1. Make sure you have **Dev Containers** extension installed. (On Windows, you need the **WSL** VS Code extension as well.)
1. Reopen the project in container (from the popup in the lower-right corner of the screen when opening the project, or via the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) afterwards).
1. Once in container mode, make a copy of `config.sample.yml` and rename it to `config.yml`. There's no need to edit the file, the default values are ok.
1. From the Command Palette, run the task "Create terminals":
This will launch the server and automatically restart upon modification of any server files.
Only precompiled client assets are served in this mode. See the sections below on how to modify the frontend and run in SPA (Single Page Application) mode.
You can then access the site at `http://localhost:3001`. Notice the port being `3001` rather than `3000`. The app runs in a SPA (single-page application) mode and automatically hot-reload any modified component. Any requests made to the `/graphql` endpoint are automatically forwarded to the server running on port `3000`, which is why both must be running at the same time.
Note that not all sections/features are available from this mode, notably the page editing features which still relies on the old client code (Vuetify/Vue 2). For example, trying to edit a page will simply not work. You must use the normal mode (port 3000) to edit pages as it relies on legacy client code. As more features gets ported / developed for Vue 3, they will become available in the SPA mode.
Client code from Wiki.js 2.x is located under `/client`. Some sections still rely on this legacy code (notably the page editing features). Code is gradually being removed from this location and replaced with newer code in `/ux`.
In the unlikely event that you need to modify legacy code and regenerate the old client files, you can do so by running in this command in the left-side terminal (Server):