# Global Component VitePress comes with few built-in component that can be used globally. You may use these components in your markdown or your custom theme configuration. ## Content The `Content` component displays the rendered markdown contents. Useful [when creating your own theme](https://vitepress.vuejs.org/guide/customization.html). ```vue <template> <h1>Custom Layout!</h1> <Content /> </template> ``` ## ClientOnly The `ClientOnly` component renderes its slot only at client side. Because VitePress applications are server-rendered in Node.js when generating static builds, any Vue usage must conform to the universal code requirements. In short, make sure to only access Browser / DOM APIs in beforeMount or mounted hooks. If you are using or demoing components that are not SSR-friendly (for example, contain custom directives), you can wrap them inside the `ClientOnly` component. ```html <ClientOnly> <NonSSRFriendlyComponent /> </ClientOnly> ``` ## OutboundLink The indicator `OutboundLink` is used to denote external links. In VitePress, this component has been followed by every external link.