# Internationalization

To use the built-in i18n features, one needs to create a directory structure as follows:

├─ es/
│  ├─ foo.md
├─ fr/
│  ├─ foo.md
├─ foo.md

Then in `docs/.vitepress/config.ts`:

import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress'

export default defineConfig({
  // shared properties and other top-level stuff...

  locales: {
    root: {
      label: 'English',
      lang: 'en'
    fr: {
      label: 'French',
      lang: 'fr', // optional, will be added  as `lang` attribute on `html` tag
      link: '/fr/guide' // default /fr/ -- shows on navbar translations menu, can be external

      // other locale specific properties...

The following properties can be overridden for each locale (including root):

interface LocaleSpecificConfig<ThemeConfig = any> {
  lang?: string
  dir?: string
  title?: string
  titleTemplate?: string | boolean
  description?: string
  head?: HeadConfig[] // will be merged with existing head entries, duplicate meta tags are automatically removed
  themeConfig?: ThemeConfig // will be shallow merged, common stuff can be put in top-level themeConfig entry

Refer [`DefaultTheme.Config`](https://github.com/vuejs/vitepress/blob/main/types/default-theme.d.ts) interface for details on customizing the placeholder texts of the default theme. Don't override `themeConfig.algolia` or `themeConfig.carbonAds` at locale-level. Refer [Algolia docs](../reference/default-theme-search#i18n) for using multilingual search.

**Pro tip:** Config file can be stored at `docs/.vitepress/config/index.ts` too. It might help you organize stuff by creating a configuration file per locale and then merge and export them from `index.ts`.

## Separate directory for each locale

The following is a perfectly fine structure:

├─ en/
│  ├─ foo.md
├─ es/
│  ├─ foo.md
├─ fr/
   ├─ foo.md

However, VitePress won't redirect `/` to `/en/` by default. You'll need to configure your server for that. For example, on Netlify, you can add a `docs/public/_redirects` file like this:

/*  /es/:splat  302  Language=es
/*  /fr/:splat  302  Language=fr
/*  /en/:splat  302

**Pro tip:** If using the above approach, you can use `nf_lang` cookie to persist user's language choice. A very basic way to do this is register a watcher inside the [setup](./custom-theme#using-a-custom-theme) function of custom theme:

// docs/.vitepress/theme/index.ts
import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme'

export default {
  setup() {
    const { lang } = useData()
    watchEffect(() => {
      if (inBrowser) {
        document.cookie = `nf_lang=${lang.value}; expires=Mon, 1 Jan 2024 00:00:00 UTC; path=/`

## RTL Support (Experimental)

For RTL support, specify `dir: 'rtl'` in config and use some RTLCSS PostCSS plugin like <https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss>, <https://github.com/vkalinichev/postcss-rtl> or <https://github.com/elchininet/postcss-rtlcss>. You'll need to configure your PostCSS plugin to use `:where([dir="ltr"])` and `:where([dir="rtl"])` as prefixes to prevent CSS specificity issues.