import { createRequire } from 'module' import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress' const require = createRequire(import.meta.url) const pkg = require('vitepress/package.json') export default defineConfig({ lang: 'en-US', title: 'VitePress', description: 'Vite & Vue powered static site generator.', lastUpdated: true, cleanUrls: true, head: [['meta', { name: 'theme-color', content: '#3c8772' }]], markdown: { headers: { level: [0, 0] } }, themeConfig: { nav: nav(), sidebar: { '/guide/': sidebarGuide(), '/config/': sidebarConfig(), '/api/': sidebarGuide() }, editLink: { pattern: '', text: 'Edit this page on GitHub' }, socialLinks: [ { icon: 'github', link: '' } ], footer: { message: 'Released under the MIT License.', copyright: 'Copyright © 2019-present Evan You' }, algolia: { appId: '8J64VVRP8K', apiKey: 'a18e2f4cc5665f6602c5631fd868adfd', indexName: 'vitepress' }, carbonAds: { code: 'CEBDT27Y', placement: 'vuejsorg' } } }) function nav() { return [ { text: 'Guide', link: '/guide/what-is-vitepress', activeMatch: '/guide/' }, { text: 'Config Reference', link: '/config/introduction', activeMatch: '/config/' }, { text: 'Runtime API', link: '/api/', activeMatch: '/api/' }, { text: pkg.version, items: [ { text: 'Changelog', link: '' }, { text: 'Contributing', link: '' } ] } ] } function sidebarGuide() { return [ { text: 'Introduction', collapsed: false, items: [ { text: 'What is VitePress?', link: '/guide/what-is-vitepress' }, { text: 'Getting Started', link: '/guide/getting-started' }, { text: 'Configuration', link: '/guide/configuration' }, { text: 'Routing', link: '/guide/routing' }, { text: 'Deploying', link: '/guide/deploying' } ] }, { text: 'Writing', collapsed: false, items: [ { text: 'Markdown Extensions', link: '/guide/markdown' }, { text: 'Asset Handling', link: '/guide/asset-handling' }, { text: 'Frontmatter', link: '/guide/frontmatter' }, { text: 'Using Vue in Markdown', link: '/guide/using-vue' }, { text: 'Internationalization', link: '/guide/i18n' } ] }, { text: 'Customization', collapsed: false, items: [ { text: 'Default Theme', link: '/guide/default-theme' }, { text: 'Extending the Default Theme', link: '/guide/customization-extending-default-theme' }, { text: 'Building a Custom Theme', link: '/guide/customization-intro' }, { text: 'Runtime API', link: '/api/' }, { text: 'Build-Time Data Loading', link: '/guide/data-loading' } ] }, { text: 'Migrations', collapsed: false, items: [ { text: 'Migration from VuePress', link: '/guide/migration-from-vuepress' }, { text: 'Migration from VitePress 0.x', link: '/guide/migration-from-vitepress-0' } ] } ] } function sidebarConfig() { return [ { text: 'Config Reference', items: [ { text: 'Introduction', link: '/config/introduction' }, { text: 'App Config', link: '/config/app-config' }, { text: 'Default Theme Config', link: '/config/theme-config' }, { text: 'Frontmatter Config', link: '/config/frontmatter-config' } ] } ] }