feat: shouldPreload hook

Evan You 3 years ago
parent f5308d746f
commit e721d60585

@ -39,29 +39,43 @@ export async function renderPage(
const pageData = JSON.parse(__pageData)
const preloadLinks = (
? appChunk
? [appChunk.fileName]
: []
: result && appChunk
? [
...new Set([
// resolve imports for index.js + page.md.js and inject script tags for
// them as well so we fetch everything as early as possible without having
// to wait for entry chunks to parse
...resolvePageImports(config, page, result, appChunk),
let preloadLinks = config.mpa
? appChunk
? [appChunk.fileName]
: []
: result && appChunk
? [
...new Set([
// resolve imports for index.js + page.md.js and inject script tags for
// them as well so we fetch everything as early as possible without having
// to wait for entry chunks to parse
...resolvePageImports(config, page, result, appChunk),
: []
let prefetchLinks: string[] = []
const { shouldPreload } = config
if (shouldPreload) {
prefetchLinks = preloadLinks.filter((link) => !shouldPreload(link, page))
preloadLinks = preloadLinks.filter((link) => shouldPreload(link, page))
const preloadLinksString = preloadLinks
.map((file) => {
return `<link rel="modulepreload" href="${siteData.base}${file}">`
.join('\n ')
const prefetchLinkString = prefetchLinks
.map((file) => {
return `<link rel="prefetch" href="${siteData.base}${file}">`
.join('\n ')
const stylesheetLink = cssChunk
? `<link rel="stylesheet" href="${siteData.base}${cssChunk.fileName}">`
: ''
@ -105,7 +119,8 @@ export async function renderPage(
pageData.description || siteData.description
@ -135,7 +150,7 @@ function resolvePageImports(
appChunk: OutputChunk
) {
// find the page's js chunk and inject script tags for its imports so that
// they are start fetching as early as possible
// they start fetching as early as possible
const srcPath = normalizePath(
fs.realpathSync(path.resolve(config.srcDir, page))

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ export interface UserConfig<ThemeConfig = any> {
srcDir?: string
srcExclude?: string[]
shouldPreload?: (link: string, page: string) => boolean
* Enable MPA / zero-JS mode
@ -60,7 +61,11 @@ export type RawConfigExports =
| Promise<UserConfig>
| (() => UserConfig | Promise<UserConfig>)
export interface SiteConfig<ThemeConfig = any> {
export interface SiteConfig<ThemeConfig = any>
extends Pick<
'markdown' | 'vue' | 'vite' | 'shouldPreload' | 'mpa'
> {
root: string
srcDir: string
site: SiteData<ThemeConfig>
@ -70,10 +75,6 @@ export interface SiteConfig<ThemeConfig = any> {
tempDir: string
alias: AliasOptions
pages: string[]
markdown: MarkdownOptions | undefined
vue: VuePluginOptions | undefined
vite: ViteConfig | undefined
mpa: boolean
const resolve = (root: string, file: string) =>
@ -127,6 +128,7 @@ export async function resolveConfig(
alias: resolveAliases(themeDir),
vue: userConfig.vue,
vite: userConfig.vite,
shouldPreload: userConfig.shouldPreload,
mpa: !!userConfig.mpa
