- The main reason behind this change is because previously the FS-based
timestamp is inaccurate and will change on every remote deployment in
CI environments, resulting in cache invalidation on every build. Using
git timestamps makes them stable.
- This is now disabled by default for performance reasons, as getting
the git timestamp requires spawning a child process and is expensive.
To enable it, use the new `lastUpdated: true` config option.
Fixes the case when using a completely custom theme, importing anything
from vitepress causes the entire default theme to be imported too.
BREAKING CHANGE: the default theme is now exposed via 'vitepress/theme',
instead of a named export from 'vitepress'.
BREAKING CHANGE: `$theme` global computed is renamed to `$themeConfig`
to align better with VuePress.
Co-authored-by: Kia King Ishii <kia.king.08@gmail.com>
* feat: set language selector on navbar
* feat: hide language selector if no other langages contents
* feat: i18n selectText
* fix: move language selector before repo link
* fix: change reference of locales
* fix: fix not to fail when no locales