# Global Computed In VitePress, some core [computed properties](https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/computed.html#computed-properties) can be used by the default theme or custom themes. Or directly in Markdown pages using vue, for example using `$frontmatter.title` to access the title defined in the frontmatter section of the page. ## $site This is the `$site` value of the site you're currently reading: ```js { base: '/', lang: 'en-US', title: 'VitePress', description: 'Vite & Vue powered static site generator.', head: [], locales: {}, themeConfig: $themeConfig } ``` ## $themeConfig Refers to `$site.themeConfig`. ```js { locales: {}, repo: 'vuejs/vitepress', docsDir: 'docs', editLinks: true, editLinkText: 'Edit this page on GitHub', lastUpdated: 'Last Updated', nav: [...], sidebar: { ... } } ``` ## $page This is the `$page` value of the page you're currently reading: ```js { relativePath: 'guide/global-computed.md', title: 'Global Computed', headers: [ { level: 2, title: '$site', slug: 'site' }, { level: 2, title: '$page', slug: '$page' }, ... ], frontmatter: $frontmatter, lastUpdated: 1606297645000 } ``` ## $frontmatter Reference of `$page.frontmatter`. ```js { title: 'Docs with VitePress', editLink: true } ``` ## $title Value of the `