wip: lean builds

Evan You 4 years ago
parent 0025af12f4
commit 42bac424fe

@ -34,11 +34,22 @@ export function createApp() {
let isInitialPageLoad = inBrowser
* @type string
let initialPath
const router = createRouter((route) => {
let pagePath = route.path.replace(/\.html$/, '')
if (pagePath.endsWith('/')) {
pagePath += 'index'
if (isInitialPageLoad) {
initialPath = pagePath
if (__DEV__) {
// awlays force re-fetch content in dev
pagePath += `.md?t=${Date.now()}`
@ -46,11 +57,15 @@ export function createApp() {
// in production, each .md file is built into a .md.js file following
// the path conversion scheme.
// /foo/bar.html -> /js/foo_bar.md.js
// TODO handle base
pagePath = './' + pagePath.slice(1).replace(/\//g, '_') + '.md.js'
const useLeanBuild = isInitialPageLoad || initialPath === pagePath
pagePath =
(inBrowser ? __BASE__ + '_assets/' : './') +
pagePath.slice(1).replace(/\//g, '_') +
(useLeanBuild ? '.md.lean.js' : '.md.js')
if (inBrowser) {
isInitialPageLoad = false
// in browser: native dynamic import
return import(pagePath).then((page) => {
if (page.__pageData) {

lib/shim.d.ts vendored

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
declare const __DEV__: boolean
declare const __BASE__: string
declare module '*.vue' {
import { ComponentOptions } from 'vue'

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ export async function bundle(
const resolver = createResolver(config.themeDir)
const markdownToVue = createMarkdownToVueRenderFn(root)
let isClientBuild = true
const VitePressPlugin: Plugin = {
name: 'vitepress',
resolveId(id) {
@ -58,6 +60,18 @@ export async function bundle(
) + '.js'
if (isClientBuild) {
// inject another chunk with the content stripped
bundle[name + '-lean'] = {
fileName: chunk.fileName.replace(/\.js$/, '.lean.js'),
code: chunk.code.replace(
/createStaticVNode\([^)]+, (\d+)\)/g,
`createStaticVNode("", $1)`
@ -99,6 +113,7 @@ export async function bundle(
const clientResult = await build(viteOptions)
console.log('building server bundle...')
isClientBuild = false
const serverResult = await ssrBuild({
outDir: config.tempDir

@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ export async function renderPage(
// them as well so we fetch everything as early as possible without having
// to wait for entry chunks to parse
...resolvePageImports(config, page, result),
// for any initial page load, we only need the lean version of the page js
// since the static content is already on the page!
pageJsFileName.replace(/\.js$/, '.lean.js'),
.map((file) => {

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ export const createMarkdownRenderer = (
): MarkdownRenderer => {
const md = MarkdownIt({
html: true,
linkify: true,

@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ export function createMarkdownToVueRenderFn(
: data.hoistedTags || []
const vueSrc =
`<template><div class="vitepress-content">${html}</div></template>\n` +
additionalBlocks.join('\n') +
`\n<template><div class="vitepress-content">${html}</div></template>`
debug(`[render] ${file} in ${Date.now() - start}ms.`)
const result = { vueSrc, pageData }
