# Using Vue in Markdown In VitePress, each Markdown file is compiled into HTML and then processed as a [Vue Single-File Component](https://vuejs.org/guide/scaling-up/sfc.html). This means you can use any Vue features inside the Markdown, including dynamic templating, using Vue components, or arbitrary in-page Vue component logic by adding a ` ## Markdown Content The count is: {{ count }} ``` :::warning Avoid ` ``` ## Browser API Access Restrictions Because VitePress applications are server-rendered in Node.js when generating static builds, any Vue usage must conform to the [universal code requirements](https://vuejs.org/guide/scaling-up/ssr.html). In short, make sure to only access Browser / DOM APIs in `beforeMount` or `mounted` hooks. If you are using or demoing components that are not SSR-friendly (for example, contain custom directives), you can wrap them inside the built-in `` component: ```md ``` Note this does not fix components or libraries that access Browser APIs **on import**. To use code that assumes a browser environment on import, you need to dynamically import them in proper lifecycle hooks: ```vue ``` If your module `export default` a Vue component, you can register it dynamically: ```vue ``` **Also see:** - [Vue.js > Dynamic Components](https://vuejs.org/guide/essentials/component-basics.html#dynamic-components) ## Using Teleports Vitepress currently has SSG support for teleports to body only. For other targets, you can wrap them inside the built-in `` component or inject the teleport markup into the correct location in your final page HTML through [`postRender` hook](../reference/site-config#postrender). ::: details <<< @/components/ModalDemo.vue ::: ```md
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