# Build-Time Data Loading VitePress provides a feature called **data loaders** that allows you to load arbitrary data and import it from pages or components. The data loading is executed **only at build time**: the resulting data will be serialized as JSON in the final JavaScript bundle. Data loaders can be used to fetch remote data, or generate metadata based on local files. For example, you can use data loaders to parse all your local API pages and automatically generate an index of all API entries. ## Basic Usage A data loader file must end with either `.data.js` or `.data.ts`. The file should provide a default export of an object with the `load()` method: ```js // example.data.js export default { load() { return { hello: 'world' } } } ``` The loader module is evaluated only in Node.js, so you can import Node APIs and npm dependencies as needed. You can then import data from this file in `.md` pages and `.vue` components using the `data` named export: ```vue
{{ data }}``` Output: ```json { "hello": "world" } ``` You'll notice the data loader itself does not export the `data`. It is VitePress calling the `load()` method behind the scenes and implicitly exposing the result via the `data` named export. This works even if the loader is async: ```js export default { async load() { // fetch remote data return (await fetch('...')).json() } } ``` ## Data from Local Files When you need to generate data based on local files, you should use the `watch` option in the data loader so that changes made to these files can trigger hot updates. The `watch` option is also convenient in that you can use [glob patterns](https://github.com/mrmlnc/fast-glob#pattern-syntax) to match multiple files. The patterns can be relative to the loader file itself, and the `load()` function will receive the matched files as absolute paths. The following example shows loading CSV files and transforming them into JSON using [csv-parse](https://github.com/adaltas/node-csv/tree/master/packages/csv-parse/). Because this file only executes at build time, you will not be shipping the CSV parser to the client! ```js import fs from 'node:fs' import { parse } from 'csv-parse/sync' export default { watch: ['./data/*.csv'], load(watchedFiles) { // watchedFiles will be an array of absolute paths of the matched files. // generate an array of blog post metadata that can be used to render // a list in the theme layout return watchedFiles.map((file) => { return parse(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8'), { columns: true, skip_empty_lines: true }) }) } } ``` ## `createContentLoader` When building a content focused site, we often need to create an "archive" or "index" page: a page where we list all available entries in our content collection, for example blog posts or API pages. We **can** implement this directly with the data loader API, but since this is such a common use case, VitePress also provides a `createContentLoader` helper to simplify this: ```js // posts.data.js import { createContentLoader } from 'vitepress' export default createContentLoader('posts/*.md', /* options */) ``` The helper takes a glob pattern relative to the [source directory](./routing#source-directory), and returns a `{ watch, load }` data loader object that can be used as the default export in a data loader file. It also implements caching based on file modified timestamps to improve dev performance. Note the loader only works with Markdown files - matched non-Markdown files will be skipped. The loaded data will be an array with the type of `ContentData[]`: ```ts interface ContentData { // mapped URL for the page. e.g. /posts/hello.html (does not include base) // manually iterate or use custom `transform` to normalize the paths url: string // frontmatter data of the page frontmatter: Record