import { copy, remove } from 'fs-extra' import { watch } from 'chokidar' import { normalizePath } from 'vite' function toClientAndNode(method, file) { file = normalizePath(file) if (method === 'copy') { copy(file, file.replace(/^src\/shared\//, 'src/node/')) copy(file, file.replace(/^src\/shared\//, 'src/client/')) } else if (method === 'remove') { remove(file.replace(/^src\/shared\//, 'src/node/')) remove(file.replace(/^src\/shared\//, 'src/client/')) } } function toDist(file) { return normalizePath(file).replace(/^src\//, 'dist/') } // copy shared files to the client and node directory whenever they change. watch('src/shared/**/*.ts') .on('change', (file) => toClientAndNode('copy', file)) .on('add', (file) => toClientAndNode('copy', file)) .on('unlink', (file) => toClientAndNode('remove', file)) // copy non ts files, such as an html or css, to the dist directory whenever // they change. watch('src/client/**/!(*.ts|tsconfig.json)') .on('change', (file) => copy(file, toDist(file))) .on('add', (file) => copy(file, toDist(file))) .on('unlink', (file) => remove(toDist(file)))