolveType (obj, context, info) {
return typeResolvers[obj.type] ?? null